Civil rights would never have seen the light of day had white people and the government not been firmly behind it.
You mean the same people who actually created the situation?
LBJ, was a man who did good on his promise regarding civil rights, but was not pro civil rights through his entire political career. On that point I do agree, they should have made that clearer. He did good in the end.
But this would not have been done without people like MLK, people who stood up and demanded civil rights. Sure, the politicians had to react, and they had only one choice, the movement had become so strong and could not be denied nor ignored by the powers that be at that time.
I am not saying that no white person or politician was pro civil rights before the movement started. There was several who stood by it, but here we go into political territory again, there are some things a politician cannot say out loud if they want to stay in office. Specially in those days regarding civil rights.
To say that civil rights would not have seen the light of day without the white people and the government is plain ignorant and disrespectful to those who started and lived trough it.
Change come from the people, change can only be done by the governments by the demand of the masses.
It has always been an interesting fact for me that "the land of the free and the home of the brave" was not what we today would call "free" and all considered equal by far.
They where at the times also way behind many other nations regarding this issue. In the United Kingdom the removal of voting rights based on Religion and race occurred in 1791 and 1829.
Colombia 1853, Germany 1919 and so on. The US would have been facing a similar situation as South Africa if not for the civil rights act in the end.
And that, is simply due to a few people who dared to speak out, and gave so many more the courage to join in. So that the government in the end had to agree.