MovieChat Forums > Year of the Dog (2007) Discussion > Dogs only die in bad movies

Dogs only die in bad movies

Think about it...


Okay. How about National Lampoon's Vacation, A Fish Called Wanda, and Benji the Hunted (does a wolf count as a dog)?


A Fish Called Wanda sucked balls. A wolf is not a dog. And I assume the dog in Vacation slipped out of its collar and lived.


you cant just say dogs only die in bad movies when you didnt give any evidence


well then disprove his theory!

he's got a point though..


His theory was disproved and he rationalized it.


It already was, "A Fish Called Wanda" and "Vacation" are both money, and whoever said that the dog lived, I hope you were being sarcastic.


If they are "money" how many copies do I need to trade for a cheeseburger?


john1953: I will mail you up to three fast-food cheeseburgers in exchange for an unopened region-1 DVD copy of _A Fish Called Wanda_. While I own said film already, a friend of mine could use one, and you apparently really like cheeseburgers and don't have a car, and I'm all about making people happy. Plus it's just too stupid not to do.

Your choices are McDonalds, Jack-in-the-Box, or In-and-Out Burger. Burger King or Wendy's are possible as well but will force me to drive an extra exit or two, so it may need to be a 2-1/2-to-one ratio in that case.

Email me at [email protected]. I'm confident that we can work something out.


In-N-Out rocks!!!.... 8x8 Animal Style....!!!


What about Grindhouse?


I felt bad for laughing when the dog died in Planet Terror, but it was so friggin' hysterical when it's blood splattered all over the Crazy Babysitter twins.

Hopelessly in love with Uma Thurman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Emmy Rossum


Is there any chance we could work something out for tacos?


I fell out laughing when I read your reply. YOU are money, friend!! Very MONEY. Keep up the great comments :-)

I'm trying to make a movie here...not a film! (Eddie Murphy, BOWFINGER)


Money - adj. - a common phrase used among young (and in some cases, old people) indicating satisfaction or pleasure from a particular situation. Syn: cool, dank, awesome, sweet.


OLD YELLER -- fabulous movie, the dog dies.


A Fish Called Wanda was fantastic.

Your theory fails.

And, hello, Old Yeller.

Arthur Dent? Arthur Philip Dent? You're a jerk...a complete @sshole.


This was the finest (not to mention funniest) film I saw at Sundance this year, out of 28, despite extreme competition.

Those who haven't seen it but feel compelled to abuse it anyway are more than welcome to miss out. Karma's like that. As in that case of A Fish Called Wanda: when all is said and done, this one will speak for itself.


"A Fish Called Wanda sucked balls."

That's your opinion, which is your right, but is a subjective statement. I liked it. So your statement proves nothing.

"A wolf is not a dog."

Depends on your definition. Dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, dingoes, and jackals are all part of the Canidae family. So although they go by different names, you could make a case for them all being "dogs".

"And I assume the dog in Vacation slipped out of its collar and lived."

There's no way to back that statement up, as the movie didn't imply that at all. If anything, when Clark got pulled over by the cop and they were going over what had happened, it implied that the little guy "tried to keep up for a mile or two", before stopping from exhaustion (which would then kill him since the car was moving and dragging him at highway speeds).

Bottom line: the subject heading is irrelevant to begin with. That being said, I didn't like this movie much (saw it in a sneak preview last night in DC and Mike White was there to take questions)


A Fished Called Wanda is awesome. If either of the mentioned movies suck then it's National Lampoon's Vacation!


Are you kidding me?! A Fish Called Wanda was GREAT! But this film was so *beep* boring!


What about All dogs go to heaven?


Amores Perros... i rest my case.


Ditto - Amores Perros - one of the best movies of all time.


The Omen?


Only bad movies, huh?
Joe Dirt. 'Nuf Said. You *beep*


In Cold Blood...

In other news, Im not wearing pants. Film at 11.


I have not seen the movie, but Steve Berg is the bomb...I hope he is in it a ton....



Which version? (Not that I've seen either, or the sequels, but reviews were not kind.)


What an odd generalization......Old Yeller or Where the Ren Fern Grows anyone?Classics!


To Kill a Mockingbird...


Snakes on a Plane.....Oh wait, that sucked.


Don't forget Of Mice and Men

() ()
( . .)

I stole this cute bunny from someone else


I have to agree, somewhat... with the OP. I want my movies to be fantasy when it comes to pets, no dying allowed!!!! Did you see that crapfest called Hollowman(I want my money back!), it was a cheap move to make you rally against that character and make him an intstant bad guy, it would have been better as a veiwer to feel the conflict inside the character instead of hating the makers of the film for taking the ugly easy road.

Most films with a dog dying in it I would like to give a minus one score to, though I love The Royal Tenenbaums and would love to give it a ten, there is a part in that film that makes me want to fly to Austin,TX and feed Wes Anderson a knuckle sandwich and a side of Nike!!!!! On a scale of 1-10 the only movie I would score an eleven with a dog dying in it would be The Road Warrior, if you never heard the back story the mix dog in that film(such a cute pup) was a shelter dog which was saved and trained especially to be in that film, so thank you George Miller or whoever was responsible.

But the worst case movies have to be documentries, the most heartbreaking being Shelter Dogs. The movies of fiction I can choose to ignore or not watch again, but I hated watching the news around the time of Katrina. The idiots who had their own transportation and left the dogs and/or cats behind, and even worse are those who left them caged or tied to somthing to drown(sadly) with no ability to escape. Have some heart if you ain't taking them with you(sonsofbitches) give them a chance to survive somehow, let em' loose and let instincts take over and never get a pet again(assclowns!).

In movies I would rather see person after person get killed before one dog. Sorry to those people who are angry with me for not using *Spoilers*, In my defense I missed/didn't see anyone else above use them at the time of my post(not trying to throw yall under the bus) and with the topic being what it is you should have approched this thread knowing that movie names might/would be tossed about to flush out our opinions,we ain't giving away plots really, sorry anyway even if I sound like a bit of an ass at the end.


its ok to kill a dog in a film if it encourages people to save a real dog.

otherwise, its blind escapism


"In movies I would rather see person after person get killed before one dog."

Same here. A person gets brutally murdered in a movie, and I barely blink. But if one animal gets even a scratch on it, I cry my eyes out.

Help homeless pets!


Oh, I dunno. "Wonder Boys" was okay.

And respect to "Old Yeller."


Beyond the easy ones like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows, a dog died in Seven (although we didn't see it) and Signs.
What bad movies do dogs die in?

Wow, that dinner smells good. Let me guess... meat?



I'm the same way.


I am sorry, but I cannot come to a rational conclusion as to why you would feel more sympathetic towards an animal with no feelings than that of a human. So what you're trying to say is: Before they kill poor little Fido, please kill the 6-year-old, so I don't have to cry? That makes no sense. The life of an person should outweigh that of any animal, anytime. This is why organizations, like PETA, are an abhorment. I mean, yes it is wrong to be unnecessarily cruel, but some cruelty is necessary to live, because that is the way the world has efficiently functioned for many years.


Animals have feelings too. Every living thing has feelings! I don't like to see kids killed in movies either by the way. And there are certain people in movies that I don't like to see get killed.


Lassie Come Home - Lassie lives of course, but an old peddler's small dog dies. Theives attack the man and the dog comes to his aid, one of the men kicks it and kills it. That made me cry :( because it was the old man's only friend. Then again, pretty much all the Lassie movies make me cry.
Also the Plague Dogs, although in the book the 2 dogs lived.


Magnolia is a great movie, dog dies at the end of that... So I disagree!


Wait a minute....the dog died in Magnolia? Are you sure he wasn't just sleeping or perhaps playing dead? Admittedly Magnolia was a great movie but I haven't seen it in a while to confirm the claim of dog death.

Perhaps my theory is flawed......I've dedicated my life to developing this One Great Theory. It was the only thing in this messed up world that I knew to be truth.... and now that's all thrown to hell. To hell!!

Okay.......Turtles only die in bad movies!!!
Example: Cannibal Holocaust.
Case and point.

Think about it.


Only idiots make sweeping generalisations.

I use your original post as a reference, therefore I am right if we follow your logic.


Where's your sense of humor?


No need for the idiot comment. It's a thought provoking post (sometimes shallow thought is most welcome) and he/she's being facetious.


Yeah, the dog did die. If you remember back to when the pills were scattered on the floor, the dog was eating them. And sadly, there was a sheet over it and it was taken out with wassisname!

Like the new turtle theory though, but I don't think I've seen a bad enough movie to add to that one! lol


Well, not that I'm TOTALLY agreeing with the original post, b/c I'm not, but two other movies that dogs died in were 'Fear' and 'The Butterfly Effect'.... and both deaths were murderous tragedies. Fear was decent, the other movie sucked ass in my opinion.

"Don't tease me about my hobbies. I don't tease you for being an a**hole."


I was stone sober and bored to death when I posted that, I'm surprised I missed the satire.

Sorry 'bout that mate.


Does that golden retriever die in watchers?


Old Yeller and Magnolia are very good movies but the best film that features a dog dying has to be MY DOG SKIP.
