MovieChat Forums > Im Westen nichts Neues (2022) Discussion > Does this have a decent diverse cast to ...

Does this have a decent diverse cast to annoy the usual crowd?

You know, those guys who are always bleating on about non white people being in historical dramas - even although we are perfectly aware that we not watching an actual documentary from that time period...

Anyway do we have some black and perhaps asian Nazis in this which will have have those genuine custodians of history frothing at the mouth, screaming stuff like "No, no, this is wrong! All these Nazis simply must be white for historical immersion!"?

Do we have some that in this great war, i.e. WW1, epic?


Nazis? WWI? Pick one


Nazis came a little later.
But one thing is secured:
Germans are the most evil beings in the whole, wide world.
Therefore it's ok to call us "Nazi" wherever we appear. ☻

Happened to me here only subtile.
Well, it is like it is...but somewhat tired of it.


You should be more that just somewhat tired of it


Are you German?


No but I feel Germans in 2022 have nothing to feel guilty about.


Danke! ♥
I don't feel guilty, but ashamed.
As well as I'm neither a descendant of Goethe nor Beethoven whom I am 'proud' of, I feel ashamed of the evil things we did.


You didn’t though. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. That “shame” is being used to guilt you into perpetuity. Shake it off…you weren’t there and didn’t do anything. Every nation is allowed to move on and fight for its interests.


Forget it. Germans are incredibly brainwashed these days.


How many Germans do you know?


Since I am German, living in Germany, grew up in Germany and went through the German education system... well, quite a few.

Your point being?


Means, you're "brainwashed"? ☺

My point:
Germans are not "brainwashed these days".
Grüße von einer Bio-Deutschen.


When I say "Germans", I mean as a people and society, not literally every single individual.

Look at our current government, for example.
We are literally governed by people that openly say they hate Germany.

What did Habeck say?
"Vaterlandsliebe fand ich stets zum Kotzen. Ich wusste mit Deutschland noch nie etwas anzufangen und weiß es bis heute nicht."

This would not be possible in literally any other country - but ours.

And the man who pretends to be the Chancellor, Scholz?
The other day he LAUGHED over someone who expressed his desperation over the current energy crisis, he LAUGHED! (
And don't you dare claim "he didn't mean it like that!" because yes he did! This wasn't his first fuck up at all either, there were plenty of "I am above you, peasants!" moments that made my jaw drop.

Over decades, Germans has become "soft" and now we are nothing more but a bunch of whining consumers who do not even go out and protest when we are being starved by unnecessary costs (energy, ...) due to absurdly idiotic politics where we try to be self-righteous and virtue signal at the cost of the tax payers claiming not wanting to buy gas from "evil states"... and then buy it from other questionable states like Qatar and Azerbaijan. Seriously!?

What is happening right now is unbelievable and sometimes I wonder if we're in a God damn simulation because this level of "idiocracy" should not be possible, at all. Yet here we are.

Yes, Germans are brainwashed.
Millions voting for SPD, CDU and especially Die Grünen are living proof of that.
And it all started with "the left" (as an unguided apparatus) planting its absurd ideas and 'ideals' into people's heads. One of the first things was to disconnect us from any sort of national identity - and what better tool for that than the good old Third Reich?

Bio-Deutsche... is das nich schon Hass-Sprech? ;)


Just too tired to discuss this in the deserved depth, sorry.
The mentioned people would like to shoot into space also, while that's not really a democratic attitude.
There are still chances Scholz will get arrested (Cum-Ex).
That would be a new one in German history. *facepalm*

And yes, was told also "Bio-Deutsche" isn't pc.
As some people called me Nazi for being proud of my country (and still ashamed of our evil deeds as well). For both cannot repeat my verbal reply cause don't want to get deleted. ☺

Yes, we do have some serious inner problems.
Alas, I don't have 'the egg of Columbus' either.
And revolution isn't a good solution.
It destroys too much.


Do Turks, for instance, who become German citizens also feel guilt and shame over their acquired German heritage? If not, then are they really German?

Should I, as a White person of German-Italian origin living in the USA feel guilt not only over being descended from citizens of two of the Axis powers, but also for Black slavery in America that happened while my ancestors were still in Europe?

I say that ancestral guilt stuff is the rankest of bullshit.


Turks who become German citizens are just that, Turks with german citizenship. They are not Germans and will never be.

Also note: Less than 10% of white men in US owned slaves. Less than 30% of current black population in US has slavery ancestry. Most have moved to US after.


How about feeling guilty for supporting Putin, sabotaging EU efforts for energy independence and war support for Ukraine?


Germans are only the third most evil beings in the whole, wide word, after Russians and Chinese. But its not being Nazis that makes you, but your actions in the last 2 years.


Ok then, here we go.
What to the heck has it to do with black, white or whatever colour.
Clear, it's irony in your OP.
We laughed enough.
Now go away with your woke-discussion.
Oder ich werde Dich zum Sonntag verfrühstücken. 🐗​



Look at this fool, trying to sound all smug and then he let's everyone know how incredibly dumb he really is by connecting Nazis to WW1.

Imagine being this ill-educated.


Exactly my thoughts.
Good example of the woke crowd.


Time to just come out and say it: OP is a moron.


It's too bad someone who makes a gaffe like that can't be banished to the boards for Barney the Dinosaur and Paw Patrol for a few weeks.


LOL - "gaffe"? I said great war and then WW1 just in case any of our American buddies missed the point that I was very clearly referring to the NON Nazi war...


No. You were asking if there were black or Asian Nazis in this movie, which is set in pre-Nazi WW1..

Anyway do we have some black and perhaps asian Nazis in this which will have have those genuine custodians of history frothing at the mouth, screaming stuff like "No, no, this is wrong! All these Nazis simply must be white for historical immersion!"?


Yes. Correct. Bravo!


Well, if you really intended it in an ironic sense, I think you misfired. As it reads, we must assume you think the Nazis were involved in WW1.


Well, maybe. But then you'd surely have to question why I specifically put in that in that otherwise redundant last sentence after joking about "genuine custodians of history" who don't like their historical stuff being messed with...

Sorry, perhaps I was a bit rude with my original reply - the "history" the OP was more aimed at was some of the posters from the Enola Holmes, The Northman, etc boards who have a particular passion for the "correctness" of historical drama. I was simply attempting to lampoon them further...


Stop assuming that the people reading your posts are stupid.


mmm, I don't know - at least a couple of them proved themselves to be! 😉


Yes, some people in this thread might be stupid. Do you think everyone on the forum, whether they post or lurk, is stupid? It seems you you think they all are.


Why would you assume that?

I mean, the OP here was directed at very specific type of poster we get on here - and dealing with a very specific subject matter, therefore that seems like a bit of a leap to make such an assumption...


He assumes everyone is exactly as smart as he is. Hes just not very smart.


There were black soldiers portrayed in the French trenches if that means anything to you.


No diverse cast. It was made in Germany where they are not all dumb and think there were black soldiers in ww1
