If I had to choose between a sequel for Prince of Persia or The Last Airbender, I'd choose Prince of Persia every time.
But that's just how bad The Last Airbender was. Prince of Persia was mediocre at best, boring at worst.
I think Prince of Persia is a good example of a movie that could have been much, much better with better post production:
Editing. Yeah, there were some parts that missed getting cut and should have been, if nothing else to keep the pace going. I think this movie was supposed to be an action adventure, and yet there were so many parts that just went on and on and on and nearly put me to sleep. Maybe the advertising disappointed many people by making them think it's an action movie, but then delivering a drama.
Music and scoring. Did not spice up the action scenes. If anything, just kind of droned the movie down quite a bit like elevator music.
Choreography/fight scenes. Maybe poor choreography or maybe just that parkour is not exciting to me.
Acting/direction. There was some good acting in this movie, but several of the actors either had poor direction or just could not act well during many scenes. Some actors I know are not bad in other movies and others maybe they just can't act.
OK, so more than just post production, but I think they could have made this movie a winner with better editing to get rid of the terrible parts. Or maybe they didn't have enough good parts to do that.