Although I agree, you can't just love somebody for the small things, wheres the extent? Because two completely opposite people do not work either. If you really do want to spend the rest of your life with one person, music, movies and interests do play a large part. Nobody wants to live a life of complete and utter compromise. There needs to be some common interests I feel.
And looks, no they are not the most important. But again, that is something that first Ttracts you to the person you love. If you think your partner is not very good looking it's going to cause some major problems for their self esteem, your morality and the relationship in general.
They may not be the key things but do play a part. And before somebody says its WHO THEY ARE, and IT'S WHAT'S ON THE INSIDE. Well, I am a movie fan, a comic book reader and an artistic type, if that sounds like somebody you'd hate, obviously we could never be happy together for a life time. (I'm taken anyway, gosh) also music is important to me, I don't want to spend my whole life listening to music that I do not like...
You need to find a balance. I play guitar and draw, my girlfriend is into make up, we both love movies, we both love some of the same music, and differ in some as well. She can play a videogame occasionally and I can help her withher hair or other things like that. We are different, but alike as well.
My youtube channel: