The opposite of generic? She's the very definition of generic. Remember Laney Boggs? Or how about Andy from Pretty in Pink? She's just a modern version of that, except more annoying because at least Laney Boggs and Andy were relatable. I mean, she's definitely a poser (that is, if you take every word she said in all seriousness and write off that maybe Diablo Cody wrote her too many one-liners on accident.) She tries too hard to be witty and interesting. It may not seem that way to people who didn't know people like that in high school, and if you're over the age of 25-30, you probably didn't. The whole poser thing has been around, but the breed that we see in Juno is sort of a new development over the past couple of years. This whole - I don't give a damn, but look at me, I'm so cool and interesting, and complicated. I think ultimately what some people find "annoying" about Juno is that they can sense that she's a poser. And personally, what I find even more annoying is how people assume this is how tons of teenagers act, when in reality, it's not at all close. I mean, I'm sure there's a handful, but not much more.