MovieChat Forums > shoolaroon
shoolaroon (29)
Good catch, I missed that (obvioiusly :) !
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective from your country's experience, very interesting!
Aren't there rumors that Tyrion himself might be a Targaryan if his mom jumped the fence. Wouldn't blame her, Tywin seemed like such a tyrant. Maybe Tyrion will end up winning the game. Dany seems to be becoming nasty and perhaps unstable and I don't think it would take much to turn her completely. Certainly the death of one of more of the dragons. Jon is a great guy but too naive to rule. Tyrion would be the best choice for king. Maybe the best will finally win for once.
I agree. She was my favorite character for a long time, but frankly....I'm starting to dislike her. She's acting really arrogant and rather nasty towards people she should be friendly towards if she wants allies. I did not like how she treated Varys in the last episode, and I don't like how she treated Jon. She seems very threatening, like she could turn on a dime. Personally I don't think I'd trust her.
I've been thinking that as Jon is biologically a Targaryan on his father's side that he may also be immune to fire just as Dany is. That's when she realized she could hatch the dragon eggs, when she had some incident that showed her that she was immune to fire (I forget now exactly what it was but it was in Kal Drogo's tent). I think a similar thing will happen with Jon that will reveal him publicly as a Targaryan. Maybe he can withstand the dragons. Or befriend them. Or maybe the Red Witch might try some fire magic on him for some reason.
Maybe I'm unfair to call Jon a chump - I think your description suits him well. He has a good heart but like Ned, he doesn't consider the effects of treachery enough.
Nobody's gonna miss the sand snakes but I think Euron would also kill characters that people like. But maybe once he's King of the Iron Isles, he'll just stay there and torment the locals.
I can understand that, but Tyrion's not the one in charge on Dragonstone now....Dany is, and Jon doesn't know her or who else is with her. I still wouldn't go personally, not on a first visit, I'd send someone else - his general. Hell, even Lady Mormont, LOL, she makes a lot of sense and is an impressive little person. But seriously, he's taking a big chance in a country that doesn't generally reward that. I have to side with Sansa on this one.
I thought so too! I think Varys has repeatedly shown that his major concern is for the well being of the country. If Tyrion trusts him then Dany should give him a chance. Just attacking him, really for no reason, out of nowhere and threatening him, especially in public....well, if it were me, I'd be rethinking my ultimate loyalties. I think people cut her a lot of slack because she's a beautiful woman, but if she were some homely b*stard like Stannis, she wouldn't go over too well.
I would think so as I don't see how Lyanna could have kept this from literally everyone. Hard to conceal a pregnancy to that extent. I would think someone other than Ned (and now Bran) knows.
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