MovieChat Forums > Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2010) Discussion > Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

I know th hachiko's story was real, but...

I mean c'mon all the times the cats are the bad guys, and the dog its a heroe

the cat's are noble and friendly too!!!

I want to see a film with cats!!!!

Anyway, i like that movie, what do you think?


It's based on a real story you *beep* *beep* I don't see any real story about a cat who waited for its dead owner because cats dont give a *beep*.

Cats suck


Watch "Cat's Eye". It's a fantasy movie, and General (the cat) is not exactly the main character (except maybe the last third of the film), but he's a lovely, smart, loyal, brave cat nonetheless.


Because cats are *beep* evil and scary!


While I like cats, they are usually selfish creatures who'll cling on to whoever feeds them. Dogs are not like that, they'll be loyal to the end. When my mother died, our Dog never became himself again; he knew something was amiss, and that really affected him... well, it really affected us all, of course.

Great movie btw. Should be on the TOP250, IMHO.



Cats are not loyal, and that's a fact. They just want you to feed them and sometimes pet them.


The OP of the post is correct.
Hollywood films have RARELY if ever portrayed a CAT as the wonderful, Heart-touching and beautiful animals they are in reality.
They (Hollywood) seem to always miscast them as 'bad' and/or with unlikable characters-traits. Disney's BOLT was so arrogant and annoying and baseless for the portrayal of the cat as opposed to that of the dog...
Yes, the average cat will not 'ingratiate' to his/her owners as much some dog may-- because of the clear fact that many cats have been attacked and hurt by heartless humans and their heartless children.
Humans, in general, are the ones to BLAME for the lack of trust the cat shows towards (some of)them.
The way I see it is; that if the HUMAN is a controlling-person-character-type (in life, in general) with urgent and strong NEEDS to have a pet which will be ingratiating towards them-- they will be a pro-dog owning person.
Because, the dog will give that lofty owner the "sense of loftiness" he/she so desires urgently.
If a person has a HEALTHY sense of self and a character which does NOT need to feel ingratiated towards-- they will take care and Love a cat(s) WITHOUT EXPECTING ANYTHING IN RETURN for their Loving the cat. These are mostly the pro-cat people.
True Love is Love without condition or expectancy to "get something back in return".
I Like dogs. I Love cats more (than dogs). I'd seen on a internet-video (in a news-site here in my country) a maniac and his dog murdering a poor street cat. From after seeing that, I have VERY BAD outlook towards dogs and moreover towards dog-owners...
after seeing "Hachchiko: A dog's story"... My image of dogs and dog-owners has changed somewhat now, and I understand, that maniacs with maniac-dogs will sadly exist (like in the internet-video I saw)-- but there are WONDERFUL, LOVING DOGS and wonderful and Loving people who are dog-owners out there also.
The people I appreciate and HONOR above all else, are those whose Love towards pets is NOT BIASED and not one-sided. The people who Love and take care of BOTH cats and dogs are, to me, some of the most wonderful and emotionally-intelligent people in this world.



Because if u die in a room With a cat the cat will Start to eat u but a dog will never do that


If the dog gets hungry he will. It's just in their nature. Just like a cat.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the story of Christian the lion (google it). Granted, it's a big cat, but a cat nonetheless. It was released back into the wild, but still didn't forget it's owners, and remained loyal/loving. The video of a full-grown lion hugging its former owners is pretty amazing.
