Was the PENIS scene necessary?

I think the movie could have been more popular without the PENIS scene and references.


Penis scenes (specifically with Segal in them) are an Apatow trademark.



get over it, it is justa dick


Yes it was necessary. Cracked me up. Don't be such a prude.


I didn't care either way about the penis scene and understood its shock value purpose, but why do people always compare showing boobs to showing penis? There is a huge difference. I have never once seen a clean shot of a vag in any R-rated movie (covered in hair doesn't count because you can't see the actual genitalia), but there are clean penis shots in this one.




Oh em gee it's a penis, ew ew ew ew ewwwww!

Get over it you prudes. I hope more movies with penis AND vagina shots come out just to spite all of you. If you really have that much of a problem with it then don't watch anything that's rated over PG.

"One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic." - Stalin



I personally enjoy his penis and would rather see penis than vag and boobs (seeing as i have those myself)all the times in movies! I think we should have more penii in movies (yep, that does mean multiple right?!) And if people are that offended by penii then they should stop watching rated r movies...nuff said!!!!!

You activated my nerves...so does that mean I'm nerviated?


it was definitely not necessary. I would have liked it much more if siegel had a smaller dong. I think siegel was just trying to show the world that he was packin' a punisher. can't say as I blame him though. if I was swinging a meat whistle like that I would want to tell everyone about it too. Still, they should make the "low self-esteem" cut and remove that kielbasa, or at least use CGI to make it a more normal size so guys don't see that scene and cry instead of laugh ;)

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


i have a anaconda, just ask my ex


I am a hetero male, who doesn't even watch porn, and the penis stuff didn't bother me at all. What's the big deal? It's a wang. I see a wang everyday in the mirror. I think it would be a bigger deal if I were gay, as you don't see that stuff in movies often. Men are much more visual than women (or so I've been told), so a gay man would get a much bigger thrill out of it than a straight woman.

Me? I love breasts. I tend to look at them a lot, and really appreciate them. I'm not attracted to men, so why would another dude's schlong bug me? Did some of you people not play team sports? There were more wieners in the locker room shower than there were being served in the stands during the games. Let me guess, some of you guys can't even eat hot dogs because you get too uncomfortable. Haha. Heck, I remember kids in middle school that wouldn't shake their school milk up and down, because it looked like masturbation. It seems that a lot of you guys haven't grown much since 7th-8th grade. That's ok though. At least we get to have a chuckle when you post your lack of self-assuredness and endearing little insecurities.


I think the penis scene was perfect!
It didn't bother me much but it did make the scene a little uncomfortable which was appropriate since it was terribly uncomfortable for the characters
And on top of that it was hilarious.
