Was the PENIS scene necessary?

I think the movie could have been more popular without the PENIS scene and references.


necessary for the funny. Also, Jason during an interview tells a story of a woman breaking up with him when he was naked and at the time he thought it was more hilarious than being sad. I mean, how often does that happen.

More male frontal nudity...for parity's sake of course.

-That's all the time we have, thanks for playing.


I have spoken of this subject before. Male frontal nudity simply can't be compared to female frontal nudity, no matter what!

And anyway, this homo man never even saw this movie until the this year. The idea of comparison between male and female nudity in movies makes no sense! There is no real necessary comparison at all, male to female, hetero vs homo, etc.

I thought the movie was good (not great). Does anybody else like it beyond the penis scene argument?

Peace To All!
John D. Martin, Homo


I also thought this movie was good but not great. This movie made me chuckle a few times, but I rarely laughed. I think "10" covered similar ground much more successfully 30 years ago. That film was both hilarious and heartwarming.

As for the penis scene, hopefully films like this will "desensitize" us to the male member. I guess we've come to expect female nudity in R-rated films (and even PG-13 films). I have no problem with either, but I suspect that the reason the "special purpose" here is getting so much discussion is there's not that much to say about this film otherwise? Just a thought.


I must agree and disagree with you, WarpedRecord. Although I waited a long time to actually see this movie I really enjoyed it, finally, "PENIS scene" [sheesh!] aside. I always expected the "PENIS scene" to be incidental only, not necessarily "sexy." So what else, everybody? [smiles]

I am a great big homosexual man; I respect all good men and women. I shall never become desensitized to the sight of the human "male member." The " male member" is a human penis and nothing more or less in the end. [smiles]

I never bothered to see the film, "10" (1979) so I can't compare it to this movie.

John David Martin, 47


It wasn't necessarily sexy, but it wasn't unsexy either, just very casual. Ironically, though I found Jason Segel rather ordinary at first, by the end of the film I thought he was very sexy because he was so likable in this film. So if they had the penis scene as the finale, it would have been quite a climax.



The penis shots don't bother me but the way they would show it then cut away so abruptly made the shots seem forced. They were hell bent on showing it though. lol

By Grabthar's hammer...what a savings.


You make a good point, hecantune. It's true that the 'glimpse and then cut away" shots at the beginning and at the end (the nudity at the end was unnecessary) was kind of [stuff]. In the break up scene Peter Bretter was just noode throughout. During the earlier break up scene Peter Bretter was simply bare nekkid! He was in the presence of his "girlfriend" no matter what his and her life eventually changed to. It was a truly good scene. The breakup scene was not meant to suggest sexual arousal or sexual activity in the end.

It's only a human penis regardless how anybody reacts to it on a personal level. So, what's the problem? [smiles]

"...Eek! A human penis and stuff! I must run away!..."

John David Martin, 47, Lifelong Homosexual Man


yea a penis is just skin i mean what is the big deal i mean you see breasts all the time, I have seen plenty of movies that show a woman 100% nude like the other day there was a movie i watched and you could see her breasts and butt and even her pussy hair. so why is it wrong to show a guys penis??


It got your attention didn't it? :p

I don't know why we're yelling!


Gonna list the clueless arguments one by one:

1) ("what's the big deal?")

"it's just human anatomy"
"we all have one"
"you're born naked"

You're right. Let's put porno's in the movie theatres as well. It's just
the human body, it's just sex...we all have seen it or done it. What are
you scared of you prude? While we're at it, I think more anuses should be
shown in movies because "it's just the human body" and buttholes are so
damn funny.

2) "it's so funny!"

Call me old fashioned, but I'm not really understanding what's so freakin hilarious
about seeing someone's penis. Do you go into locker rooms where there's naked people
and just crack up the whole time because it's so freakin funny? If anything, awkward
is the thing that comes to mind.

3) "showing boobs are the same as showing genitalia"

Wow, if your logic level is that low, I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not even going to explain how making this comparison is retarded.
You should be able to figure it out for yourself.

4) "it's 2009, get with the times"

So you're definition of "getting with the times" is having zero standards
for anything that comes before your eyes and tolerating everything? ok then.
How low can your culture's moral standards go?

5) "it's necessary to the plot of the story"

I'm really sorry if you are too dense to understand a scene without seeing every single detail of being naked (like a butt shot wouldn't suffice to showing that he's naked). Some things can be left to the imaginationa and the audience should be able to figure it out that he's naked.

In the end, the primary reason this recent trend of showing genitalia in movies is MONEY. People predictably talk about it more (like now) which = more publicity for the given film which = more ticket sales. I really don't need to hear all these other reasons like "it's so important to emotion of the character" BS. It's in the movie because Hollywood has become Homowood (along with the rest of Southern California) and because of supposedly straight men like Judd Apatow making it his agenda to show penis as often as possible. (what straight man would feel compelled that way I ask).

If this is a trend that sticks, well then bring on the shaved vaginas/clit appearances in mainstream movies for nudity equality.


In the end, the primary reason this recent trend of showing genitalia in movies is MONEY. People predictably talk about it more (like now) which = more publicity for the given film which = more ticket sales.

you answered the question right there! Was the scene necessary? Yes because (presumably) it would cause more "buzz" and generate more ticket sales. I guarantee these people aren't in business to NOT make money. And as for your argument about equality between male and female genitalia, I hope that eventually you come to realize that breast are the females only external genitalia. So the comparison is far from retarded. In fact the desire to see the clitoris would just necessitate a blatant spread shot suitable for pornos and Hustler magazine.




i think it was perfectly fine and set the tone for the movie. i certainly didnt expect it! I reckon well up Jason Segel for having braved it and youre not too badly hung neither! ON, ON I say!



Wow! Over 300 posts! Jason Segel must be thrilled that his Mr. Happy is generating such controversy.

The Falcon flies


Legendary topic cannot die.


I thought this was a clever way to break the "censorship" boundary. Sure, some say it was unnecessary, but from what I've learned in an interview with producer Judd Apatow, he said that he wanted to break the boundary of what can or cannot be shown in a movie.

The penis thing was always a questionable subject when shown blatantly in movies, but according to the MPAA regulations, it's not offensive as long as it is used in the form of comedy and NOT for sexual-based actions.
