I just don't freaking understand it. Now the chance for a sequel is slim. I can't believe Clash of the Titans is getting a franchise but not this movie. Even The Last Airbender has a greater chance for a sequel! That's just wrong
I do not understand it. Clash of the Titans was terrible and this movie was really enjoyable. Not Oscar worthy but every movie doesn't need to be. It was fun, visually stunning and entertaining. Not to mention how hot Jake looked....
I thought the two leads had great chemistry and that's about all the good that there was in the film besides the sets which were amazing.
The dialogue was cheesy and trying waaay too hard. The plot was very confusing especially when it came to explaining the part that Tamina was supposed to sacrifice herself but really didn't have to in the end for it all to be over. After awhile the action scenes got monotonous.
The films BIGGEST mistake was having a $200 million budget. They were trying to mix "The Mummy" with "Pirates of the Caribbean" and it just didn't work.
I HATE when a movie kills of people and then in a flash everyone is alive and well again. Yes, I want all the good people to live, but still it's a cheap way to make the audience happy. (The Mummy 2 anyone?)
That's just my opinion from someone who just saw the film for the first time today and I have never played the video game (just so you know what perspective I have)
But they needed the film to make much more to get a sequel. I know, weird. Excellent film. Head and shoulders above the dreck getting franchises nowadays.