The backlash was absurdly overblown imo.
The fervor of the rancor was what dictated WB's panicky decision making for the past six years.
shareThe fervor of the rancor was what dictated WB's panicky decision making for the past six years.
shareI love this movie...
Its in My top 10 favorite CBMs
I completely respect you saying "IMO"
But I do not think the backlash was overblown....
This movie had some HUGE problems, Massive creative failures, and I can completely see and understand why It was so divisive..
first, we now 100% see Snyder's Tone of Dark,depressing,colorless and Joyless just dont work....
While IMO MOS's tone was easily the best of Snyder's trilogy....Still Superman Is meant to be upbeat and Hopeful...Snyder made him joyless and depressing
next, Tornadocide, one of the biggest creative failures in CBM history...this idea never should have gotten past the "what if" stage...
Jonathan Kent as a character Is CRIMINALLY WRONG, there great videos on youtube explaining this, This is my favorite- around 7:25
Superman KILLING Zod FAILED....while I understand it, I get what Snyder was going for, That is not the Superman audiences know and WANT TO SEE
CGI Climax(which IMO is the best superhero vs super villain fight in any CBM) results in way too much Damage...again This is NOT The Superman that Audiences have seen in movies and not the Superman Comic readers have read for 75 years +
bottom line....
it comes all down to Snyder...Snyder either doesnt not KNOW the deep history of these characters and what fans want and expect, or More LIKELY he simply doesnt care....
Snyder is a Comic book fan, so I got to believe he knows the characters, to me its clear, he simply doesnt care....he made the same mistakes In 3 straight films, everything that audiences didnt like, He didnt event try to fix, instead He repeated and Went even further...
I love MOS, I'm not a hardcore Superman fan, so Its HUGE creative Problems dont ruin the movie for me..
BvS and Justice League though I consider among the worst films ever made.
so while you are completely entitled to your opinion...I absolutely think The backlash was warranted...
Agreed. I liked MoS and hated BvS. Justice League was a little better than BvS, but still not a good movie.
shareMoS was very good and I've watched it many times.
BvS was a comic book and was good, so it's not the story that was bad.
Firstly, Ben Afflect is a bad actor and didn't project the intensity to be Batman. That is especially needed in this story as it features Batman's trauma induced paranoia. So, I believe better acting would have sold the story more.
The armor was copied from a poorly/unrealistically drawn comic. That didn't look "cool" like something you could beat Superman in. So, they should have went with a high tech Iron Man kind of look and made it exciting.
Lex Luthor was terrible as he is not the Joker. He's a jealous narcissist who is very high functioning, not crazy. The irony about the character is that Lex IS AWESOME but wastes his time worrying about someone else being awesome, thus defeating his own awesomeness. This has never been done in a film.
Doomsday story was done cheaply, etc.
Batman killing people is crazy. It defeats the purpose of the character. If they did it in his nightmares that would have been fine.
I enjoyed the movie but it's another example of movies throwing out the comics time tested ideas over new ones people don't like.
Eisenberg really overdid it with his version of Luthor. It was very difficult to see him as a major CEO.
shareHe was acting like Joker.
He had a similar motive of doing whatever he wanted because life is crazy and he just wants to see how everything turns out. Blowing up the courtroom in a jokey ironic kinda way is a Joker move.
In the original comics Lex was a selfish awesome genius and Superman a selfless one. Lex always wanted the adoration of people and if he just used his genius for that he'd be as popular as Superman, instead he wasted his time doing nothing productive.
All of these characters were meant to be lessons on how to behave.
Lois was a bitch that liked bad boys and flashy people, that's why she liked Superman. Clark is the real person and he wouldn't tell her because he wanted her to like him, not Superman. That's a lesson about being a modest awesome guy and not trying to impress people but letting them see how wonderful you are over time.
Idiots who are shallow ruin these stories.
"What audiences DON'T want nowadays is the "truth, justice and the American way" Superman, because that is deemed clichéd and outdated."
^Only cliched' and outdated to Communists.
"Superman killing Zod failed"
Anytime I see a comment like this it makes me shake my head. It was certainly better done than Superman 2 where he turns Zod and his 2 lackeys into humans, breaks Zod's hand to put him in excruciating pain, throws him off a cliff, smiles as one of Zod's lackey commits suicide, and then keeps smiling when Lois murders his remaining lackey by punching her off a cliff. And no, the deleted ending where they live and are arrested does not count and neither does the Donnor Cut. In the original theatrical cut of Superman 2, he kills Zod whether you want to accept it or not. Yet him killing Zod by breaking his neck as he's trying to kill a family with his heat vision is going too far. 😡
Yeah. It's hypocritical. This is like when ppl complain about Batfleck's wonton destruction when Keaton Bats straight up killed people and smiled. lol
shareThis never happened. First of all Non did not commit suicide, he tried to fly and being portrayed as a childish simpleton, stumbled and fell. Zod was not murdered, he was tossed into some kind of pit which most people at the time assumed was a phantom zone projector.
shareI thought they could be dead the first time I saw it because they were without powers, but then we have the deleted scene and the director's comments so that clearly wasn't the intention.
shareFrankly in the original theatrical cut that is what happened. The deleted scene does not count. Whether you like it or not Superman killed Zod there. Also there is no dialog in the movie that says he had access to the phantom zone. There's no way around it. Whether you like it or not, Superman killed Zod in Superman 2. Also something you fools who insist that don't acknowledge is that the phantom zone wouldn't work on a human being which is what Zod and his 2 lackeys were turned into. Frankly the deleted scene is stupid anyway. The Arctic police? Really?
shareIn what scene in the original theatrical cut does it show Zod dies? You are making assumptions.
shareGetting thrown off a cliff while human is a pretty good sign. Especially after Superman broke his right hand.
shareHe was thrown against the side of a wall and then slid down into a white, gaseous cloud. It is totally ambiguous as to what became of his fate.
If Superman wanted to murder his enemies he would have killed Lex or Rocky. Instead he just hurt them or imprisoned them.
Superman is not a killer.