the truth is that I love both Liam and Pierce and I couldn't wait to see this. Overall it is a good movie(slightly disapointed with the ending)
but as much as I love Liam and Pierce..I still found it rather odd that hollywood cast two scottish actors in the role of cowboys? Is there a problem with American actors? I mean I think George Clooney would have been great in Pierce's role and Gene Hackman in Liam's role
what say you?
do you find it strange that they cast two scottish actors in a western?
How ignorant, they are both from Ireland, not Scotland and as far as 'what is wrong with American actors' go, how many non-American stars are forced to adopt American accents to further their careers all to satisfy the xenophobic American film market and please its audience who seem afraid to expand their minds.
Id just like to point out too that theres nothing whatsoever surprising about irish people as cowboys anyway. The Irish were probably one of the biggest minorities in the old west and many famous cowboys had Irish heritage including Billy the Kid. Also its good that people are trying to properly explain the Irish/British situation cause its offensive and extremely annoying when Ireland or Irish people are called British, not that i have a problem with Britain i have lots of english friends but its just not what i am.
huh? I thought that might have been what he/she meant, but I always thought British was just a more politically correct term for English. I'm from America so I guess maybe that's true. *shrugs*
I thought that because I saw a TV show about how the Britons were run off of the island to France by the Angles (and other Germanic tribes). And so the people there became known as "English". And then when the Britons came back, they were called British again. But apparently that's not why. I'm just a kid from America, so that's all I could gather about the fact that sometimes people there are called English and sometimes they're called British. Plus I've never heard a Scottish or Irish person called British before, and I've never seen a British flag anywhere but England. Also, I thought the whole group were called the United Kingdom.
Actually where you said the UK thing was true - the previous poster said British refers to the British Isles. It doesn't. It refers to Britain, which is an island consisting of Scotland, England and Wales.
A quick google shows the full name of the UK to be United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
I'm from the south of Ireland, which is in the British Isles. I'm not British.
New point though. What about the guy with the Irish accent? I don't know his name so I don't know where the actor is from. An american said earlier, that Brosnan and Neeson's accents were ok, it wasn't like being spat in the face every time they spoke. Well that's what it was like being irish hearing your man, knowing there were two great irish actors just feet away. I wanted to cry.
It's called acting. If they are good actors and right for the part it doesn't matter where they are from. Besides, the old west was full of immigrants from all over. Cowboys weren't all exclusively born and bred in the US.
I never noticed a "foreign" accent, but it would not be unrealistic if they did not have an American accent. There were plenty of immigrants in the U.S during that time.
hshowe. I have lived in Scotland all my life and thats a lot of years. I haven't met a pimp yet. Do not make disparaging remarks about other nationalities unless you know what you are talking about.
I am No One,No One is Perfect,Therefore I am Perfect.