MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie so muc...

Why does everyone hate this movie so much? wasn't the best movie ever made but it really wasn't that bad either. People are all judging this based on the fact that it was nothing like the game but in reality it's a descent movie with an interesting story and some fairly good action scenes.


this is one of those things where in the game the characters, dialogue, and story all work so well that changing it is a bad idea. there isnt anything that it could be changed to that would make it better. when something isnt broke, dont fix it. everything was already in place. all they had to do was sit back and use the best parts for the film and then make some money. even from a business standpoint, why risk changing something that is already very successful? it makes no sense. this wasnt even someone elses interpretation of the story, this was someone doing what they wanted with it. if thats the case, they should have made the movie they wanted instead of using something that already existed to act out their creativity. if the names of the characters were changed and the name of the drug was changed only the people who played the game enough to remember it would think to themselves "this is kind of like max payne." that isnt an adaptation, thats basically stealing the name of something to make what you want. people made money off of someone elses story, the least they could have done is get it mostly right. if you want to do that, dont change something that is already successful.

think for yourself


BTW the movie is pretty cool.

All the haters can go get stuffed. The first game was equally as far fetched as the movie so I don't know where people get off complaining. Considering you have a game where characters can jump 3 storeys off a moving train and not get scratched, run 3 blocks with a bullet hole in their gut.. Oh come on.......


The first game was equally as far fetched as the movie so I don't know where people get off complaining

There simply is a difference between poignant, arresting art and a crude, repulsive, haphazardly put together wreck intended solely for monetary gains. And I believe you already know to which two different works I am referring in my sentence.


I know but I veiwed the movie as a stand alone story. Seperate to the story in the game. I knew going into the movie it would be either a wonderful bit of fun or a pile of steaming crap so I didn't have any set expectations.

I dare say even an AU story even.


Mate you can go get suffered. Its a well known fact that this is one of the worst films ever made, the fact that u even try to defend it makes you an absolute clown. You "dare" say? Lol who cares what you say, your opinion carries no weight at all given your poor taste in films.


I've been reading a few threads with posts written by you and, for the shake of your mental health, I really hope you are just a troll.

No, your opinion is not a fact. No, people defending the movie are not "clowns", are not "stupid" nor they have poor taste in films. Just have a different opinion than you. If you are not a troll, you must be a really sad person if you need to insult everyone that doesn't share your opinion, and an egomaniac if you thing that yours is the only valid opinion. Stop insulting people, users like you ruin internet forums. Accept for once the fact (and, as hard to believe may be for you, this is a fact) you are not the center of the world.


Seneca I call it like it is. You're a pussy with a crap taste in films. Don't like it then have another cry.

Lol at you.


Ok, I guess you are a troll, but user reported anyway. It's a shame nobody teached you some manners, but I have no need on being insulted by some random kid on internet who thinks is cool.



Yes, I know that it won't solve anything reporting you. You will create another user if you're banned and it won't fix you, you still will be the same sad person you are now. I do not know what have to happen in someone's life for him to find pleasure in insulting people on internet to feel himself like he is important. And I am pretty sure (because it is always like this with people like you) that you are not like this in real life because:
a) Someone would have put you in you place by now
b) You wouldn't need to do this to think you are tough

Well, I won't lose a minute of sleep over you, I really hope you grow up and find your place. Also, you are kind of funny.

P.D.: There is one thing I don't understand, though: Why do you speak like that and then use the *beep* thing? Considering the rest of what you have said I don't think it matters...



Wow, calm down... I would have imagined that an obvious troll like you would have been more patient and would be more funny to play with...

And why do you always end your posts with the same sentence? I guess you have heard that so many times in your life from somebody just before leaving that you are confused and think that means "goodbye".

Well, I will just say the classic: goodbye. Maybe will see each other in other post and continue with our new friendship.

Best regards



Because it has Mark Walhberg in it, the worst actor on the planet. 'Nuff said.


some people have a better idea of what a good film looks like and what a bad film looks like.
I can fully understand how a 13 year old who is more into games than movies might think this was a good movie.


A lot of it didn't make sense; the whole thing never seemed to come together. It also kept feeling like there was going to be some huge climax, but then there never was.


Like everyone in this thread,it just reeked of disgust and mediocricy when compared to the video game that it failed to adapt. It is why this film got panned by not only critics alike,but also by the fans of the video game who knew that this movie was terrible,atrocious,idiotic and unbelievably stupid. Nothing made sense,and the only scene I did like in the movie,which was when his home got invaded and Michelle dies,is halfway through the movie instead at the beginning. God,I hate hollywood film makers who cant seem to adapt a video game the right way,and make up sh!t as they go.


The bottom line is that while it would have made a good stand alone film, it was trying to ride on the coat tails of a classic video game. The game was set out to be like playing through a John Woo film, and while the movie should have had more of the feel of Hard Target or Face Off, it had none of that and had more of a mild revenge undertone with nothing that made the game special. I think it probably tried too hard to be dark and gritty and ended up just ended up another generic film. Again though, the reason why it's hated so much is because it dragged the name Max Payne through the mud a little compared to the early glory days, and is probably one of the reasons why Max Payne 3 came out ten years after the second one. There are movie games that are complete disasters (like house of the dead or super mario brothers,) and then there are the ones that aren't complete duds but have little if nothing to do with the original material and end up flopping for being completely different...I think the Max Payne movie is definitely the latter.


I think it's the former. I seriously don't know how they could have done this film any worse.


I've been disappointed by a lot of movies through all the years, but as a long time Max Payne fan, this was one of the biggest disasters for me personally when it comes to movies. The story was *beep* and should have never been called Max Payne. Just thinking of that horrible bullet-time sequence in the warehouse (if I'm correct) makes me cringe and it's been years since I've seen that piece of *beep*

I hope Payne & Redemption will get finished some time in the near future.



Because of the casting... Wahlberg is a passable Max Payne but the rest is just awful.

You're going to die screaming and I'm going to watch. Am I telling the truth?


As some people have stated, this film, Hitman and some of the Resident Evil movies are best enjoyed on their own terms as stand-alone action films because while they have fun action, some of the game's material and can be a decent evening's worth of entertainment, they don't come anywhere close to being the memorable piece that was the videogame.

Either way, everyone is overacting and flooding this thread with unsound arguments (Marky Mark= Worst Actor Ever!, I couldn't follow the film yet I played the game, etc.)
