MovieChat Forums > Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2010) Discussion > Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

Why always a dog?? why not a cat???

I know th hachiko's story was real, but...

I mean c'mon all the times the cats are the bad guys, and the dog its a heroe

the cat's are noble and friendly too!!!

I want to see a film with cats!!!!

Anyway, i like that movie, what do you think?


That's the funny thing, there are dog lovers, but there are plenty of people that just like dogs. I am not a big dog person, but they always seem to love me. My husband wants a dog really bad and I'm ok with it, but I kind of doubt I would ever get one if it were just me. I love my kitties.

However it seems with cats you either love them or you hate them. Cats are misunderstood, they are depicted as sneaky. But really my two cats have the funniest personalities. The one is very sweet when he wants to be, but other times he wants to be left alone. My other one is a huge snuggle bug, he wants to be on your lap the second you sit down and he'll snuggle with anyone that comes over and dares to sit down. My cats often act a lot like dogs....I don't think dog owners realize this. Also, most cats are MIA when company comes over, so often times people don't realize a person has cats since they are always hiding for company (except my little social boy). I think a lot of people think of cats as cold and unloving because of this, they just come out of hiding to eat.

So yeah, not many cat movies because they are just not as universally loved as dogs are.


PS, ever notice the pet stores have about 10 aisles for dogs while cats only get like 3-4? It's a dog's world my friend.


maybe that's because there are more breeds and sizes of dogs than cats? but yeah, there's got to be some good movies made somehow..


I heard somewhere that most dogs have low self-confidence, which is why they're always looking for praise and why they're so loyal.

And contrary to popular belief, cats are affectionate, but no one expects loyalty from a cat like they would from a dog. That's no reason to demonise cats. Everyone has their preferences. Cat-owners know that a cat will be more independent than a dog, that's even what attracts them sometimes.

I did hear about a cat that supposedly committed suicide (jumped) after his owner, a little girl who was dying of leukemia, died.


Topic makes me hate a cat even more.



are you kidding me. a cat is an arrogant animal, selfish to the extreme. cats do not seek human companionship like dogs. if you know the history of how cats and dogs evolved thru time you would know that dogs are TRULY MAN'S BEST FRIEND! cats don't even come close to being helpful to humans. i have never heard of cats being trained for sniffing drugs, bombs, rescue,helping the handicap etc. dog's service to human beings far exceed the cats. study history of dogs and cats and you will realize why i love dogs. I had both dogs and cats as pets and from my personal experience dogs understand how humans feel and respond accordingly. there are many scientific proof of this link between man and dogs,

i owe my life to dogs in military, several times in Iraq and Afghan, the military dogs that were assigned to my INFANTRY UNIT detected IEDs saving my life and my men's. I can't see cats serving mankind in any shape or form.


tongun1989 says:________ are you kidding me. a cat is an arrogant animal, selfish to the extreme. cats do not seek human companionship like dogs. if you know the history of how cats and dogs evolved thru time you would know that dogs are TRULY MAN'S BEST FRIEND! cats don't even come close to being helpful to humans. i have never heard of cats being trained for sniffing drugs, bombs, rescue,helping the handicap etc. dog's service to human beings far exceed the cats. study history of dogs and cats and you will realize why i love dogs. I had both dogs and cats as pets and from my personal experience dogs understand how humans feel and respond accordingly. there are many scientific proof of this link between man and dogs,

i owe my life to dogs in military, several times in Iraq and Afghan, the military dogs that were assigned to my INFANTRY UNIT detected IEDs saving my life and my men's. I can't see cats serving mankind in any shape or form. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Well said.... tongun1989 Well said!!! How about that dog that was in on the Bin Laden raid with Seal Team?


This is why Dogs are superior to cats when it comes to choosing a pet:



I had 3 cats, and I did get the feeling that I was loved by them. And my dearest friend of them all, the one I gave the most love, he waited for me every morning at the bottom of the stairs. It felt like we were the best of friends, and I miss him every day. He was one of the most dearest friends of my life. He ran away from a family that treated him badly, living closeby. I think he was very thankful that we adopted him. Please don't say cats are selfish. They are independent, but I do think they can love you a lot.



Check out Harry and Tonto, great film with Art Carney and his cat.

