Did Game of Thrones' disappointing ending make it irrelevant?
A longtime Game of Thrones Reddit community called Freefolk has been griping about how the once buzzed-about series has become an afterthought two years after the series finale. They point to HBO's 10-year anniversary celebration in April that was greeted with a shrug. "At this point, the disappearing relevance of the series is what the people over on r/Freefolk are most interested in talking about," says Vice's Gita Jackson. "Nestled next to jokes about Ygritte being excited for six to eight inches of snow, a post about the overall decline in popularity of the series sits at the top of the subreddit with over 30,000 upvotes and almost 3,000 comments. The post contains a screenshot from someone who says that they work in merchandising describing retailers sending back Game of Thrones merch 'as if the product was toxic.' It doesn't really matter to posters whether or not they can confirm this person's account. They all have their own examples of watching Games of Thrones going from inescapable to near invisible since the series finale in 2019."