MovieChat Forums > Priest (2011) Discussion > how good or bad is this film?

how good or bad is this film?

yeah I was thinking of checking this one out on Friday night and wanted constructive opinions on this one...Is it good? I know it's gotten mixed to negative reviews but I usually like this kind of movie...anyways what did you guys think of it?



it was total crap.
but watchable.

karl urban is cooool.
and the priest-daughter was hot.

it was a zipped version of underworld meets blade starring an english bloke that likes lolipops


I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, given the negative reviews and how atrocious Legion was.

That's not to say that this movie is in any way groundbreaking, or that it is carries any intellectual weight, but if you're looking for a far-fetched, fun romp with some good fight sequences, interesting visuals, and pleasing CGI vampires, then you're in for a treat.

My True Blood Podcast:


i would just wait a few months until it comes on the FX channel

"Godamnit Jack Bauer. You really are the man."-Dennis Reynolds


Haven't seen it, but you know some people. They b tch and whine about how bad a movie is and in reality it's never that bad. It's usually average or slightly below.

Very rarely is a movie that I watch so bad that I shut it off and can't finish it. Some people have said this movie is atrocious, but if I watched it I'm sure it's a C or C+. Not good, but not that bad.

An F movie is where I can't sit through it. Very rare.


In an attempt to not sound biased in either way "Generic" it brings ZERO new things to the table. and It loses itself to the 3D gag a few times by compromising anything that even resembles realistic physics

"Is it dead?"-David Della Rocco


I saw a few trailers and felt this looked absolutely horrible. Cardboard, scripted, boring.


I'd say it's a mediocre (if that) piece of dumb entertainment made by a bunch of simpletons, for simpletons. But it's kind of enjoyable. Worth a Blu-ray rental.
I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.


I liked it :) It is decent action/comic film that doesn't require a lot of thought or anything; but it was entertaining.

Kinich-Ahau / Kukulcan in 2012!
Carpe tenebrae!


Typical action movie, insert fight every now and then, beat final boss in epic fight when almost beaten. I enjoyed the visual aspect of this movie, the vast wastelands amd the motorbike construction was cool as these bikes were be able to be ridden. Many have to remain towed on the trailer. I ride so i taker special interest in this
My disappointment was the coolest unique visually appealing ways for the priest to win battles were earlier on, think shuriken crosses or running on boulders. Luckily near the end Maggie Q rope thingy helped drap this away frem other in the genre
yes this movie clearly set up for sequels and resurrections which is why they got stuck with a inconclusive super cool "end move"
Also his sidekick bored me, sure he was good looking, I am a guy but I get it. but apart from cutting a bullet in half near the start, he had no cool moves or even any decent one liners
I also like the way the church dominated society with the use of modern advertising media, it definitely reaked of big brother. I think there is a whole movie in there somewhere just on this theme
And yes the vamps moved too fast, a cheaters way to cover poor CGI
I would watch a sequel on dvd


dont watch it.


Terrible. And since it is all filmed in the dark, I have no idea why anybody would waste money filming it in 3D.
The fights are great. Fall off trains. Get smashed in the face. But no damage.
Except to our credulity.


Enjoyed it. Similar in tone and action to Resident Evil and Underworld movies (as others have mentioned). But too short by far. Could have done a lot more with the world they were living in.

Watched in 3D (think HBO On Demand) and thought the 3D was good.
