MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie so muc...

Why does everyone hate this movie so much? wasn't the best movie ever made but it really wasn't that bad either. People are all judging this based on the fact that it was nothing like the game but in reality it's a descent movie with an interesting story and some fairly good action scenes.


I loved the game, and agree that the movie is extremely different, and probably would have been better if they didn't call it Max Payne. However, it was a really cool movie, and it takes a lot to impress me, being that I'm not a big movie fan and think most are boring clones of other movies.

I'm pretty darn sure that the wave of negative review is coming from fans of the game, which is really unfair. If anyone has a problem with the discrepancies, just pretend that it's not Max Payne and judge it based on how good it is and the content, not because it's not like some Playstation game. This movie is also nothing like the game Tomb Raider, but it really makes no difference. Please, everyone, be fair and non-prejudice. If you think the movie sucks, say so, but please base your judgments on the movie itself as an independent release.


ddo-8: I find your comment kind of ridiculous.

I'm pretty darn sure that the wave of negative review is coming from fans of the game, which is really unfair. If anyone has a problem with the discrepancies, just pretend that it's not Max Payne and judge it based on how good it is and the content, not because it's not like some Playstation game.

If they're going to base a movie on a video game it should be, at the very least, somewhat similar to the game it's based on. Pretty much the only similarities in this case is that some of the characters have the same name and some of them have the same job, and there is a drug called Valkyr.

This movie is also nothing like the game Tomb Raider, but it really makes no difference.

Of course it makes no difference, it's not supposed to be Tomb Raider. It's supposed to be Max Payne, which it isn't.

Basically, it sounds like you are saying that as long as a movie is good it doesn't matter how similar it is to the original story.
It's like making a movie based on a historic event and then changing all the people as well as most of the event they're basing it on.


It's not bad but it's in no way a great movie. And I'm saying that based on it by itself not even as the abortion of the video game it is. Both of those together really bring it down. There are some good moments and some bad ones. But this film is hated by many because it has none of the emotion or soul that the game does. None of the driving force. It's all the action, little of the emotion.



Visually, it was stunning.
Narration wasn't jerky either.
I liked the beginning and up until the Natasha's death.

When it went B-movie-supersoldier with out of the blue Constantine elements - that's where they've lost me.

Overally, a pretty decent stand-alone film and a bad adaptation. Then again, the game is overrated as hell.

Shake your hip
Bite your lip
Shoot your mother in law


because the portrayal of max payne by mark wahlberg was horribly off.
it felt as if they didn't even consider the source material, and i blame the *beep* director for this. If they actually had followed max payne's character it wouldve been pretty intense.
but thats just the first problem...


Ok lets make this a little clearer. It was an action game - the game's John Woo-style action and the film-noir story were what made the game so popular. So rather than make an action film of an action game they make a boring detective/supernatural thriller with no shootouts at all till the last ten minutes.

Seriously two hours are plenty to include the game script in a film, they didn't need to have a shootout in every single place Max went to in the game. I think four main shootouts evenly spread through the movie would even have been enough if done right.

You could have had one at the start when Max kills the junkies in his house and finds his wife and child dead. Another at Jack Lupinos place when Max comes across the Finito brothers. Then another one when Max chases down Lupino's wimpy second-in-command across the rooftops (forgot they guy's name). Then the long final shootout could take place at the Ragnarok club as Max goes after Lupino, thus completing Act 1 of the game and leaving room for some sequels.

And that is just a bare minium. It is possible for an action film to have more than 10 minutes of action you know. I had no idea why they had to include BB and Alex in the film. Especially Alex who just seemed to make the beginning of the film drag on and on with inaction. The film was totally boring except for the last ten minutes or so. And even then the ending was still a letdown. And what was with BB kiling Lupino? Who's brilliant idea was that?! Why?!

And those Valkerie things were just a waste of time. They had nothing to do with the game at all and just felt totally out of place.


When I think of Max Payne I think of a tough guy who has nothing to lose, living on his adiction to painkillers and mowing down any foe who enters his path in a stylish, john woo-esque action scenes. All I got in the movie was a dead pan Mark Wallberg, bland supporting cast and mediocre action. The changes made weren't nessersary, they were just lazy.

Now I went into the movie expecting it to be bad due to the negative reaction the film got but at the very least I was expecting to be entertained. How can you fail to make an enjoyable adaption to a game with Matrix style action. It's just a boring forgettable mess.


personally i feel this film was terrible but i also feel that any film based on max payne would be pretty average as well. The reason I think this is because people seem to forget that max payne the game is slightly a parody/satire of film noirs and whilst it was new to the genre of videogames when it came out, in film format some elements would basically look rehashed and predictable, for that medium. Saying that im pretty sure anyone who played the game would have just preferred a straight film translation of what happened in the game, and if they had done this and filled it with action it would have been pretty decent-not great but decent. The story of this film how ever was very confusing and kinda boring to boot. maybe a sequel will come out that at least tries to follow the story of the second film?


Well imagine if the studio and Peter Jackson did the same with The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and changed the story and made up their own stuff, like having Frodo be an alcoholic in recovery and sent to a detox place called Mordor and Gandalf being a caretaker. I doubt that people would have accepted that.

See, you cant change things that people love and feel passionate about. You dont paint a picture of a fruit basket and call it Mona Lisa either.


i really liked this movie, today it was repeating in the TV cable. i admit the story was changed a lot, but i did relly liked that new and also very dark story about deamons. the style was aso good.

so i asked the same as you, why people hated so much this movie, man? for me, it is a much more interesting movie that the adaptation of Hitman (2007), which obviously is more a conservative sex-violence-action movie. neither are bad. i was so surprised when i saw Hitman and one year later, Max Payne in the screens, as they both are one of my favorite action games, and neither of them was a bad movie. my score is 7 on Hitman, and 8 on Max Payne.

what i would have addes is that glorious narration style of Frank Miller's Sin City, which is almost the same as in the Max Payne game. Also, in the Cast, i always imagine Payne looked more like Cristian Slater (True Romance), according to the game concept art, although Walberg was great on the film.


No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MOVIE WAS A DISGRACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
