MovieChat Forums > Marley & Me (2008) Discussion > You guys are crying over a stupid dog?

You guys are crying over a stupid dog?

There are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.



There are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.

Two things we have to understand here.

1) I'm not going to feel any shame.
2) You're not going to change you mind.

But I'll state my case anyway.

What you are doing is drawing a line. Where exactly that line is, only you know. We should feel grief for certain beings but not for other beings. I get that. We all do it. None of us would feel much grief for a snail that died I'm betting. We all draw the line at a different place. Snakes and rats? They are beings too. (And even pets) Some draw the line above them, some draw it below them.

We're all just beings. We feel what we feel for reasons that are a mystery to us at times. I hear about some person dying who I've never met and I feel very little grief. If I hear about a small child dying whom I've never met I DO feel something. Not grief exactly, but sadness. Is this logical? Nope.

Now I see a movie about a fictional dog who I only knew for the running time of the movie. Yet I feel like I knew him. (the fact that the movie is well made helped) This is quite possibly the sadness movie I've EVER seen. That's saying something. Does that make sense? Nope.

But maybe being human doesn't always have to make sense. Maybe I don't want it to always make sense. Maybe the fact that Old Yeller and Marley & Me are as sad as Titanic, Schindler's List, and Awakenings is ok.

Maybe crying for Marley is just feeling life in general. Maybe we don't express it in a logical manner all the time. And maybe that's ok. Logic has its place...illogical has its place too.




There are people out there, yes PEOPLE who have feelings and a conscience dying out there, there are children starving to death and you're crying over a lousy dog? Shame on you.

Shame on us for caring about something just because it isn't human? What's so effing great about humans anyway, in all honesty? lol I do love how you said 'there are children starving to death' like that's in anyway related to us watching a movie where a dog happens to die and we happen to let it effect us because we're not all freaks like you and some of us have actually had dogs in our lives, who have been our friend and apart of our family. I don't know why you'd watch this (assuming you actually did) if you aren't into dogs. Wouldn't you know [knowing what it's about] that you wouldn't understand it? That you wouldn't REALLY get it?

I see these kinds of stupid posts all the time. Yes, it's a dog. But why is it so stupid? Why do so many people hold themselves in such a high regard over animals? Because they're smarter, they can do more things, ect. That doesn't make you better though. It doesn't make people any more deserving to live than an animal.

From wikipedia;

Speciesism involves assigning different values or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership. The term was coined by British psychologist Richard D. Ryder in 1973 to denote a prejudice based on physical differences.[1] "I use the word 'speciesism'," he explained two years later, "to describe the widespread discrimination that is practised by man against other species [...]. Speciesism and racism both overlook or underestimate the similarities between the discriminator and those discriminated against."[2]

The term is used mostly by advocates of animal rights, who believe that it is irrational or morally incorrect to regard animals (which are acknowledged to be sentient[3] beings) as mere objects or property. The view is motivated by an acceptance of Darwinism and the logical upshot which suggests that humans as they are today would be just as speciesist towards their lesser evolved forms.[4] Some philosophers and scientists, however, disagree with the condemnation of speciesism, arguing that it is an acceptable position and behaviour, as a form of human supremacy.

Philosophers Tom Regan and Peter Singer have both argued against the human tendency to exhibit speciesism. Regan believes that all animals have inherent rights and that we cannot assign them a lesser value because of a perceived lack of rationality, while assigning a higher value to infants and the mentally impaired solely on the grounds of their being members of the supposedly superior human species.[5] Singer's philosophical arguments against speciesism are based on the principle of equal consideration of interests.


Good post Apocalypse


So....because theres people starving to death out there means we cant be sad over anything else?
Such backwards logic. You'll see what happens when you lose someone close to you, that you wont give a thought about the starving people because you're so grieved by their passing.

Don't worry. You might actually do some good before you die.


Well, I don't like dogs.


I pity anyone who doesn't like dogs.

Like Owen said at the end 'A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull. Give him your heart and he will give you his.'

You could find your one true love, the most amazing woman on earth (or if you're already a woman then its the most amazing man) but she will still leave you if things become to bad, if you lose all your money, if you shout at her, if you are an idiot. But a dog, a dog does NOT care. No matter what you do as long as it knows you love it then it will love you back. It will devote its entire life to you.

As for the OP he is either joking, or (judging from his username) a fat smartass who lives in his mothers basement and hates the world because no one will ever love him...perhaps a dog. Though I hope if a dog does meet him, it bites his Java the Hutt ass.

I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally


to Darth Immortalis and edricknoel

let me tell you a little story
You both are succesful businessman, married to a beautiful girl, you have kids, you have a good friend, you drive a porsche each day and a couple of girls flirts with you and couple of guys talk to you, nearly everybody at the place were you work wanted to be your friend, you were like a celebrity even your neighbours wanted to know you and you also have a dog (well it's a puppy)
you were living the life until one day you make a one mistake at your job then BANG!
you lose it all, you were fired from your job and the co workers you work with didnt want anything to do with you and didnt want to know you, you were struggling to find another job, all of a sudden your neighbours didnt want anything to do with you and some of your friends stopped talking to you and just when you think things are starting to get worse, your wife leaves you..... for your best friend and takes the kids with her aswell, she refuses to let you see them because she claims your a deadbeat, and you lose your car forcing you to drive a beat up volkswagon and your forced to wear some old clothe because you cant afford new clothes anymore
you wanted to move on from your wife, you wanted to get to know the girls that flirt with you, you drive to the location where they hang out, you honk the horn and you ask some of them out on a date, they tell you to ''get lost'' and deny that they ever flirted with you then they tell a bunch of guys to beat you up for bothering them, then you drive to the location were a bunch of guys talk to you, you call their names and they said ''we dont know you''
alot of people caused you pain, ditched you, dont want to know,
no one was by your side, you look to the left then you'll see, your dog is by your side but you didnt realise it, it was by your side and stayed with you when no one else did this whole time and you didnt notice, you scratches his head and it licks your face and then you realise your dog was your real friend, it didnt care weather you were successful or you had a porsche, it was your friend because he knows what a nice person you really are
and you know where I got that story from, because it happened to me

so why dont you think next time you say who cares about a dog because
when was the last time a dog started a war
when was the last time it killed innoncent people
when was the last time it robbed a house
thats right.........NEVER
people do those things, people cause pain

and edricknoel
when you said a dog mauled a human to death
where do you think it learned to do that, by a person
people turn dogs into vicious animals
and dogs are forgiving
one time, a person beat and stabbed a pitbull and yet that pitbull still wanted to make friends with humans

Darth Immortalis
did anyone say ''lets care about the dog in Marley and ME more than the dying people out there''
no one mentioned dying people except you
tell me, what are you doing to help those people, NOTHING BECAUSE YOUR A COWARD
instead of raising money to buy more food for the starving children
your kicking dogs, abusing innoncent animals
your lucky i dont know you in real life otherwise i'll be kicking your ass
one day you'll learn a dog will want to be your friend when no one else wants to
a dog will allways be by your side no matter what

and by the way
Darth Immortalis and edricknoel, you both go Fock yourselves


I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally




I bet you are not crying for either.


I bet you're not crying for either.


Well movies about all that stuff usually makes people cry too... If they are done as well as this movie.
Shame on you.


Darth_Immortalis is a very respectable character. Thanks for saying what has been on my mind.
