MovieChat Forums > The Invisible Man (2020) Discussion > So she slit her wrist open pretty badly ...

So she slit her wrist open pretty badly and then just brushed it off?

She literally takes a sharp pen, stabs it into her wrist and splits her wrist open down her entire wrist, the way alot of people kill themselves going straight down instead of across.

But then she gets stopped by Adrian or his brother, and she goes "Gotcha" and then after that its like it was nothing more than a paper cut, theres no blood at all going down her arm, she falls on the floor and crawls and theres no sign of blood from her wrist, and she doesn't seem to be feeling any pain from it.

Thats a pretty serious injury, and there would be a lot of blood loss, but when we get a glimpse of her wrist during the institution scuffle its not even bleeding.


Can someone answer this one please, as this is bugging me.

The other thing which bugs me is the supernatural levels of physical power which both brothers seemed to possess.


Yea, it's a plot hole. Re the suit: it confers superpowers, namely increased strength and speed--you noticed how he got the knife from her sister's neck into the grip of her hand in a split instant, also the way the brothers were able to throw people around like ragdolls.


Super strength and speed don't seem implied by the suits' structures or the fact that Griffin's areas of expertise was optics


There's no other explanation for how she overpowers Adrian at the end, holding down both hands AND forcing him to cut his own throat. There'd be no element of surprise - he KNOWS he's got another suit and he knows SHE knows.


A bit late to the party but I've just watched this and feel the same way. No way could she overpower him like that. The moment he felt pressure on his arm, he would resist.

Another issue would be the fitting of the suit. It not like a coat you could just put on, they appear bespoke and fitted to the intended wearer. They'd have different size bodies etc.


they appear bespoke and fitted to the intended wearer. They'd have different size bodies etc

Good point. Easy to argue that the suit's flexible, but those little projectors have a fixed number and arrangement. They'd have been tailored for Griffin and his brother, definitely not for Cecilia, whose body shape should have resulted in visible distortion.

However to answer the OP's original question, I agree with the posters below that we're just supposed to assume that, because she was faking it, the wound wasn't as bad as it looked.

Also, I think both the wrist-slash and non-bespoke Invisi-Suit can be more reasonably forgiven if one treats this as Blumhouse-branded horror (like Peele's movies) rather than hard science fiction (like "The Invisible Man" SciFi Channel series or Verhoeven's "Hollow Man").

IOW, I can accept wonky science like "tethered doppelgängers" and brain-transplants if the movies only uses them as plot devices to scare us in interesting ways. I'm less forgiving if the movie relies on technology as its central theme.


Indeed. Something else that bugged me about the suit was the jump scare reveal when he got covered in white paint. A, there were no footprints in the paint at the base of the ladder and leading away from it and B, most egregiously, he was not immediately visible for the rest of that sequence. If you've ever tried to clean up a paint spill you how much of an absolute pain it is. It requires a lot of effort and after the first attempt, all you've probably done is spread it around a bit. Especially with that suit, all the lenses, nooks and crannies, whatever fabric it is, 100% impossible. OK I thought, lets assume he's made it hydrophobic, that would be smart. But no, they showed he cleaned it all off, every last drop in the kitchen sink, without a mirror or anything. A little bit farfetched.

Another plot hole is you have a room full of people thinking Cecilia murdered her sister in the restaurant but oh, don't worry the police think it was the brother that slit her throat and made it look like it was Cecilia. Now there is video footage of the exact same scenario playing out to someone else. Not suspicious at all...


Yeah. Both die the same way, the cops know invisibility is real. Coincidenza??? But her cocky attitude at the end kinda suggested: "Prove it. It's all on tape." Unasked, and unanswered: Was she going to keep the baby??


I think when you can't see it coming, anything throws you for a loop?


it's ANOTHER shitty remake of a horror movie. You played yourself by watching it


my only guess is that she faked stabbing herself and used the shower as a trick to make Adrian believe.


How'd she fake stab herself? we saw blood coming out when she slit her wrist, it then disappeared after she hit him and tried to get away.


Via terrible scriptwriting.


I think this suit maybe does confer superstrength. As for the slitting of her wrists, that looks like a plothole except that I’m going to assume that she purposely aimed to miss her veins.


I would say suspension of disbelief, I noticed it also and just ignored.


From what I remember she never stabs her wrist, because Adrian stops her just before the pen hits. It's not made terribly clear in the way it's shot though.


Just watched this. She does indeed cut down her wrist a significant length and there is blood but I guess it just wasn't very deep as she'd have bled out in a few minutes had she opened up an artery.


I thought it was the ink from the pen.


Who puts red ink in a fountain pen? No one in this film.


The ink didn't appear red, it appeared black. Blood often appears close to black anyway (esp. in movies,) so it all worked out in the end.


Well I saw red blood. Not red or black ink.


I believe she was making it seem that way. She made the fountain pen leak heavily while drawing down her in arm.


Wasn't just her. She stabbed him in the neck a few times with that pen, and after squirming away, instead of bleeding out (what should have happened) , he went back to being damn near invincible and took down four or five hospital guards. Still, it was an entertaining enough movie, which made it easier to overlook little details like that.
