You guys are crying over a stupid dog?
There are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.
shareThere are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.
shareI keep on being proven time and time again that humans are the most disgusting animals out there. Dogs don't cause wars. Dogs don't go out brutally killing others for no reason.
It's so true!
Super Luka Modric
OP wow.. First of all, its the movie we are discussing.. just because we feel sympathy/ emotional over a dog, does not mean we do not feel sympathy for the poor/ hungry. (I hope) we all do, but where in the movie does that theme get tied in?
There are three types of people in this world- People who can count, and People who cant...
A truly compassionate person doesn't like to see suffering of ANY kind.
So if a person says "Hey don't care about the suffering of those guys over there because they aren't as important as these guys over here."..........sorry but that isn't a truly compassionate person.
If you knew anything about PEOPLE you wouldn't have started this post. In fact if you're THAT concerned about the starving children of the world that you have to make pompous, caustic comments on IMDB, why don't you spend less time doing the latter, sell your computer and donate the cash to charity. That way we all win.
shareThe dumbass that started this post obviously just did it for a reaction.
I love how people who can't understand why people get upset over animals always use the "there are starving children in the world" line. Yeah we know?! We get upset over that too! Doesn't mean we can't have any compassion towards animals who are completely innocent!
"I was born ready bitch"
Samantha James (Just Friends)
There are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.
"Afteral, we ourselves are animals -- we just like to kid ourselves into believing otherwise. "
good post and good point Lunar
Inability to bond with animals is a sign of psychopathy.
Yes, we should care about starving children too, but their suffering doesn't change the fact that pets *are* friends and family too.
Shame on you for starting this dumbass thread!
I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon
Probably shouldn't be feeding the trollishness but what the hell.
Where exactly is it stated anywhere that this movie, or crying at this movie, detracts attention from poverty and starving children? Has anyone said anything about the distraction this movie has caused from pressing world issues?
No. They have not.
I agree with many people when I say I prefer dogs to humans. This doesn't mean I'm not sad about the sufferings going on in the world because if you think it does, you'd have to be an utter idiot.
Dogs give their love unconditionally. Humans don't. It's that simple Darth_whateveryournameis. And yeah they love us because we give them food and shelter, but surely if it was just that they wouldn't want to please us, sit with us, greet us, stay by our sides, if it was just that? When you go to a hotel or hostel, you're just given food and shelter, you don't stand by the receptionist and run up to them and hug them everytime you see them do you?
When I come back from university my Dad and my sister stand at the top of the staircase and say hi. My dog charges through the house from the kitchen, down the stairs and skids to a halt at my feet, wagging his tail and jumping.
Romaneus Eunt Domus