MovieChat Forums > The Shannara Chronicles (2016) Discussion > does any mainstream show have the guts t...

does any mainstream show have the guts to not kowtow to feminism?

Three minutes into the pilot and already not subtle at all. The TOTALLY cliche scene with the guys whispering nervously when a woman does something the men normally do and the predictable dialogue that if most men really care or not. Sure women can do whatever they want if they are fit for it and so on....EQUALITY YAY!!!!....but I'm getting sick of this crap that ALWAYS make most men look like they are holding women back...or at the very least "threatened by a strong intelligent independent woman"....which is total *beep* We are going to look back at this time in history as the time when we were weakest and society almost crumbled because of the pointless idiotic gender war perpetuated by feminism.


The actual percentage of women viewers to men is something staggering like 80 percent. And more than that, they make up the main consumer base as well. TV is made for women. So no. All mainstream television will be heavily feminist so long as free market capitalism exists.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I read your comment and I believe you that you really believe what you wrote. But you are wrong.

There are many male dominated fields where scenes like that play out exactly like that in real life. For example, when I was in the army many of the guys spoke like that about the women in our unit.

If you think this is some fake cliche, you are wrong. This is reality for many women in male dominated fields and raising awareness about it and openly addressing it to start a conversation is a good thing.


yes doubt exists and sexism exists. I am not denying that. Just pointing out the overused typical stereotype of men being intimidated by strong women. That is what the scene was suggesting. Some men may be doubtful of some women's ability to perform certain tasks, but it is not park of a patriarchal conspiricy. if I was a soldier fighting in an elite combat unit and a 5'1" 90lb woman was trying to be in the unit I might be a little unsure as well. But what you will never see in mainstream entertainment is addressing any double standards against men. So don't talk about openly addressing stuff. People who advocate for men and boys issues are openly addressing sexism and being openly shunned by the mainstream feminism and villainized. Just like people say to men..."suck it up buttercup" if you want to climb high and dominate in a professional field, MANY people will doubt you for many the way the gender wage gap is bull/misrepresented stats. Women in their 20s outearn men.


Like what, men doubting women could get through the basic training men have to pass to get into the army?

There's truth to it whether you like it or not. They've had to lower the standards significantly so as not to offend the women who can't make the cut, which ultimately puts other people at risk on the battlefield.

I'd hate to be stuck, wounded, bleeding to death in Fallujah with a 90lb woman who can't drag me back to base.

This is not to say all women can't pass the same training that men go through, because a few actually can, but there is a very large biological difference in strength between the genders. Men evolved as the warrior gender and women did not - period.


...and to danzig...don't you have a feminist protest to go to where you drink menstrual blood or something? We can keep talking and siting sources and examples ofor our arguments if you want to have an ignorance contest...because feminists like you have such a good track record when arguing with siting sources and using actual facts and logic. I'm a MGTOW by the way and I don't "hang out at a voice for men" whatever that means lol..but if you think MRA's speaking up for men and boys issues is "ignorant"...I know the kind of person you are and see right through you. Your sad tactics don't work on men like us. you got nothing. lol Keep talking *beep* and coming at us with the predictable, useless, harmless and sadly telling emasculation comments and broken record illogical radical feminist talking points. Don't you have a rape encounter with your father to be fantasizing about before projecting your attitude towards men onto men's attitude towards women?


Lol at this thread being bumped, considering how little cool stuff Amberle has done compared to Wil since then, I would hardly think she is a good example of 'feminism' dominating media. One could argue Eretria is more badass than Wil, but Wil is still more formidable against demons with the Elfstones, they are pretty close in the usefulness department while faux action girl Amberle is almost useless. The 'men' who were intimidated by her were male ELVES which doesn't count since the elven race in general (male and female) on this show are pretty much pansies except for Commander Tilton, who is incidentally female lol.

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Wil is still more formidable against demons with the Elfstones

And without them he's just as useless as every other elf. I'm still waiting for Wil to earn prove his worth beyond having magic rocks.


Well without the Elfstones he has beaten up the elf torturer, taken the big elf hunter prisoner, kicked the female elf hunter in the face, engaged in a shootout with the Utopians killing one of them, and uh had Amberle hide behind him from a demon even before he knew how to use the Elfstones... and this without combat training, so I guess being a half human he comes off at least a little better than Amberle who only killed the already injured torturer while he was reloading and knocked out a random elf hunter with a tablet.

Get to know up-and-coming fantasy author Billy Wong -


In other words he's a main character. In the book Wil is a designated protagonist who only accompanies Amberle because a lack of options. The show acts like he's special. He isn't.


Quite right. WIL is the main character, not Amberle or Eretria.

In the books, Amberle is a HEALER, not some warrior princess. The Ellcrys chose Amberle as her replacement because of Amberle's gentle and compassionate nature, her willingness to sacrifice herself for her people and the world's safety.

Eretria is very competent of course, having grown up as a Rover.

Magic is the only thing that can stand against the demons. Normal weapons and fighting doesn't work against the demons who are essentially creatures of magic. That is why Allanon chose Wil to protect Amberle and accompany her, because of his Shannara blood and the Elfstones.

The whole Gauntlet run at the start of the series was stupid and pathetic. Never happened and it was the ELLCRYS that chose, not some stupid blindfolded race. And Amberle was also not the first female Chosen. The Ellcrys always but only, chose a female when she felt she was in danger.



"You can't eat the orange and throw the peel away, a man is not a piece of fruit."


yea, this feminism *beep* is something you need to overlook to enjoy this show.


> and the predictable dialogue that follows...

The predictable dialog like the fact that the very first conversation between two women in the entire show is about a boyfriend proposing marriage? That dialog? No? What, the show doesn't get credit for jumping immediately to the oldest anti-feminist trope in the business?

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


Wow mps230, you are one of the dumbest people I've come across. You know NOTHING about feminism. It's about equality for BOTH men and women. But more than it's about stopping all of the sexist and stereotypical crap that perpetuates our society. People still think that women are a monolith and we all think and act the same rather than see us as actual human beings. They see us as illogical and irrational beings, instead of again actual humans. And the "gender war" is for a good reason. Because WAY too many people are still misogynist as hell and still see women as second class citizens. Then again as a male, you are privileged, therefore you don't understand what it's like to be or feel oppressed and you never will. You only see what you want to see even if the truth is staring you in the face. And honestly this show is not that feminist because if it was they would get rid of that incredibly stupid as all hell and untrue stereotype that women are always hating each other or fighting over some stupid guy.
