MovieChat Forums > (500) Days of Summer (2009) Discussion > What do you think was the overall messag...

What do you think was the overall message?

What do you think was the overall message of the movie?

I personally think it's that you aren't supposed to be with your "soulmate" your entire life. You are meant to be with certain people at certain points in your life. And just because someone destroys you, it doesn't mean it was a mistake, or not worth it, or that you never should have been with them. Many people find the ending depressing but I found it quite hopeful.


Settle for less.


I think the overall point of the message has changed for me every-time I've watched it (first time I watched it I was 16, 21 now), I think it's subjective depending on many factors at the time for me personally (not claiming to know what the writer intended).

Think the main point here is about unrequited love, how appealing it is to let yourself fall in the trap of thinking you have a chance at it - that she will feel the same way once she gets to know him & and how much he loves her (he is deeply in love/infatuated with her) he hopes that will turn into something much more - something along the lines of what he feels.

It doesn't happen and that sucks but he learns something from it (she grows because of the relationship too), and that's worth it. Life happens, you make mistakes, the best you can do with your experiences is try and learn from them.


'Plenty of fish in the sea.'


"Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn't mean she's your soul mate."


That I should think there's nothing wrong with women being evil, slutty bitches because it's the "hip" thing now. And nerdy young men deserve anything bad that happens to them because they're nerdy.

Jesus. Bring back the witch hunts.


You must be fun at parties.


i know that seeing sick propaganda for what it is gets me labelled as crazy or undesirable by immoral idiots. I don't care.


I think I agree with Podnischev. Society pushes the fact that being slutty and having no morals is a good thing.



but it's not a good thing. Immoral sluttery causes massive suffering by tipping the gene pool even more in favor of assh*les and psychopaths who do not pay taxes, as well as flushing the next generation down the toilet through rampant divorce, broken homes, feral genes, and a culture of permanent adolescence.

this movie is just a particularly blatant and obnoxious attempt to frame this as a good thing by presenting this crazy bitch "Summer" as someone who's above reproach for basically psychically raping the poor nerd who falls for her. In a sane world, she would be publicly humiliated and exiled from society. /my two cents



I don't know. I do think the men and women in the US who have a grasp on this kind of stuff are in the minority though, I mean look at the lack of comprehension in this message board. This movie is almost Satanist propaganda and people are all like "oh what a quirky and progressive love story." And by "Satanist" I mean that it tries to sell you the idea that you can *beep* with people as long as you get away with it, that might is right, that morals are unimportant if you have the opportunity to hurt someone.




"women are stronger and more mature than men"

No they're not. They just enjoy not being held accountable for their actions nowadays.

"maybe they give us this rite of passage, to harden us"

Nah, you're just making excuses for criminal behavior. Rites of passage are sorely lacking for men now, but they should be done through the elders of the men's families, not random psycho chicks.









Wow. Okay, I'll bite here. I'm on the train and have nothing else to do.

(no, wise-asses, not the Night Train ;| )

"Women are mentally stronger [than men]."

A man invented the device we're communicating on. A man also invented and built the building you sleep in and the car you drive.

Women, alone, were in charge of helping other women give birth (midwives) for hundreds of years. It was not until men were allowed into this practice that they invented the forceps, which saved countless newborn's lives.

The vast majority of spiritual leaders were men. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Confucius, etc.

Great music, art, writing, film, almost any endeavour you could think of has its apex represented by men. Bach, Einstein, Shakespeare, Spielberg, Kublai Khan, Cheops, even Dan Deacon.

"Women are emotionally stronger [than men]."

Ban Bossy was a campaign started by women who wanted to make it illegal for someone to call them a name that wasn't even a pejorative.

Sexual Harassment was put into place by women so that they could legally punish suitors they happened to find unattractive. As if the rejection they suffer isn't bad enough.

Some lady professor at Northwestern University wants to make catcalling a crime. Boo hoo, men find you attractive.

Lastly, if the sexes in this movie were flipped, bitches would be so "emotionally strong" that they'd be hysterically condemning it as a patriarchal pro-rape celebration (which it would be), if not sending the director death threats.

There's your red pill bro.


I take it we attract what we seek. Tom was a bit immature working beneath himself believing a soulmate will fix his life. Summer, meanwhile, acted pretty flaky to every man due to her parents' divorce. Finally seeing how her wishy washy behavior is hurting Tom, she breaks it off (I am Sid and you are Nancy) but the experience shows her what a relationship should look like. Still grieving, he clings to desperate hope life can continue as he knows it despite his date with Alison who seems to like him. After the party, he sees Summer for who she is and learns to stand on his own two feet, fixing himself for a change. Setting out to become the best Tom he can be, he meets a seemingly healthy girl who shares his passions.


pretty straightfoward - when someone tells you something you should believe them


that women have 0 problem finding the next guy
