MovieChat Forums > Burn After Reading (2008) Discussion > I've seen 2 Coen movies now and they wer...

I've seen 2 Coen movies now and they were both pretentious piles of *beep*

How can the critics garble up this pretentious, and more importantly, POINTLESS *beep*

Both movies I've seen from them now (No Country for Old Men being the other) are complete trash.

They each have a bunch of scenes that could be completely removed and take away NOTHING from the film.

They even more scenes that could be shortened and take away NOTHING from the film.

They have characters that could be removed, and take away nothing.

Subplots that could be removed, and take away no enjoyment.

In fact, they should have just never made the movie.

For some reason in this industry if you try to make your characters as unlikable as possible, your plot as pointless as possible, and your ending anti-climatic as possible, critics will just suck your *beep* through a straw and call it ambrosia.

It was just completely unlikable in every way.

Seriously, *beep* all of you.


So move on and watch something else. I suggest watching something from aanother director.


There's that Britney Spears movie. That might be more your thing. Peace out.


How witty.

Is this the type of humor Coen fans enjoy?


Bwah ha haa ... this thread, I have to admit, has turned out more entertaining than a Coen brothers flick.


These are the opposite of pretentious. The whole point is the to have the grand scheme of things mean next to nothing & have absolute mayhem and the most serious consequences come from the most meaningless situations imaginable. They're the most extreme exercises in nihilism currently being put out in the film industry and obviously not for everyone.

Only grizzly horror movies have the same goal, but there's nothing really unique or special about the since it's always just a "crazed killer" and nothing more. The coen brothers have only done this in No Country, and even in that case, Anton Chigurh's goal wasn't to kill everyone in sight, they were just casualties.

No Country For Old Men is a perfect 10. Burn After Reading is probably an 8.


what you just described is really *beep* pretentious.

I can give no better example of what it means to be a pretentious film director than the coen brothers.


You must not know the meaning of "pretentious" then.

In what way are the films themselves trying to seem overly important and purposeful? How do you not get that they were aiming for the exact opposite of that? The whole point of most of their most recent movies is to show how UNIMPORTANT most of what people take so seriously really is. If the main message of their films is "People and things aren't important" Than by default, the films themselves are not important.

You said yourself the plots and characters are not of any real worth or meaning. And you're correct, they aren't really supposed to be. The juxtaposition wouldn't work if they were involved in anything of great importance. You must not believe your very own criticisms.

"Pretentious" directors, writers and scripts are ones that think their story is providing some deep message or enlightenment to the viewer. Coen brothers films aren't doing that at all. They put on display mundane activities of people who don't really matter and then emphasize their complete lack of care for any of it by killing most of them off -and- making their deaths more or less irrelevant to the plot.

Like I said, you must really not know what pretentious is if you think these films are, when they are quite brazenly the exact opposite of it.

"In fact, they should have just never made the movie."

Yeah, Exactly. You feel that way because there was ZERO message or level of "need" in either movie.

I mean, if you don't like the movies then OK. I don't blame you; they're really not for everyone. But in the same breath you say they made a pointless movie... that is also pretentious? Those are opposites.

Also, "no better example"? Michael Moore? Al Gore? Nolan? Aronofsky? Wes Anderson? Pretty much anyone who actually tries to change minds and stir up opinions on subjects they think are relevant or noteworthy.


So much fail...
You just said the point of the movie was to show us how unimportant everything is, then you claim they didn't have a purpose for the film.
So which is it?
The movie preaches us nihilistic *beep* that nobody wants to hear, but more importantly it is not enjoyable in any way.

What does this mean in the end? Since it doesn't offer quality entertainment, all your left with is the nihilistic messages about life being meaningless and what not.

Since you clearly don't know the definition of the word pretentious, allow me to share it with you...

"Marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction."

Clearly, since this movie is not enjoyable in any way, the Coenn brothers felt their nihilistic message was important and distinct enough to warrant seeing the movie.

You want to know another great word that perfectly describes the Coenn brothers?


The movie preaches us nihilistic *beep* that nobody wants to hear, but more importantly it is not enjoyable in any way.

Anybody else have Walter Sobchak on the brain now? Nihilists! *beep* me!



It's a comedy. A dark farce. It doesn't have to have a message about anything. By defintion it cannot be pretentious since it is not pretending to be important or have any kind of message.

If you want to see something pretentious, try reading your own drivel.

Do you even know what ostentatious means as well? Never mind, you can google it...


Dribble? I'll show you dribble!


Now THAT'S funny!


I think it does offer quality entertainment. I watch this movie all of the time and find it wildly fun: It's completely absurd and even goofy in its execution, but by the same measure, it's not completely shallow and void of any meaning...even if the only meaning is that there isn't any meaning.

It's all irony and I just happen to think irony is extremely funny.


You really are an amazing human being.The way you speak with such elegance and poise. I'm certain pretentious is not the only word in your vast vocabulary though(kudos for spelling it right!). So I am asking you "mickeylbrown". With your knowledge of The Coen Brothers and film in general (obviously by the way you speak you must know a lot about film)can you please tell me in detail what makes No Country For Old Men and Burn After Reading such pretentious drivel? Oh and one of the stipulations is that you can not use the word pretentious. But that shouldn't be difficult for an intelligent person like you. I eagerly await your response:)


see above.


See above? I read your above posts already. Which is why I asked what I did. Yes you defined the word pretentious (Great!) but clearly you missed the point of my post. YOU HAVE ONLY SEEN TWO FILMS BY THE COENS. That is like me getting into a discussion about politics (something I know nothing about) and generalizing by saying things like "All politicians are corrupt goons" when clearly I have nothing to base that generalzation on due to my lack of knowledge about the subject. The Coen brothers are some the greatest filmmakers working today. I base that statement off of seeing ALL of their films (which believe it or not is a few more than two) and hundereds of others by the worlds greatest filmmakers. Burn After Reading is not one of the best Coen Brothers films. Nor is it one of the best in the history of film. I happen to think it is just a funny film. The reason I felt compelled to say something to you when I saw your post. Was simply because I think it is completely foolish to throw around the word pretentious (like soooooo many people. Why? because it is a cop out for people who have trouble developing reasons for why they do not like things they do not understand) and to come on to a message board and declare that a filmmaker (in this case filmmakers) is not any good based off of seeing a very small portion of their work. That is a foolish way of thinking. That is what my post was about. I challenged you to decribe why you did not like the film and The Coens without using the word prententious because I knew that you could not. You proved me right by directing me to a post that was not directed at me. Good choice.


It doesn't get thrown around because it's a cop-out, it gets thrown around because IT'S *beep* TRUE. Take of your fanboy goggles, and pull the stick out of your ass. Why the *beep* would I want to watch another movie from these *beep* when the last 2 "highly acclaimed" films I saw from them were *beep*

"why they do not like things they do not understand"

Oh the *beep* irony. You see sir, THAT. THAT *beep* RIGHT THERE. That is the definition of a cop-out. It's the default response to ANYBODY calling ANYTHING pretentious. The comment itself only adds to the pretension. Hard to understand? How *beep* out of touch with outside world do you have to be, when you need a film to let you know the world is grim and life is pointless?

I answered your *beep* question perfectly. The definition of the word pretentious was in their for the other poster.

You want me to answer you without using the word pretentious?


Read that last post again, except this time skip over the definition of pretentious. You'll find that the point remains the same.

Though at the end of the day, no word better describes this film.

Like I said, take off your fanboy goggles, and pull the stick out of your ass.

Burn After Reading and NCFOM are horrible films.


There we go! Got you all fired up now!

1st I didn't say it gets thrown around because it's a cop-out. Basically what I meant was in your case it's a cop-out.

2nd I am not a coen fanboy. If you read what I said you would have seen the part where I say that I don't even think that much of Burn After Reading. That I simply thought it was funny. I did say I think the Coens are one of the best working today. Thats just fact. Good filmmaking is not subjective. But where you picked up that I am a Coen fanboy...I am not really sure. Clearly you are a little upset over all this. Which was kind of the whole point of talking to you in the first place. You care so much about a film you don't like. I never understood that. I don't go onto boards of films I didn't like. I have nothing to say about those films. Unless you ask me. Then I will tell you. But anyway...

3rd Like a previous poster said. You are the only person here who believes there is a lot going on in this film, like as if it has layers or something. The film is very easy to get. Because there is not much to get. By me saying you didn't understand it I'm not saying you are not smart or you don't understand because its so deep. I'm saying you are dense. You either get the humor and you find it funny. Or you don't. It's plain and simple. And like a previous poster said you defined the word and you still do not get it. You simply repeat that the Coens films are pretentious piles of *beep* (I'm sorry. The TWO that you have seen) Yet both the films you mention are not overly artsy or difficult to understand. They are very simple films that showcase just how talented they are. Because they can make films about nothing. Or the same story thats been done a thousand times before. And they own it. Because they are extremely talented filmmakers. Again this is fact. There are good filmmakers. And there are bad ones. Anybody who knows anything about film, films, or filmmaking can tell the difference. No not because they are smarter than you. Or because they understand all kinds of *beep* that you don't("Thats just some paranoid fantasy you have about filmmakers). That is not what I said. I never said that. But it didn't stop you from going on a rant for a paragraph(Oh the *beep* irony. You see sir, THAT. THAT *beep* RIGHT THERE. That is the definition of a cop-out. It's the default response to ANYBODY calling ANYTHING pretentious. The comment itself only adds to the pretension. Hard to understand? How *beep* out of touch with outside world do you have to be, when you need a film to let you know the world is grim and life is pointless?") about god knows what. It sure didn't have much to do with what I said. I certainly don't need a film to see how grim life can be...I agree? Not sure where you were going with that but...moving on.

In closing I would like to say that all I did was challenge your rash opinion about something. You replied in with a rant where you told ME twice to take my fanboy goggles off and pull the stick out of my ass. When I in no way came off any more excited than you did in your post(I mean again, who comes to a board for a film they didn't like just to tell fans of the film they think it and its filmmakers are pretentious? A pretty angry dude. But thats for another time). I came at you for the same reason everyone else did. Not only are you trolling (which is grounds for anybody to think you are uncool) but you are throwing around a word that has nothing to do with this film. Had you come on to say a Black Swan board and said something like "hey does anybody else think this is a little overrated? I mean I liked it but..." and being taken seriously. But they way you went about it made you an easy target. No hard feelings pal. I just wanted to see if you would tone it down and acknowledge that maybe you could be wrong. But it didn't work out like that. Again no hard feelings...


But it wasn't a cop-out. It's just true.
Prove to me that it's NOT pretentious.
Ironically the same post you accused me of pulling a cop-out, you do that very thing.

"You care so much about a film you don't like."
And yet you just tried to talk down how much you like it.
Why the *beep* are you here then?
Especially after declaring,
"I don't go onto boards of films I didn't like."

Why am I here?
I posted that right after watching the piece of trash that's why.

But WHY the *beep* are you here?

Your post is so full of contradictions I don't even need to continue,
but here goes...

When did I say there is a lot going on in this film?

You claim I don't get what all is going on in the film, and then you claim that there aren't many layers to it? Good god you're a retard.



Take a look at your comment. Every 4 words you contradict yourself.

"Again this is fact."
Wow. Stating obvious opinions as facts, one of the single most fanboy-ish things a person can do.

"about god knows what."
OH GOD. Sooooo much irony I think my *beep* face is going to explode.

Every time.
E.V.E.R.Y. T.I.M.E.
Every *beep* time somebody, anybody, anywhere, anytime, any dimnesion, EVER, calls something pretentious, the shingle most generic, *beep* and ironically pretentious *beep* retort a person can make is something along the liens of "too deep for you?" or "You just didn't get it."

Was that too much text?

DId you *beep* get it this time?

"I certainly don't need a film to see how grim life can be...I agree?"

Then what the *beep* is so great about this movie?

"throwing around a word that has nothing to do with this film"

It has EVERYTHING to do with this film. You act as though I'm the first to call these *beep* pretentious. Guess again. THEY'RE KNOW FOR IT. SOME PEOPLE SEEM TO THINK IT'S A *beep* COMPLIMENT.

I could go on but I doubt there is any use when you're still wearing those fanboy-goggles and still have that stick up your ass.


hahahahaha I'm half asleep responding from my phone. I can't read your whole post right now...but its ok...go to sleep pal...The Coens will come out with a new film soon for you to get angry about. Goodnight mickelbrown:)


Is that it?
Just admit that this film is a pile of pretentious *beep* and get the *beep* over it.

You've lost. Your film sucks. Your directors suck.

You suck.


Oh, did i miss something? There is no "I win, you lose" when it comes down to (dis)liking movies.

BUT there are people who obviously get off on it - and that, my lovely friend, is immensly pretentious.


Unless you believe all of the people responding to be fake profiles set up by the Coen Brothers, they're not "our" movies.

You're allowed to not like movies. That's totally valid. We're just asking for you to actually explain fully. For instance, what scenes/characters were most unnecessary for you in NCFOM? (If you say "all of them," that's not really helpful either.)

Also, all of your swearing comes through as "*beep*," which makes you look like a major tool. Just saying.

"feel the happy, michael."
"feels a lot like sad."


Prove to me that it's NOT pretentious.

The necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges.

This doesn't seem threadworthy anyway, though. Just another opinion.

"Worship me or I'll torture you forever"
-Your loving God.


I'm so impossibly certain that mickeylbrown is just a kid that it's not even realistic. If you could be 10 times more certain of something than a 100 % certain (meaning the exact most certain you can be), it still wouldn't be enough.

I didn't read the entire thread so this might've been covered. I only read the first two pages since my head nearly exploded out of the pure rudeness and (awesomely ironical) pretentiousness that he exhibits. Oh I'm pretty sure he is a guy also, but not as sure. And if he claims some age that seems improbably high it's because these kinds of people gladly lie to earn their claims credibility. He's not 42 years old, I promise.

I mean, how can you only have seen two Coen films and have them being No Country For Old Men and Burn After Reading. You'd have to be born in the 90's at earliest. How can you be so upset that people like films that you don't get? And when I say get, I do not mean that you are too stupid to like them, but that you don't get why a lot of people think they are so good.

I have that same relation to Avatar, The Hangover, The Departed and The Dark Knight. I don't think any of those films are bad, would never say "worst movie ever made" or something else ludicrous, but I really don't get what's so good about them. They're average for me.

Avatar looks like it takes place in a computer animated environment, the characters look like computer animations, and I can tolerate bad effects. But having most of the film look like a computer game takes away from the realism and my viewing pleasure. And the plot is standard boiler plate, a rip-off of Pocahontas that is ripped off from Dances With Wolves. Double ripoff. The themes about colonizing are so obvious that most mentally retarded people probably notice them. Talk about the opposite of subtlety.
Avatar is nowhere in James Cameron's personal top 5, yet many youngsters have it as the best movie ever made. Read here on imdb.

The Hangover is not laugh-out-loud funny on many occasions. The "drama" is so standard and predictable. A bad cameo from Mike Tyson. And it's one of the most immature comedies ever considered good. And the kids keep raving about Zach Galifanikis' character, the worst part of the movie, extremely annoying, immature and unfunny. They say it's the funniest movie ever.

The Departed is nowhere near Martin Scorsese's personal top 5. It's not smart. Jack Nicholson does some of the worst and most OTT performances ever, an impossibly not scary and just laughably stupid main villain. It plays as an action movie in gangster movei disguise and has none of the suspense and drama of his better films. Kids rave about it being the best movie ever. I saw Infernal Affairs, the film the Departed is a remake of, after I saw the Departed. So I had some of the viewing experience spoiled beforehand. And when you see a remake of a film or the original of a film you've seen remade you most often hate it. But I LOVED Infernal Affairs, I thought it was truly great, almost a masterpiece of modern cinema. They took everything that made it great, exaggerated it and made it cartoonish for the Departed. And that's supposed to be the greatest film ever made, it's not even close to being the best film with that story and there are only 2 films in that competition...

The Dark Knight is just one in a long line of "serious" comic book films as of recently. Most of the universe they derive from are really camp, so I like the more serious film adaptation. TDK benefited greatly from the hype concerning the death of the actor making a great performance and a great villain. But one great performance of a supporting player doesn't make a film great. The rest of it is mostly loosely stringed together set pieces. Some of it blatantly ripped off (opening scene - Heat) And I don't find action and explosions particularly entertaining. It isn't even as good as Batman Begins which I think was way better and very comprehensive, really as an origin story of a superhero it was as good as it gets. But it's not in my personal top 100 since even though it's the best superhero movie, there have never been a masterpiece in that genre yet.

But I don't do the "worst movie ever - you all are *expletive* idiots" just because I don't get what the fuzz is about. I think kids have really bad taste in movies. And I can get why people don't like Burn After Reading and No Coutry For Old Men. But it isn't hard to get why some like or love them. It's as simple as Burn After Reading being funny (not for every's sense of humor) and very tight, having great memorable characters and some would say it's suspenseful. And No Country is suspenseful and very tight. Also beautifully shot. It has a great villain but unlike TDK the villain is an intricate part of a good plot and suspenseful film, it's not a somewhat entertaining siddeshow. I think No Country is infinitely better than my 4 examples of films many kids consider "best movie ever". The real mystery is why so many young adults haven't seen more films or becoming more mature and clever as to not agree. The Hangover might be Todd Phillips best film, but his other films are utter garbage in my eyes. Really immature stuff, not funny at all for an adult.

The other 3 films though are from great directors. But none are close to being the director's greatest. Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, Goodfellas, Casino, Shutter Island, I could go on (Raging Bull for many, not for me though). Aliens, The Abyss, True Lies, The Terminator 1 & 2, and yes, Titanic. Memento, The Prestige, even Incepton, Insomnia and Batman Begins. All these are in my opinion very good.

You see, it's possible to like films of directors that you don't get two of their films. But I would never ever recommend the OP to watch Fargo or The Big Lebowski, even though they are widely considered masterpieces. He wouldn't like them.

So I want to ask the OP, and this is the only important part of my pot, tell us some films you like. Your 25 favourite films? I bet you like at least 2 out of my 4 films that I will never understand why they are so beloved by the younger crowd. You might not like The Departed since even that's too slow for you. You want explosions and gunfights. That's OK. But you are an idiot for being so rude to everyone with different taste (and I bet better taste). I can bet that the little kid OP is stupid. No smart person is that insultive to people for liking films with lower pace. And please tell us your made-up age.


PRETENTIOUS - Proud to remain the internet's most misused word after all these years.

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No. I pretty much used it EXACTLY as it's supposed to be. Defined it, and then explained how it applies.

Nice ad hominem though. We're done here.


"I pretty much used it EXACTLY as it's supposed to be. Defined it, and then explained how it applies."


Well, not really. I'm afraid you're doing yourself rather too much credit there. Your leading post doesn't actually offer any definition of the word at all. Nor does it explain how the movie might be described as pretentious. You do say that you feel the movie has too many unnecessary scenes, characters and subplots (although you neglect to provide any examples or explain why they are unnecessary). So it might be said that you’ve accused the movie of being long-winded or redundant. Remarkable that this could be said of a movie as concise and to the point as Burn After Reading, but there you go. Still nothing about this supposed “pretentiousness”, however.

In a later post you do provide a definition of “pretentious” - which you have copied out of (without citing the source). But when you try to apply this definition to the movie you do it rather clumsily. Which is to say you make a complete hash of it, somehow equating “nihilistic messages” with being pretentious, and even suggesting that the Coen Brothers are pretentious for daring to feel that their movie might be worth seeing! In which case pretty much anybody who has ever released a film for public viewing should also be considered pretentious. A remarkably loose application of the word in question, but then, as I said, "pretentious" is one of the most misused words on the internet.

I’m afraid you’ve gotten yourself into rather a muddle here old chap. Perhaps what you meant to say is that you were baffled by the movie and didn’t enjoy watching it. That’s your prerogative. But it really has nothing to do with Burn After Reading being a "pretentious" movie – and nor is there any indication that you have the foggiest notion of what the word actually means.

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I'm not talking about my leading post dumb ass, so that entire *beep* piece of your comment is irrelevant and *beep* useless.

"which you have copied out of"
Irrelevant. Nice ad hominem brosef. Am I supposed to be ashamed of this?
It's not my fault I have to look up the exact definition of pretentious for you *beep*

"(without citing the source)."
And more pointless irrelevant *beep* attempts at ad hominem.
I have to *beep* provide sources now? I'm not writing a *beep* term paper you.

"But when you try to apply this definition to the movie you do it rather clumsily."
No I didn't. Too *beep* deep 4 u? (<-- see what I did there? I'm pretending to be a Coenn brothers fan). This film has *beep* nothing to offer besides it's *beep* message. You cannot *beep* find me a better example of pretension.

"In which case pretty much anybody who has ever released a film for public viewing should also be considered pretentious."

Not even close. Want to know why? Other people who have released films, released films that were ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE.

So what have you got so far?
Ad hominems, straw men, a sweeping generalization, irrelevant conclusion, possibly denying the antecedent?

Like I said, we're *beep* done here. Your entire counter point is *beep*
I don't know if you're argument is just *beep* or if your actually this *beep* stupid and my comment really did go over your head. That would be very ironic since you dared to accuse me of not understanding this boring nihilistic piece of *beep* you call a film.

0/10. That is all I can give you.
Take off your fanboy goggles, pull the stick out of your ass, and move on with your life.



They most certainly ARE ad hominem attacks, since they do NOTHING to disprove my argument. This isn't a *beep* term paper. I don't have to provide a source for a MOTHER *beep* DEFINITION YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW YOU STUPID *beep*.

Ironically, your post was still ad hominem. You chose to attack my usage of the term ad hominem, instead of addressing ANYTHING I said.

It's because you know you're wrong.



Well it's clear that you have nothing left to say after I raped your stack of ad hominem, and that I should ignore this post. But I must ask,
Where did this misspelling occur?
When a person's only retort is point out a spelling mistake, you've long since lost the argument.
It's pretty much the single most pathetic example of ad hominem you can fall back on.



After reading this post, I think I might have hit upon the real reason you find Burn After Reading so objectionable. It’s because the character of Osborne Cox appears to be based on you.

Anyways, let’s see if we can extract any meaning from this stream of frothing at the mouth, spittle flecked, semi-coherent bile:

“I'm not talking about my leading post dumb ass, so that entire *beep* piece of your comment is irrelevant and *beep* useless.”

If I read a thread title accusing a movie of being “pretentious” – then surely I should expect to see some sort of explanation in the leading post? You didn’t provide one. As for your clumsy attempts to explain yourself later in the thread… well I think we’ve already covered that ground.

"which you have copied out of"
Irrelevant. Nice ad hominem brosef. Am I supposed to be ashamed of this?
It's not my fault I have to look up the exact definition of pretentious for you *beep*

No problem with looking up definitions of words. I do it myself all the time. But copying text directly from a source and trying to pass it off as your own is simply poor form… not to mention dishonest.

"(without citing the source)."
And more pointless irrelevant *beep* attempts at ad hominem.
I have to *beep* provide sources now? I'm not writing a *beep* term paper you.

That’s a good thing. Because if you were writing a term paper, you’d almost certainly fail your course.

"But when you try to apply this definition to the movie you do it rather clumsily."
No I didn't. Too *beep* deep 4 u? (<-- see what I did there? I'm pretending to be a Coenn brothers fan). This film has *beep* nothing to offer besides it's *beep* message. You cannot *beep* find me a better example of pretension.

I dare say I could, but I’m not sure how that would be relevant to the discussion.

>"In which case pretty much anybody who has ever released a film for public >viewing should also be considered pretentious."

Not even close. Want to know why? Other people who have released films, released films that were ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE.

And yet according to your own argument, anybody who feels that their movie is worth watching should be considered pretentious. In other words, your reasoning is nonsensical.

As for not finding Burn After Reading enjoyable, well once again, that’s your prerogative. Still doesn’t explain why the movie might be found “pretentious” though does it?

So what have you got so far?
Ad hominems, straw men, a sweeping generalization, irrelevant conclusion, possibly denying the antecedent?

What did you do? Scour the internet for a list of terminology you could toss gratuitously into the debate? What was it this time? The Wikipedia page on logical fallacies? Perhaps you thought we would be impressed by your ability to trot out such terms by rote. Sadly, without any explanation as to how these terms might actually apply to the discussion, you are merely demonstrating that you have no idea of what you are talking about.

Like I said, we're *beep* done here.

Yes, so you said before. Apparently, you couldn’t resist coming back and making a fool out of yourself again.

Your entire counter point is *beep*
I don't know if you're argument is just *beep* or if your actually this *beep* stupid and my comment really did go over your head. That would be very ironic since you dared to accuse me of not understanding this boring nihilistic piece of *beep* you call a film.

0/10. That is all I can give you.
Take off your fanboy goggles, pull the stick out of your ass, and move on with your life.

Peppering your post with gratuitous profanity (all the more ridiculous when you consider that the words are automatically censored) only serves to make you appear inarticulate. And sadly for you, personal abuse is no substitute for substantive argument. Try again after you’ve calmed yourself down a bit and taken the time to learn about what it is you’re actually trying to argue. And do try not to get yourself into such a spluttering state of inarticulate rage in the future. We wouldn’t want you to go all Osborne Cox and start attacking people with axes or anything.

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"It’s because the character of Osborne Cox appears to be based on you."

And this is based on.....what exactly? Is there some part in th e film where Osborne mentions he only likes entertaining films, not pretentious *beep*

"If I read a thread title accusing a movie of being “pretentious” – then surely I should expect to see some sort of explanation in the leading post?"
Nah. Because like I said before, this was never meant to be a *beep* term paper. I was sharing my opinion, not writing an in depth review. It's pretty *beep* obvious how this movie is pretentious, except to those blinded by director worship/fanboyism.

"well I think we’ve already covered that ground."
No you haven't. You completely avoided them at all costs, instead relying on ad hominem and straw men.

"But copying text directly from a source and trying to pass it off as your own"
No it's not. What are you a *beep* retard? My OWN definition of a word? Language doesn't work that way dumb *beep*

"I dare say I could,"
Dare not, for you cannot.

"but I’m not sure how that would be relevant to the discussion."
You don't understand how an example of pretension would be useful when trying to disprove that something is pretentious? I guess I should expect no less...

"And yet according to your own argument, anybody who feels that their movie is worth watching should be considered pretentious."

Nope. That's not my wording at all. Now we're just running in circles you stupid *beep*. BUT JESUS *beep* CHRIST I'LL SAY IT AGAIN. There is nothing enjoyable about watching BAR. However, there are things that are enjoyable about other films. If a director want you to see a film because it's enjoyable, which is THE ENTIRE *beep* IDEA, there's nothing pretentious about it. But when you have a film like BAR, which is not enjoyable, and has NOTHING to offer besides it's boring/stupid nihilistic message, then clearly, they have met the definition of "an assumption of self-importance." I CANNOT MAKE IT ANY SIMPLER THAN THAT FOR YOU. IF YOU STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND IT. JUST *beep* KILL YOURSELF. BURN AFTER READING MEETS THE DEFINITION OF PRETENTIOUS TO THE *beep* LETTER. In other words, your reasoning is nonsensical.

"What did you do? Scour the internet for a list of terminology you could toss gratuitously into the debate?"
Nope. And even if I did (which I didn't), would that change the fact that all of it is true? No it wouldn't. Gee what's this one called...oh yeah, it's more ad hominem.

"Perhaps you thought we would be impressed by your ability to trot out such terms by rote."
No. Perhaps I felt that if I pointed out how your ENTIRE *beep* ARGUMENT is composed of logically fallacies, you would stop employing them. Guess I was wrong.

"Sadly, without any explanation as to how these terms might actually apply to the discussion, you are merely demonstrating that you have no idea of what you are talking about."

I must apologize to you now. I had not realized I was arguing with a middle schooler, I should have, but I didn't until now. You see child, I'm used to communicating with other adults, to whom I am not required to constantly *beep* explain every *beep* detail of every *beep* thing that I *beep* say.
If I point out to an intelligent person that they are building a straw man or throwing around ad hominem, they are capable of reflecting back on their statements and seeing just how they did that. Or they are smart enough to never do it in the first place.

"substantive argument."
You want to talk about a substantial argument? Ha, that's a laugh

Try again after you’ve calmed yourself down a bit and taken the time to learn about what it is you’re actually trying to argue.

Note: This last bit was directed back at you.

Pro tip: Avoiding the use of profanity, and trying your damnedest to present your sentences with eloquence, while having an argument built entirely of fallacies, does not make you appear calm or smart. Likewise, don't be so foolish as to believe because I've used profanity throughout my post, that I'm half as ass-pained as you are. What did you picture? That I'm thrashing about my room, throwing my keyboard against the wall, and screaming profanity? ROFL. I'm sitting here with the most expressionless face imaginable. You however, are clearly upset, since you are still posting on the is *beep* board, god knows why. I JUST SAW THE MOVIE. How long ago do you see it? WHy the *beep* are you still here? It's because you're a fanboy. There's no disputing. Uh-Oh! Everybody look out! The *beep* coenn defense force has arrived!


Is screaming profanity and abuse how you’re “used to communicating with other adults”? Where do you live? Under conditions of maximum security?

Admittedly, it is quite difficult to extract any meaning from your inarticulate ranting - muddied as it is by tangled reasoning, mangled definitions and lashings of impotent rage. But you appear to be suggesting that a movie is “pretentious” if its makers’ feel that it’s worth seeing, despite the fact that you didn’t personally find the movie enjoyable.

Yep, thought I’d understood you correctly. And nope, you still don’t have a clue what the word “pretentious” means.

It is quite funny that you haven’t managed to spot the similarities between yourself and Osborne Cox. But then I suspect failures of understanding are a frequent occurrence in your life. Frustrated by your own lack of general comprehension, you are tormented by feelings of inadequacy, manifested to the outside world as fear, loathing and anger.

I’m here to tell you that it’s OK. It’s not your fault. There are many other stupid people in this world and some of them may even be willing to become your friends. You can find solace in your united dumb-hood. A state of dim, animal contentment may even be possible for you to attain.

OK, so you didn’t “get” the movie. But there’s no reason for you to find this notion so upsetting. There will be many things in life that you will not “get”, mickeylbrown. If you carry on in this fashion, you will give yourself a hernia.

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Wow - this post isn't at all suspect.

Let's take a look at your profile and see what we can dig up:

A) You've only just registered on IMDB... today.

B) It's your very first post and you just happened to feel like stopping by to tell us who "won" and who "lost" this particular debate.

C) You use the same mangled syntax, sub-standard grammar and resort to profanity as the OP.

Jeez... doesn't take Colombo to figure out this little mystery now does it?

You've re-registered and pretended to be another poster in order to generate some fake support for your imbecilic tirades. You sad, sad little man. Words really do fail me in this case. This is probably the most pathetic and inept attempt to save face that I've ever witnessed. I don't know whether to laugh out loud or just shake my head in contempt.

At least you've now admitted that your thread is "worthless". No argument there.

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I don't know why you're even bothering man, you're obviously me.
Clearly I've been running 2 different facebook accounts and living 2 different lives for years and years, all for this one single moment.

BTw I sent you a friend request.


Oh dear. The charade continues. You're actually carrying on a conversation with yourself while trying to pretend that it's two different people.

If you have even the vaguest sense of dignity, you will look back on this moment one day and your face will redden with shame.

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Shut the *beep* up you flaming moron.

Look at the *beep* facebook profiles you stupid *beep*


I don't use facebook sorry. Besides which, I'm not really sure what this would prove beyond:

A) You were actually desperate enough to create a fake facebook profile to go along with the fake IMDB account.


B) You enlisted one of your facebook butt-chums to register on IMBD to back you up.

Either way, your attempts to generate support for your "argument" are weak, transparent and increasingly desperate. It really doesn't matter how many of your fellow mongs you bring on board to fight your battles for you; your position is untenable.

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"I don't use facebook"
because you have no friends.

"you created a fake account"

"got a buddy to come on here and agree with you."

And still no.
SOrry f@gg0t, this movie just generally sucks donkey dicks. I suppose that guy down there who said he couldn't finish it is another fake account I made?
Seriously, grow up you pathetic fanboy.


"F@ggot?", "Donkey Dicks?" - Still doing your best to raise the tone of the discourse on IMDB I see, mickeylbrown. Ironically, you exhort people to "grow up"... right after resorting to such juvenile personal abuse (once again).

It's nice that you've managed to hook up with like minded souls over a social networking site. Perhaps these "relationships" even have some kind of significance for you. You'll excuse us old school types who prefer to associate with our friends live and in person.

But we digress. I can't help but feel that - once again - you are rather missing the point. I don't care if you don't like Burn After Reading. I don't really give a damn if it's the most disliked movie on IMDB. That's not the issue here. The argument is over your labelling of the movie as "pretentious" - which it most certainly isn't, whatever else might be said of it, good or bad. The word is simply misapplied in this case, but then, as you've already demonstrated several times over, you don't have a very good grasp of what this word actually means. You've thrown it out there as smokescreen, to disguise the fact that you don't have anything worthwhile to say about this movie at all.

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rob, if you ever decide to get on Facebook, you can totally be my friend.


I posted earlier links to a *beep* ton of reviews who refer to it as pretentious, not only as an insult, BUT SOME USE IT AS A COMPLIMENT!!!

You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.

That's really it.

There's nothing more for me to say.

You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.
You're in denial. These *beep* film makers are as pretentious as it gets.


The word "pretentious" cannot ever be accurately described as a compliment. By the very nature of its definition, it is a criticism. Again, you expose your lack of understanding regarding the use of this word.

Perhaps you felt that repeating yourself over would be a good way to get your point across. Unfortunately, it just makes you look as if you are stamping your little foot up and down while having a temper tantrum.

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Well. You've succeeded to make yourself look like even more of a dumb *beep* Congrats. THEY were using it as a compliment. Because guess what? If somebody decides that they *beep* like that, well then they *beep* like it. And guess what? That's exactly what some of them did. Countless others used it as an insult. Regardless, the verdict is in; most people agree that BAR is pretentious.

Good day f@gg0t.


From the Oxford English Dictionary:

"Pretentious: attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed."

Certainly doesn't sound very complimentary, does it? I'd be interested to hear you explain precisely how this word might be used as a compliment. Actually, scratch that. No I wouldn't. I was merely being polite. It would be a waste of time.

As far as some sort of a consensus "verdict" goes, who are the "most people" of whom you speak? Have you speaken with "most" of the people who have seen Burn After Reading? Thought not. As it is, if there is any sort of "verdict", it would have to be considered a positive one. Burn After Reading has generally been well received and did well at the box office. Some critics didn't like it, and some viewers didn't really get it, but that's hardly an unusual reaction to any movie now is it?

As far as the movie being "pretentious" - well, a quick scout through the 218 reviews of Burn After Reading on Rotten Tomatoes and the word is not mentioned in any of the leading quotes, suggesting that this wasn't a major concern of "most" critics, even for those who didn't like the film. So sorry old chap - but your views most definitely don't align with the general "verdict" in this case. Not that I'd place too much importance on majority opinion. I'd rather make up my own mind and fight my own battles, thanks very much.

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I'm sorry mickelbrown, but I'm 100% sure that no one in here is looking dumb except for you. You are truly one of the most ignorant, uneducated, inarticulate ässholes I've ever had the displeasure of reading on IMDB.


lol now you're going through and deleting all your comments?


Oh my god. This thread is hilarious and made me laugh more than the actual movie.

The best part is that robhiphop, the guy who won't drop the argument about the definition of -pretentious- believes that someone made another IMDb account -and- another Facebook account because he thinks it's impossible that more than one person would disagree with him. I'm thinking of a word to describe this behavior.. hold on, I've almost got it.. it starts with P...


Actually, had a lot more to do with the fact that the post "just happened" to be the guy's very first on IMDB. Yeah, he registered that very day just to write a post agreeing with mickeylbrown and then disappeared, never to be seen again. Hmmm... that certainly seems likely.

Of course I don't "think it's impossible that more than one person would disagree with me". Try not to be too much of a nitwit. Obviously there will be a number of people who don't like the movie or whatever. I don't particularly care.

My issue was with the misuse of the word "pretentious" - although it would appear that you've just dropped a clanger in that regard yourself.

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You sir, are truly a level 20 Keyboard Warrior.

You see a movie, don't like it, then start throwing around words where you CLEARLY have no idea what they actually mean, except that you know that when someone is smart and you accuse them of pretention it makes you look EVEN SMARTER (bully for you).

You offer no reasons of examples to accompany your accusations, and anyone who makes a good point you are content just to laugh and swear at them (again, to make yourself feel smarter than you actually are).

Get out of your mothers basement, get some fresh air, avoid Coen Brothers flicks, and when you critique a film, please just explain your reasons for your opinions without immature vitriol.


Never defend crap with "It's just a movie"


O Mickey, Mickey...


I personally coulndt even finish watching this film.

I do have a love for alot of their films, however this isnt one of them.


You've just seen two of the worst films by Coens. I strongly suggest you to see the movies they made before 2000's, especially Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Miller's Crossing, and maybe their last good movie "The Man Who Wasn't There" which was made in 2001. I think you may like them more, since they're more traditional crime stories with both more satisfying plot and more relatable main characters.


You seem much more pretentious than these movies.


Well, I like to be pretentious. You should try it too sometimes.


Get Something! Who sees movies to Get Something?? Just relax and remember its only a movie!!If you want to Get Something-Get a Grip!!Enjoy -It's only a MOVIE!! And the Coens make Great Movies-But they are for enjoyment only-Laugh After Seeing- This is No Country for Whiny People..


Long story short, the OP is a
