MovieChat Forums > Selma (2015) Discussion > Why did you give "Selma" a rating of 1?

Why did you give "Selma" a rating of 1?

"Selma" is carrying an excellent overall IMDb rating of 7.7. Sixty-eight percent of people rated it 8, 9, or 10. However, a significant minority--almost 9%--of people who voted gave it a rating on 1. As I write this, that's 424 people who believe that this was a truly terrible movie. OK--we all have the right to our opinion. However, I'm curious about this.

My question to those 424 people is, "Why did you give this movie at rating of 1?" Simple question, and I'll leave it at that. Sincerely, Red-125


My question to those 424 people is, "Why did you give this movie at rating of 1?" Simple question, and I'll leave it at that. Sincerely, Red-125

Yet you don't seem to be questioning all the perfect 10's...Weird.


Yet you don't seem to be questioning all the perfect 10's...Weird.

the "perfect 10s" aren't being announced by trolls on the boards, unlike the "1s."

~~This is a game to you...but the second YOU feel threatened, suddenly its not a game anymore.~~


Dear U, Thanks for writing. Maybe that's just my perspective. If I don't like a film I give it a 5 or 6. For me, a film would have to be loathsome to earn a "1." Sort of "worst film ever." As I wrote in the original posting, most people gave "Selma" a very high rating. So, my question was to the minority who gave it a "1." Red-125


When a film is generally acclaimed like this one, a 10 is not much of an anomaly. It would be more appropriate to ask about the 10s if you were on the board for a film that was widely hated.


i haven't rated it but i can think of a very good reason why people gave it a 1, and it starts with n.


Dear Delta, Thanks for writing. Were you talking about other people in general, or about your own thoughts? Red-125


other ppl


Dear Delta,

Thanks for clarifying. Red-125


no problem. once I see the movie I will rate it.


People gave SELMA a one rating for a number of reasons starting with the fact that SELMA tries to deify MLK. It also lies about LBJ's role in the civil rights movement. LBJ was the blacks' biggest most powerful supporter ever and this movie makes him the villian.

I ask you - why did blacks acquit murderer OJ Simpson? Why do they follow race-baiter Al Charlatan or elect a lying, unqualified half-black as president - and give him a second term when he failed so badly in his first?


Do you have any idea of how many white people have been acquitted after murdering blacks? Take George Zimmerman, who stalked and killed an unarmed Treyvon Martin. Sure, the Simpson verdict was probably unjust, but for every Simpson verdict there were scores of whites that got off after killing black men and women.

As for Al Sharpton (That's his name, SHARPTON, are you so mentally challenged you cannot get even that right), for every Sharpton there is a Jerry Fallwell, who blamed the attacks on the WTC on gays and lesbians. Yet I NEVER see the depth of hate toward that pea-brained idiot.

Now as far is Obama is concerned, what are the lies that he has told? Can any equal the ones told to us by Bush and Cheney to get us into Iraq? No! By the way I voted for Obama twice and think that he has made a pretty good president, certainly better than any Republican elected since Eisenhower.

Do I detect racism in your post? Like hell I do. You are the type of person that should see this film, but, sadly, your intelligence quotient is so low I doubt you would get anything out of it.


George Zimmerman,

He wasn't white. Moron. You couldn't even get that basic fact right so I highly doubt you're even qualified to account for the details and evidence that led to a non-guilty verdict.

As for Al Sharpton (That's his name, SHARPTON, are you so mentally challenged you cannot get even that right), for every Sharpton

Al Sharpton is a politician who deserves the hate. Hes only stifled black progress.

Jerry fallwell is a televangelist who preached to a sect of religion.

Huge difference...

Yet I NEVER see the depth of hate toward that pea-brained idiot.

I'll tell you a even bigger difference..One has been dead for almost 10 years.


NYRUNNER101's arrogance is on a par with his ignorance.

LYING is a the top of obummer's skill set. Even a low-information voter like him must remember his broken promises of "most transparent gov't ever" or "obamacare will save the average family $2500 a year".

Here's a nice video of 65 of obummer's lies up to 2011:

And how about all the BS that BO pedaled in his 2015 SOTU regarding how well we're doing on everything including defeating terrorism. Even NBC loyalists can no longer defend his lies:

As for the phony charlatan reverend al, he's nothing but an race-baiting extortionist starting with the tawana brawley fraud of 1987.


George Zimmerman,

He wasn't white. Moron.

i don't know how GZ identifies, but there are many many latino/hispanic people who identify as white. latino is an ETHNICITY, while white is a RACE. they aren't the same thing.

it's quite possible that GZ marks "white latino" on the census when asked for his race and ethnicity.

Al Sharpton is a politician who deserves the hate. Hes only stifled black progress.

al sharpton isn't a politician, actually. he holds no political office. he's a public figure who has a talk show, and previously he was very active in civil rights activism. one person is not responsible for stifling or for lifting up anyone's progress. he is only ONE guy. you attribute way too much power and credence to him. if you actually talked to real black people in real life (not online or in your head) you would know that most contemporary black folks don't even care about al sharpton. he is from another era.

~~This is a game to you...but the second YOU feel threatened, suddenly its not a game anymore.~~


I'm the moron? Well I guess one whould not expect any kind of intelligent response from someone who has an IQ lower than one's shoe size, should one?

Zimmerman is Hispanic and Hispanics are Caucasian, which is just another word for white. Besides, US history is littered by black boys murdered by whites without justice being served. Ever heard of Emmet Till? As for the "evidence" that acquitted Zimmerman, the FACT was that an uinarmed Treyvon Martin went to get some snacks at a convenience store and ended up DEAD. At least display some sympathy for that fact or are you as heartless as you are stupid?


I ask you - why did blacks acquit murderer OJ Simpson? Why do they follow race-baiter Al Charlatan or elect a lying, unqualified half-black as president - and give him a second term when he failed so badly in his first?

The fact that this has nothing to do with the film says a lot more about you than the film itself. Also, FYI, "blacks" didn't make Obama president. Blacks represent less than 10% of the population, they alone don't put anybody in office. If you want to ask a question, why not ask why so many white people voted for the same half-white president? (I mean I'm being rhetorical here, it's obvious from your post why you don't ask that question)


Check the other boards. Every movie has a sizeable number of people who rate it a 1/10. Most truly bad movies have those who score if a 10. These are the people who give every movie they see either a 1 or a 10. They are trying to boost the IMDb scores of movies they liked and lower the scores of movies they weren't fond of. This is what they think these boards are for. I have never scored a movie less than a 5, and not very many of those. Of course, I would never choose to see a movie so awful in the first place.

There are also people who give every B%W movie in the top 100 or top 250 a 1/10.

Many people have responded to my comments by saying they have a right to rate movies any way they like. And so they do, but I sincerely hope the purpose of these boards is to give honest ratings, not to subvert the opinions of the large numbers of people who rate with their best judgment.

Of course we are told that the ratings of these people are taken into account when it comes to the average scores of movies, but I am still disappointed at the number of people who do this. I do not believe they are true movie lovers.


Dear Homeimp, Thanks for writing. I was unaware of this trend. Very enlightening! Red-125


Honestly? I didn't rate the movie, but you'll see almost every film have tons of 1s and 10s for ratings. I think the 1s and 10s cancel eachother out... no different for this film.

Does it deserve a 10? no... does it deserve a 1? no....


Dear Comtractor, I see your point. However, I think the percentage of 1's was somewhat higher here. Thanks for writing. Red-125


People review books they never read, but I learned that President Johnson record on voting rights is distorted--how can you like this? Myself, I grew up in the 60s, and I remember Johnson & Humphrey fighting for Blacks, and voting rights--and yes, the biggest obstacles were in their own party, and they fought for these achievements anyway. They don't have to see it to see how the recent past has been distorted--completely unfair, don't make a historical movie and distort the President. And when Jack Valente--is dead--and he worked with Johnson, and there are many of his friends in Hollywood--how would you 'dis' the former president of the Academy. Take being upset with the distortion out on the director, she deserves it.


Dear cool planter, thanks for writing. I grew up in the '50's, and was in my 20's during the Civil Rights movement. (My sister and I were at the Civil Rights March in DC.). We'll never know how much progress Dr. King would have made without President Johnson, and vice-versa. About a third of the people who agreed that "Selma" deserved a rating of "1" did so because of the portrayal of LBJ. I can certainly understand that point of view, even if I disagree. Red-125


Hey Red-125 this may be of interest to you elma-pretty-accurate-about-lbj/article_1b8c7c08-e88e-59b4-816d-baeedc6 80250.html

Internet trolls often see history as a reflection of their present day political beliefs. History professors tend to be a tad bit more impartial and accurate with their estimations.


Dear Scott, Thanks so much for this extremely useful reply. I send the link, along with this letter, to several of my friends and family who had read my original review. (One of them is an historian, by the way, and her area of expertise is the civil rights movement.)

"About one third of people were offended by the treatment of LBJ. If LBJ were your hero, I can see being offended by 'Selma.' Suppose there were a movie called, 'LBJ,' and it portrayed Dr. King as a person who had continually to be forced to do the right thing at the right time. I might give it a 1."



I think people are exaggerating how badly LBJ was portrayed in the film. The way I saw it, he was someone who did want to help and who wanted to do what MLK was asking, but just couldn't for political reasons. People say he was the villain, but that's just not true. Without a doubt, George Wallace was the villain in the film. LBJ was the one trying to talk him out of stopping black people from registering, who did what he could to hold back Hoover, who regularly talked to MLK in person and who eventually went on to make his passionate speech in front of congress before signing the voting act.

He was clearly shown as an essential ally to the civil rights movement, just one who spent most of the film wringing his hands about prioritising civil rights over his many other issues but even then he was somewhat sympathetic. Like he said to King "you're an activist, I'm a politician". It's understandable in the film that as president, he does have other matters to prioritise and it was King's job to give him reasons to prioritise civil rights instead.


That's it, you talked me into it... I'm gonna go give it a 1... LOLOLOL


IMDB voting is full of trolls. Just look at the Top 250 and Bottom 250.
