MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Worried about this site!? Pls be active ...

Worried about this site!? Pls be active GOT fans.

I was a regular follower of IMDB's GOT discussion board. During the onging season that was an amazing place to debate and lot of people join to those debate too. But in here i feel GOT fanbase is very little. Maybe most GOT fanbase move to another site to discuss i don't know. I'm with this site from the beginning but it worries me.
Come-on guys. Only 2days left, be active!! Only few episodes left to end this epic saga.
It's once in a lifetime TV-series.... :)


Well, the season hasn't started yet. We should get more activity after the first episide airs. c:


I hope so. :)


I think they're on some other forum. Or no forum at all. I don't know where though.


i think a lot of people just won't bother looking for an imdb fórum replacement...sadly


There was some effort to find a new forum for all imdb GoT fans shortly before imdb died, but you know how it is with old communities - when a web site dies (especially a forum), the community dies with it.


They created their own board (Gotboard) but eventually it failed. Then they migrated to Tmdb and created so much havoc there that admin closed the general boards. I'm not sure where they're now. They seem to be traveling around a lot, like gypsies.


Ha ha ha! OMG! Sounds like GoT trolls I knew once. Bloody gypos!


Its pathetic!


The GoT board closed? Is this the same GoTboard that had a waiting list? I tried to sign up but they said it was too busy. Hmm. Weird.


The logo still exists, telling people that they have to register, but the board is dead.


What do you mean it 'failed?' Did they shut it down? Haven't paid attention to it. I wanted one replacement for imdb, not to have to go to a different site for every show.


Last I heard, admin of Gotboard had a nervous breakdown and started randomly banning people. That was a couple of months ago. After that they went to Tmdb boards, I still occasionally see some of them there but most of them went somewhere else.


The TMDB board still exist. I wasn't aware it ever shut down.


Individual boards for movies still exist, but General board was closed. (It was similar to Moviechat's General Discussion board - for general conversation)


Mybe thats true.


Thanks to super liberal jeff bezos for shutting down the imdb boards. Liberals hate for people to express any opinion that doesn't goose step in line with their own.


Hollywood snowflakes were triggered, when once lib dominated imdb were being taken over by world-weary realists. If a liberal is afraid of something, it's someone, who doesn't buy into their islam-is-religion-of-peace bullshit.


Imdb like dead to me after that. Just go there and rating the movie now a days nothing else


All I want from season 7 is to see Sansa dead and buried, and not necessarily in that order.


I don't think so. Cause no one thought her as a threat. Thats a big advantage. After the nightmare of ramsey, she changed a lot but we can't get enough insight what kind of change because of that happening late in previous season.


I have a feeling she will let Little finger influence her and she will betray Jon, in that cases yeah she should die.


Fading Dawn, I have asked you, politely, more than once to tell us WHY you despise Sansa, and you keep blowing me off. I'm not going to debate you. I'm not going to say that your reason(s) for the hate is/are stupid. I am asking a very reasonable question about the foundation for your loathing. I can't take you seriously as an adult if you refuse to reply. Thank you in advance.


Wondering where to discuss the show? Anyone know?


Right here.


Doesn't look like it.


If you build it they will come.




Man, for over a decade the IMDB forums used to be a tradition for me after watching shows and movies. I haven't visited the site for any kind of information since they dropped the forums. I guess I'll see how this works out. =)


IMDB still exists...unfortunately I hate to admit it...but I still use it. I use it to look up trivia, quotes and episode information. It really was a great site...I hate that I have to use it these days even for the things I do use it for...but no other site compares to it. When it had it's message boards it was perfection...but unfortunately they no longer could afford to keep them running...and the upkeep of them was a job that their automated bots couldn't handle.


The message forums were the primary reasons that I went there, although it would naturally become THE SITE for me to look up information. I was so disappointed that the message forums were removed that I'd sooner click on any other site to look up peripheral information. I've been looking for a replacement site ever since, but it wasn't until GoT just started up again that I felt really motivated to find another site similar to IMBD.

Like someone else mentioned here, I got tired of hunting down different forums for different shows/movies. This site looks like it might scratch that itch.


For Game of Thrones discussion...thus far, THIS site is the best I've found...and that's not saying much because there is still too little discussion here if you ask me. I was spoiled by IMDB. Trust me I hate that I still occasionally have to look up information on IMDB but no other site compares. That said...the second I find a site that is comparable to IMDB...I will even abandon it for trivial information.


Hehe...The GoT forums at IMDB were borderline overwhelming - TBH, I can live without the pages of troll topics. I'm actually pretty impressed with the civil discussion going on around here (at first sight). It might not be nearly as populated, but at least the people seem nice.


Good to see new faces around here, figuratively speaking. Hope you enjoy the site and stay awhile!


Thanks! Hehe...After a decade at IMDB, I'm not used to people going out of their way to be nice. I think I'm going to get settled. Thanks.


You're welcome. 😊


You might be able to get a lot of that info from Wikipedia. I try to go there rather than IMDB. I almost never use IMDB now....which is what Amazon deserves for trashing the site and destroying years of valuable info and input.


I agree with you. I've found a great fan wiki site already. Hopefully I can use IMDB less and less.


<< When it had it's message boards it was perfection... >>

Uggh. The message boards had become swill : ( Diseased. Like it had Greyscale.


And whose fault is that? Everyone replying to those idiots...that's who. The site had an ignore option and people wouldn't use it. I used mine all the time on IMDB.


If you put someone on ignore, it just meant you couldn't see their posts. The fact that everyone else or newcomers could still see what they were spewing out made it gross. If I were at a gross party, I'd leave.

Your solution is like someone who has a personal inoculation against AIDS or something, and therefor thinks its just fine that the disease is still out there, sickening others.

It's a somewhat self-centered view that doesn't really address the problem.

(I don't mean you're EVIL or anything. It's just that when people cry "USE THE IGNORE BUTTON," it's even less than a half-measure.)


Ah the perpetual matter what. That's you. I'll move on from your posts from now on.


Sure. Use that ignore button you admire so much. It's a quick way to think you've actually done something, it's true.


The GOT board on IMDB was a thriving sea of regular activity. This place just cannot compete. You can make a comment and not get a reply for hours or even days, compared with IMDB which could take seconds.

This place wasn't helped by the fact that it announced itself quite late on after the news IMDB was closing its boards and too many other suggested replacements were named. A shame because the lay out and look of this site make it an attractive replacement. It just does not have the numbers of people which is to me the single most important aspect.

Basically, fuck IMDB!


Yes, fuck them.


I figured that was going to happen; too many damn alternatives created for replacement IMDb boards, so people couldn't make up their minds and it inevitably split the community.

I do post on another site that has quite a few people. It's strictly for TV shows. Unfortunately, you can't create your own topics, nor can you discuss future episodes until it actually airs.

This site is perfect, but as you have stated, the traffic is nonexistent. IMDb has been around since 1990. People had years to find out about it. Even when Googling a show or movie, it would be one of the first sites to appear.

I don't believe MovieChat will ever get there, at least not with people commenting via social media nowadays.
