MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Dany's demise was so fucking anticlimati...

Dany's demise was so fucking anticlimatic

After 8 seasons, her entire journey, she burnt King Landing and won the throne, she dies with Jon walking up and calmly stabbing her with a dagger? Its like the writers didn't even try and come up with a great death for her.

You have fans coming up with exciting cool ways to kill her, like Drogon turning on her and siding with Jon, Arya killing Grey Worm and using his face to get close to her to kill her. And what they do is just have Jon walk up and predictably stab her once and its over.

So we have lame deaths for Cersei, Jaimie, and Dany, 3 of the biggest characters in the show get lame anticlimatic deaths.


Agreed. It really needed at least 2 more eps but the whole setup and ending for these characters were horrible imo.


I would have given it at least two more seasons. One for the Long Night, and one to defeat Cersei, and have Jon and Dani slowly and dramatically turn against each other.

Having their conflict last less than five minutes was a bit sparse.


We don't even need 2 more seasons if they simply utilized seasons 5-8 appropriately. They wasted seasons 5-6, and rushed the final 2 especially season 8.


They really did miss every possible opportunity to make Danerys's change from benevolent dictator to tyrannical dictator dramatic and suspenseful, and it would have been fairly easy to do. She has all these likeable followers to use as sounding boards, they could have been discussing her mental state and the ethics of her actions for the last two or three seasons.

I guess the showrunners wanted the turn to be a big shocking surprise, but IMHO they were wrong, it should have been like the Sept of Baylor, which was both a huge surprise and not a surprise, because it was exactly the way all the tension that had been building up ought to have ended. But they rushed through everything, and kept Dany perfectly reasonable right up to the Battle of Winterfell, I mean any acute political leader would have begged their idiot boyfriend to keep quiet about his ancestry because it would cause division among their supporters!Wouldn't the Battle of Winterfell have bene that much more dramatic if Danerys wasn't entirely trustworthy or stable? They really did miss every opportunity to build dramatic tension.
