MovieChat Forums > The Shannara Chronicles (2016) Discussion > does any mainstream show have the guts t...

does any mainstream show have the guts to not kowtow to feminism?

Three minutes into the pilot and already not subtle at all. The TOTALLY cliche scene with the guys whispering nervously when a woman does something the men normally do and the predictable dialogue that if most men really care or not. Sure women can do whatever they want if they are fit for it and so on....EQUALITY YAY!!!!....but I'm getting sick of this crap that ALWAYS make most men look like they are holding women back...or at the very least "threatened by a strong intelligent independent woman"....which is total *beep* We are going to look back at this time in history as the time when we were weakest and society almost crumbled because of the pointless idiotic gender war perpetuated by feminism.



Three minutes into the pilot and already not subtle at all. The TOTALLY cliche scene with the guys whispering nervously when a woman does something the men normally do and the predictable dialogue that if most men really care or not. Sure women can do whatever they want if they are fit for it and so on....EQUALITY YAY!!!!....but I'm getting sick of this crap that ALWAYS make most men look like they are holding women back...or at the very least "threatened by a strong intelligent independent woman"....which is total *beep* We are going to look back at this time in history as the time when we were weakest and society almost crumbled because of the pointless idiotic gender war perpetuated by feminism.

Why are the rest of you falling for this alt-right MRA gamergater bullsh!t?

OP: Welcome to ignore prick.

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution?
~Groucho Marx


you could accept it as a shorthand version of the book - gets the point across with concise brevity.


Do your research, its written in the 70s


First, how is that MTV crap "mainstream"?

Second, why is the truth making you sick? If it's an allergy, you should seek out professional help. You're welcome.

Third, a good dose of empathy would do you good but I'll settle for hoping karma really is a bitch and you spend some time in your next life as a woman. Preferably in Iran or another one of those advanced countries that agree with you on women's rights being idiotic.


Yeah, cliches abound but probably it serves to provide drama for the story. Dramatic tension is necessary so why not exploit the idea of gender conflict? Give something for women to identify with and enjoy beyond general storytelling. It's a pity though if the producers are deliberately exploiting the female section of the audience in order to pull in ratings. Equally, it's crazy to overemphasize the gender conflict aspect implying that men are the big issue versus other problems, though I don't think they overplayed it in this show.
