MovieChat Forums > (500) Days of Summer (2009) Discussion > What do you think was the overall messag...

What do you think was the overall message?

What do you think was the overall message of the movie?

I personally think it's that you aren't supposed to be with your "soulmate" your entire life. You are meant to be with certain people at certain points in your life. And just because someone destroys you, it doesn't mean it was a mistake, or not worth it, or that you never should have been with them. Many people find the ending depressing but I found it quite hopeful.


I think the theme of the film is change and growth, exemplified by the use of the seasons (summer into fall, etc). The point being that we grow, we change, we learn, and the world never stops giving us chances at happiness, provided our eyes aren't too clouded by the past to be able to see them! :)

"I'm gonna kill him, rape him, and eat his costume!"


Craytonus_AP summed it up, pretty well (and concisely).

Brilliant film! the problem you're allergic to a well familiar name?


Exactly, Craytonus_AP, well put!




The overall message was - just because lightening struck for one, it doesnt mean it can happen for both. She said it at the end, He knew she was the one, but she didnt. But when she met the other guy - she knew HE was the one. Sometimes lightening doesnt strike for both. It was sad only because she knew how much he cared for her, but she just didnt feel the same way.


That the people you love don't always love you, or at least not in the way that you hope. And when you find the one who does, you are very, very lucky.


Never watch The Graduate with a girl unless you are 100% sure she is your soulmate.


or this film for that matter


Being soulmates with someone goes beyond having things in common with them.



Uhhh I'm pretty sure just because someone likes the same TV shows as I do doesn't mean that we're meant to spend the rest of our lives together. That's what I meant by having things in common with other people. And I don't need to study evolutionary psychology to understand the message of this film.


I certainly think that we're just biological organisms, but being "soulmates" with someone goes beyond simply having things in common with them. In fact, having things in common is neither sufficient NOR necessary to have a "soulmate" connection.


That's right. Falling in love with someone because of the music they listen to is as shallow as falling in love with someone for their looks.

1.-Sorry for answering to a message posted a year ago.
2.-Not sure if my grammar is correct. I'm not a native English speaker.


Although I agree, you can't just love somebody for the small things, wheres the extent? Because two completely opposite people do not work either. If you really do want to spend the rest of your life with one person, music, movies and interests do play a large part. Nobody wants to live a life of complete and utter compromise. There needs to be some common interests I feel.
And looks, no they are not the most important. But again, that is something that first Ttracts you to the person you love. If you think your partner is not very good looking it's going to cause some major problems for their self esteem, your morality and the relationship in general.

They may not be the key things but do play a part. And before somebody says its WHO THEY ARE, and IT'S WHAT'S ON THE INSIDE. Well, I am a movie fan, a comic book reader and an artistic type, if that sounds like somebody you'd hate, obviously we could never be happy together for a life time. (I'm taken anyway, gosh) also music is important to me, I don't want to spend my whole life listening to music that I do not like...

You need to find a balance. I play guitar and draw, my girlfriend is into make up, we both love movies, we both love some of the same music, and differ in some as well. She can play a videogame occasionally and I can help her withher hair or other things like that. We are different, but alike as well.

My youtube channel:


That life is a series of fleeting moments, including human relationships. Summer and Autumn are metaphorical life-chapters that aren't meant to be bound by attachment and commitment, but flames to be passionately experienced before fizzling out.


Yea ok ^

It's not all that deep. He fell for her and she didn't fall for him. you all never experienced this before or something?

I mean why all the over analyzing.


I think the message of the movie was that what we think our idea of love is could be proved wrong.


Pretty much that even if you get your heart smashed by someone you thought was your one and only, you can get over it in time and be ready to risk it all again.

