MovieChat Forums > The Shannara Chronicles (2016) Discussion > does any mainstream show have the guts t...

does any mainstream show have the guts to not kowtow to feminism?

Three minutes into the pilot and already not subtle at all. The TOTALLY cliche scene with the guys whispering nervously when a woman does something the men normally do and the predictable dialogue that if most men really care or not. Sure women can do whatever they want if they are fit for it and so on....EQUALITY YAY!!!!....but I'm getting sick of this crap that ALWAYS make most men look like they are holding women back...or at the very least "threatened by a strong intelligent independent woman"....which is total *beep* We are going to look back at this time in history as the time when we were weakest and society almost crumbled because of the pointless idiotic gender war perpetuated by feminism.


"Sweaty elf boy hate." LOL Even with something as cheesy and trivial as that line of dialogue....reverse the gender roles and see the butt hurt offended pc brigade emerge from the shadows in force.


"Sweaty elf boy hate." LOL Even with something as cheesy and trivial as that line of dialogue....reverse the gender roles and see the butt hurt offended pc brigade emerge from the shadows in force.



Oh my God get over it.



Complaining about women doing things outside of being love interests. What is it about women being proactive that makes you so angry?


LOL spoken like a predictable feminist. I never said I had a problem with provocative women. I also never complained about women doing anything outside of love interest. Read my post again and apply logic.
Anything else Mari? Who needs to get over what now? I made my point clearly and your are saying I think women should be barefoot and in the kitchen...this is why we hate you feminists.


I wouldn't want a feminist in my kitchen. They can't cook if their voting rights depended on it. Just give them 50% off boo b jobs and feminists will shut up. They just want attention like all women. Me me me me mee....


LOL spoken like a predictable feminist. I never said I had a problem with provocative women. I also never complained about women doing anything outside of love interest. Read my post again and apply logic.
Anything else Mari? Who needs to get over what now? I made my point clearly and your are saying I think women should be barefoot and in the kitchen...this is why we hate you feminists.

Um when did I say this?

This is one of the problems with feminists. You make it ALL about women. I was talking about men being portrayed negatively in film and tv and the invasion of radical feminism of film and tv. Then you use an ad hominem to make it look like I think women should not be provocative or a anything more than a love interest. You are a jerk.

What men are being portrayed negatively in Shannara? Give me a break.


By the way I was referring to a specific scene with a subtle cliche culturally ingrained anti-male connotation. Not saying that the writers of Shannara hate men or something like that. lol

Correct that you didn't actually say "you think women should be barefoot in the kitchen." The point was that your predictable shaming tactic actually saying "complaining about women doing things outside of being love interests. What is it about women being proactive that makes you so angry?" (You DID say this *beep* is insulting and you might as well just flat out call me a misogynistic piece of *beep* and throw more straw men at me. Is saying women should be barefoot in the kitchen much different than being threatened by strong or provocative women....NEWS FLASH......I was never talking about women....I'm talking about men.
.....How did you not notice that I was complaining about how men were depicted IN THE SPECIFIC SCENE I WAS TALKING ABOUT as being threatened by a strong provocative woman? lol.....then what did you go ahead and accuse me of doing? Is everybody here reading this *beep* lol Too perfect. Once again proving feminists are the unequalled masters of hypocrisy and projection. You can't make this *beep* up people. lol


Mari said proactive, not "provocative." Freudian slip much?

And you might want to re-frame your argument if your problem is with 'action-girl-versus-boorish-lunkheads' cliches. Because that's one thing, but when you say **** like "won't anyone stand up to feminism," people who actually know what feminism is about (hint: "equality, yay!") read that and see "won't anyone stand up for sexism?" If you're vilifying a movement predicated on anti-sexist egalitarianism, you're celebrating sexist douchebaggery. And no, it doesn't matter what you think "feminism" means-- it has a meaning independent of your opinion, it's in the dictionary, look it up.

I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars & warrior-poets.


Again, in English this time please. Thanks.


That was English. I was an English major. It's not my fault if your own education in this area is deficient.

I'm an island- peopled by bards, scientists, judges, soldiers, artists, scholars & warrior-poets.


This is one of the problems with feminists. You make it ALL about women. I was talking about men being portrayed negatively in film and tv and the invasion of radical feminism of film and tv. Then you use an ad hominem to make it look like I think women should not be provocative or a anything more than a love interest. You are a jerk.


Feminist does not equal woman....why can't you feminists understand that no means no? lol


The answer is no, because women like it and women are usually half of the viewing audience.



You sound like a feminist.


Let's put it this way ... no, Hollywood doesn't know how to portrait feminism right but the reason probably is that Hollywood is still dominated by males that just don't "get it".

See, Hollywood doesn't have any morals themselves, they will do and say whatever brings in the most money. Feminism has advanced enough to be recognized as something important enough to include in movies but not enough to be fully understood. So, we get the Hollywood version of feminism, much like we get the Hollywood version of everything else they do not understand. And quite frankly, they don't have to. Because their version is convincing enough for the average woman to feel excited about. In fact, their flawed version sells better than the real one, so why bother?

It's like ads for house cleaning products that show males as bumbling fools ... women feel superior when watching that, but in the end they still buy house cleaning products and do the work the men can't/won't/don't do. The "male can't stand a woman doing manly things" trope is here to stay because it sells. Yes, it's idiotic and ironic: Women that fall for this simple trick are usually those that also drool over manly men and when heroes that fight for their woman, they are typically also the type of woman that, in real life, expect the man to pay for the meal etc. But that's how the world works, we all think in cliches and don't really want to hear the truth.


"Hollywood is still dominated by males that just don't "get it""...I'll just gloss over how kinda sexist that is and say that If they didn't "get it" in the way that feminists think, they would be at least somewhat misogynists and they wouldn't be trying to "get it." Hollywood is bending over backwards to pander to the feminist minority. They just want to make money and don't care about politics...feminists do and have all the talking power. Stop acting like equality is this complex thing in application that people need Gloria Steinem to explain...who by the way is an evil piece of *beep* Feminists turn on each other in a heart beat if one disagrees each other when there is no consistent feminist clear guidelines. don't tell me about "getting it." "REAL" feminists villainize everything based on their own PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL OPINION. All the loud or even moderately vocal voices in feminism are all very sexist(against men and unknowingly against women) and extreme to the point of wanting to teach all men not to rape and discourage women from learning self defense. Just let go of feminism and your feminist leaders. They don't care about you. It really is that simple. These are selfish damaged unfortunate souls who want to control though moral posturing. It really is just uninhibited human nature reaching for power. Be an Egalitarian. THAT is what you guys mean when you refer to the word behind the definition of equality.


You should watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Pretty much every main character on that show are either opposed to feminism, or don't care for it. Several of them are also homophobic, anti-Semitic, and have appeared in blackface multiple times.

It's part of how they are broken, unpleasent and self-destructive individuals who corrupt everyone and everything around them. They barely qualify as human.
