MovieChat Forums > Lightyear (2022) Discussion > So are the two ladies actually lovers/le...

So are the two ladies actually lovers/lesbians? People seem to be exaggerating the scene.

I just watched it on Youtube and they only kissed for like a second. It seems that everyone is using it as an excuse for the term "lesbian". It would be much more horrifying if they did it for 5 seconds and held each other. I think we've seen this kind of thing a million times before in kids' movies. I will say though it was sad for the LGBTQIA+ to use the movie for their agenda, there was a reason they initially cut it out, but now kids films are becoming victim to the movement.


The only ones exaggerating are a particular group of people that are very anti-Hollywood (madly obsessed with them, though) for reactionary-disapproved reasons. (And oh yes, Disney is the biggest threat to these individuals in Hollywood, just ask the fascist Florida man.) That particularly group, of course, are reich wingers. You be one, aye? AgEnda! Yet another projecting propagandist screaming about agendas.

You know, it’s a mystery why the straight/pro-exclusionary agenda that was showcased/pushed forever in film, media, etc didn’t rub off on LGBTQ+ folks, huh? “But this modern agenda is against god and nature!.” Bleh. And there’s a reason evil woke Disney initially cut that reich wing-triggering moment? Gee… could it be because as hardcore woke as they are according to reich wingers, some execs still get worried that they will make, yes, hate-mongers mad? Well luckily! The many good people working in this studio (industry overall) don’t give an F about the hate agendists’ (wrong wing’s) feelings.

What’s that? Yer fellow agenda-driven reactionaries are predictably screaming gO WoKE Go BrOkE? Aww, their beloved buzzwords and battle cries are sure teaching Hollywood! Damn, then I wonder why the industry is still making lots of money if the Reich wing says everyone/most are sick of conservative-disapproved themes in “their entertainment. I mean, one would think Hollywood would be close to death with all the amount of anti-wokey scare-mongering and crying you see and hear from the reich due to how super woke (non-reich wing) things have become in an industry said reich wants to take over. Yet the reality is, the majority of film goers ain’t the reactionary chud brigade. (Lol, as if cons are really a big reason this industry is alive and well.) Keep doing your thing, Disney and the rest of H town!


>> then I wonder why the industry is still making lots of money <<

That would be thanks to NON-WOKE movies like Spider-Man: No Way Home, as opposed to woke trash like West Side Story, which is LOSING money.

Really, its not hard to figure out.


...NON-WOKE movies like Spider-Man: No Way...

Spider-Man's Asian bff was quite portly from what I remember.


Actually, Jacob Batalon lost 102 pounds for his role as Ned in this film. Ned went on a diet after the second movie. And he certainly wasn't there to "represent" Asian people or overweight people, and the producers didn't mention his race or body weight at all. A woke film would be talking about it NON-STOP in the promos for the movie, and patting themselves on the back for it.


In the words of your own cult: "We're coming for your children".


Teaching children to accept others is extremely important, were you anti Mr. Rogers too?


Are we ignoring the "we're coming for your children" part?


They don't ignore it. They embrace it.


I know you're a Christian, but if your child comes out as gay, please don't stone your children at the town square like the book of Deuteronomy states should be done to disobedient children.


or smash babies against the rocks.... cuz... you know... that's in there too.


Take a drink every time this guy says “reich wing” or some other negative play on words insult for conservatives. 🤣


I was going to say he wrote three protracted, meandering paragraphs complaining about other people being obsessed and exaggerating something


The two women are in love and happily married. The kiss is very quick and a sweet and normal show of affection between a loving married couple.


... said none of the massive majority 96% rest of the population ever


Only the homophobes and bigots have a problem with a kiss between a loving, committed same sex couple.


nope. one can not want to see something without being a "HOMOPHOBE" or "BIGOT", but think however you like. I won't waste time fixing you.


No, you are wrong. If you have a problem with a normal kiss between a gay couple, you are homophobic. If someone said they didn't want to see black couples in movies, wouldn't you think they are likely racist? If someone doesn't want to see positive portrayals of Christian in movies, wouldn't you think they have a prejudice against Christians? If someone doesn't want to see successful women portrayed in a positive way, wouldn't you suspect they might be sexist? If you are angry, upset or offended because two women shared a kiss in a movie, you are the one with a problem.


You are welcome to twist my words to fit your narrative how ever you want. I don't care. :)


Well, I don't care that you don't care.


Isn't that the idea of conservatives, though? That they have a phobia regarding "Equality"? So if they are not homophobic in the traditional sense, they are still homophobic of the "idea" regarding Homosexuality in general?


How in the . . . In What way were your words ‘twisted?


Apparently you have to watch Brokeback Mountain and be enthusiastic about it or you’re a homophobe.


exactly right.

I don't care for green beans.
I don't eat green beans.
I don't want to look at green beans.
I don't want to smell green beans.
I don't want to watch others eat green beans.
BUT, I don't care if everyone else is all about green beans.
I don't try to keep them from green beans.

I guess that means I am a GREEN BEANOPHONE and MUST HATE them.
It's hard to understand how their math works.


I demand you watch Schindler’s List you antisemite!


well, okay.... HEY WAITAMINUTE!!!!


That's not what this is about. This scene was in the movie completely unnecessarily to the plot. The only reason they included it is to promote an ideological agenda and that's what bother people. They are trying to shove homosexuality down's children's throats. Nobody ever protest a movie for adults having a same sex kiss.


You are an example of the group that was going mental when Captain Kirk and lieutenant Ohura had the first inter racial kiss on television. People said that THAT ‘agenda’ was being shoved down people’s throats too.


More like Shatner's D.


Badabum tshhh


Interracial marriage has plenty of negative side effects just like homosexuality. People who oppose it's celebration are right and those that support it are wrong. Forget what the manipulated Overton window and societal consensus on this topic seems to be. The data and logic proves you wrong.


Again... there is no using data or logic with these people. They're just permanently fucked up, living in a self made universe where actual data, logic, reality, facts, and truth are unimportant.


Interracial marriages are more likely than average to end in divorce.

Interracial couples have more domestic violence

And that's not even going into lower IQs, identity crisis and destruction of racial diversity.

If interracial marriage was good, Jews - the most intelligent population - would be practicing it. But they don't. They just promote it to the rest of us while they keep themselves pure. You're just a pinhead who's a victim of Jewish propaganda.


I like how you act as if statistics tell the entire story. You present it as there are no exceptions to a stat. It gives you an excuse to mistreat people.


I’ve never met a white supremacy advocate on a public forum. Your group has a history of sticking to the shadows. Would you be okay with answering some of my questions? I promise that they aren’t trick questions I’m purely curious.


There's essentially no such thing as a White supremacists. Nobody wants to enslave or colonize Blacks. There are only White advocates and White nationalists. The entire media and academia are explicit Black advocates. Why is it so wrong to be a White advocate?


I thought white supremacy was thinking that whites are a superior race which you clearly do. What’s wrong with the term white supremscist?


Because White identatarians don't just believe what they want to believe and that their race is superior, they follow the evidence and the evidence shows East Asians have higher IQs, lower crime rates, lower rates of rape, illegitimacy and teen pregnancies..etc. No White identatarian denies this.

Term White supremacist is wrong because the people that are called that don't want to oppress anyone. They want separation and separation is not oppression.


What is it about the term white supremacy that says it wants to oppress anyone? Supremacy means the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

That’s what you believe, so how is the term in any way inappropriate?


What is it about the term white supremacy that says it wants to oppress anyone? Supremacy means the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

By your own definition you've admitted my point. White identatarians don't want Whites an apartheid type state where one set of rules apply to Whites and others to Blacks. Right now we have privileges for Blacks in the form of affirmative action and diversity quotas. Blacks and everyone else are also allowed their special interest organizations while Whites are not. People like me only want everyone to be treated equally (in the mean time until separation is achieved).

When a Black person says a less qualified Black should get a job over a more qualified White = NOT Black supremacy
When a White person says the most qualified person should get the job regardless of race = White supremacy

I'm not a White supremacist, people like you are actually Black supremacists.


Yet they are trying to define the ENTIRE FILM by this apparently tiny action?

And by they I mean the entirety of the media, especially the left leaning media.


Hopefully if they release a director's cut they will have the scissoring in it also.


Mental defects are not really something to promote.


Homosexuals are not mental defects.


Ok maybe it's not mental so to speak.


If it was a heterosexual kiss, would it still be part of some "agenda"? Unless you are homophobic, you shouldn't have a problem with a homosexual kiss unless you'd have the same problem with a heterosexual kiss


So are the two ladies actually lovers/lesbians? People seem to be exaggerating the scene.

Married with child(ren?). The whole schmear.


Why would it be horrifying if the kiss was longer?
