Typical action movie, insert fight every now and then, beat final boss in epic fight when almost beaten. I enjoyed the visual aspect of this movie, the vast wastelands amd the motorbike construction was cool as these bikes were be able to be ridden. Many have to remain towed on the trailer. I ride so i taker special interest in this
My disappointment was the coolest unique visually appealing ways for the priest to win battles were earlier on, think shuriken crosses or running on boulders. Luckily near the end Maggie Q rope thingy helped drap this away frem other in the genre
yes this movie clearly set up for sequels and resurrections which is why they got stuck with a inconclusive super cool "end move"
Also his sidekick bored me, sure he was good looking, I am a guy but I get it. but apart from cutting a bullet in half near the start, he had no cool moves or even any decent one liners
I also like the way the church dominated society with the use of modern advertising media, it definitely reaked of big brother. I think there is a whole movie in there somewhere just on this theme
And yes the vamps moved too fast, a cheaters way to cover poor CGI
I would watch a sequel on dvd