yeah I was thinking of checking this one out on Friday night and wanted constructive opinions on this one...Is it good? I know it's gotten mixed to negative reviews but I usually like this kind of movie...anyways what did you guys think of it?
I agree with Nic. The effects and action were very well done. Some parts were kind of stupid, I like the unique concept. I thought it was executed pretty well. Kind of reminded me on The Book of Eli in tone.
Probably one of the most violent PG-13 movies I've seen, they pushed the limit on this one for sure.
The people who didn't like it are probably Twilight fags.
There was not a shred of gore in this movie. The special effects were ok, the acting adequate and the concept interesting. However, the story was reduced in a way to be simplest of simple that I literally felt my IQ drop a few cms. That's the biggest gripe I have with it, otherwise it was acceptable as a popcorn flic.
I honestly cannot imagine how anyone would think this is a good movie. The acting is entirely scripted with no emotion put into it what so ever. The effects are something you'd expect from 2005. The fights are extremely boring and unimaginative. The "scare" moments are easily anticipated and typical with no creativity put into death scenes.
Just saw it this night, and I was positively surprised. Expected nothing since I had the lack of luck in stumbling over Legion, wich sucks really hard. But this one I liked.
Am I the only one who came to think of Judge Dredd and his universe? The cities, the bikes, the wasteland, the guards and the guns etc etc. Somebody got to have glanced at JD...
Paul Bettany was great and Karl Urban likewise. The vampires were a little to fast and animal-like to be really convincing but they did their job.
(Saw X-men Origin tonight also, and was dissapointed since I had expected more from both script and movie.)
Regarding Book Of Eli, loved it, but think that it is not really at all like this one. Again, think Judge Dredd and then you get the kind of comic it comes from.
I totally aggree that it "borrows" heavily from the Judge Dread universe but it was also a combination of THE SEARCHERS, THE ROAD WARRIOR & BEYOND THUNDERDOME--as in the chases at the end of both films.
The only difference that we have is that I completely hated the movie because it was so boring & predictable.
Not ones of the best movies of the year, but I liked it. I know nothing about the graphic novel so I wasn't worried baout that. Is really something you watch for fun, it won't make you think too much about the plots and twists. But there is enough action to keep someone entertained. Like it was said if you like films like Resident Evil then you'll probably like it. If they aren't your cup of tea, probably wait for it to come out on DVD and rent it.
Well,, I thought it was terrible. I've never read the graphic novel either. Nothing was explained in the movie, so either youre expected to get the backstory elsewhere (novel) or they don't think you need one. I'd go into detail but this is not a spoiler thread.
Just so you know, I loved Karl Urban in this, he looked great. Actually the characters were all good. It's just the story that is incredibly stupid, or maybe they think I am.
I'm glad to hear Book of Eli mentioned. I've been up in the air about seeing Priest. Beyond the fact that it's gotten terrible reviews, people keep saying that it's like Resident Evil and Underworld. I HATE all the Resident Evil movies except the first one (and that one wasn't very good either) and I think all the Underworld movies are pretty bad but still pretty watchable and occasionally quite entertaining. But Book of Eli is one of those ridiculous sci-fi action movies that takes itself WAY too seriously that I actually found really entertaining. If Priest is anything like that movie, I might actually not end up hating as much as I'm afraid I will. Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime this week at a 2D matinee.
Jones if you're skeptical about the movie, don't put extra money into 3D. It will be just as enjoyable 2D, I noticed that about halfway through. THe only parts I noticed that WERE 3D are the scenes where Maggie Q has her chain, and the other part where Priest throws those cross/ninja star type things up in the air.
But I think you described it correctly, it does take itself way to seriously but was entertaining.
i thought it was going to be horrible, and maybe that biased my opinion of the film but in the end, you can expect a Big Budget B-Movie. It will definitely entertain you, but you do have to shut your brain off before the film starts. I'd say watch it if there's nothing else to see, it's not bad if you know what to expect :)
well i just went & saw it & i loved it. i also love the resident evil films as well. the only thing that's really similar to the resident evil films is that
the creatures that are in it are CGI. if you are also worrying if all the villians are CGI the answer to that is easy no they aren't. that's what they meant on the reference to CGI. & i thought "The Book of Eli" was a well done film. but a piece of sh*t.
i like the underworld movies though, & though i didn't think the 2nd one was as good as the 1st one. i have yet to see the 3rd one to be fair.
I believe it is worth a single watch, but don't be too frustrated if you find that you are left with a sense of anticlimax. The movie is a bit droning. It has very little dialogue, and what IS said is not particularly intriguing. Some of the action scenes are fantastic, and some of them are bland.
One reason to see it: The main villain is bloody awesome, and gets the coolest camera-pan-over-the-brim-of-his-hat shot ever. Me, my sister, AND my brother had to smile or chuckle at the sheer style.