Where does this film rank on your all-time list?
Just curious. I'm sure for many people it doesn't even register, but on my "list" I'd say this is easily a top 10, perhaps even a top five.
shareJust curious. I'm sure for many people it doesn't even register, but on my "list" I'd say this is easily a top 10, perhaps even a top five.
shareWithout question it's in the top 25... percent.
There were three of us in this marriage
#10 currently - may move down to #11 on a fourth viewing. Nonetheless a masterpiece.
1. Citizen Kane
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
3. The Rules of the Game
4. Touch of Evil
5. Man with a Movie Camera
6. The Passion of Joan of Arc
7. Seven Samurai
8. 8 1/2
9. Andrei Rublev
10. The Tree of Life
11. Persona
12. Vertigo
13. Dr. Strangelove
14. Werckmeister Harmonies*
15. Schindler's List
* May move up to #12 upon a third viewing.
shareI'd say it's got to be flirting with #1. And more than flirting, full on married. (Star Wars so totally blew me away I sort of have that an automatic #1 in a way though for all time, but Tree of Life really was astonishing so it's hard to not give it #1 so this explains why I avoid rankings and find it impossible. I've never agreed with any list of movies I've seen by rank, not even my own hah! It's impossible. I will just say that this film feels like the best movie ever and is utterly mesmerizing and wondrous it can't really be put into words.)
(I'm always amazed by how many movie critics don't get him. I get the feeling that they are frustrated literary critics or failed novelists or something and I'm fascinated how they ended up in the world of movies since they seem to have such a disdain for visual story telling and so much of it seems to just whisk right past them that seems to apparent to me. A little burst clip he use to tell 10,000 words more perfectly than words themselves ever could (certainly not without bogging things down to 200 hours long films) and pull out incredible emotion. I think some just don't have the sort of sense of wonder and awe and maybe don't get as touched by the emotions.)
My personal list? Pretty highly. I thought it was a pretty special, memorable film. There's not a whole lot out there that's like it. The acting was absolutely superb, and the film was incredibly atmospheric and mesmerizing. And I'm far from an art house film guy, but this one, for whatever reason resonated with me on a pretty deep level. It's definitely not for everybody, though. But for those of it is -- it's a one of a kind film.
Oh and the musical score was probably the best I've ever heard, too.
#340. Just saw this great film. Severely underrated.
My dynamic Top 500 list ---> http://www.imdb.com/list/ls073231488/
nº1 since it came out
shareits one of my fav films. i think this film will have a big cult following -- it does now.
"Oh, Mama, can this really be the end, to be stuck inside of mobile
with the memphis blues again"