MovieChat Forums > Master_Lo
Master_Lo (309)
libtards melting
Shocking doesn't mean good.
Terrible strategy?
I bet she'd like
This is why SW sucks and will continue to suck: the story group
lmao whoring for disney
Purple-haired feminazi cringe
No support for dothrakis
Dragnostone's size
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It's actually a fair point. We all forgot about the tub of lard lurking in the shadows. However, it is still no excuse for the terrible defensive strategy against WW. You don't need the fatass hobbit to figure that one out.
The sails were out the moment the dragon was killed. So it was fairly impossible not to see them shortly before the dragon was killed.
True, true
What does it have to do with anything? It's a character of a fictional universe we are talking about. Realize this?
What a dumb cunt she is. North could have gained a favourable ally. Not to mention the North is depleted of food, people and economy is in tatters. The winter is here, yet she still continues to show she is so much smarter than anyone else. If it weren't for Daenerys' forces, they all would be dead. Sansa ir poorly written and quite honestly a jealous bitch.
Sansa just pisses me off. Another self-righteous ginger bitch.
The dragonfire should have hindered him at least a little bit. Also, he fell on the ground where there were thousands of dragonglass spear tips lying, from killed soldiers, on the ground. Bad planning by D&D. They went for cinematic effects, not for lore-friendly effects.
No, it was the woke producers, that surrendered him to the bestest, strongest female assassin ever. I guess I'm Ok with Jon not being the one that struck the fatal blow to the Night's King, but there should have been an indecisive duel between Jon and the Night's King, then interrupted by something. But what the fuck did Arya know about the Night's King? They're making her the Mary Sue. First she survives an infected gut wound after taking a bath in shitwater, then she turns into absolutely insane ninja assassin. Ok, I get it she is supposed to be a good assassin, but Arya killing the NK doesn't fit the narrative. It should have been someone whose story is connected to all this "the dead are marching on us" plot-line.
Shit, that's dark.
This show went that direction long time ago.
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