MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this movie so muc...

Why does everyone hate this movie so much? wasn't the best movie ever made but it really wasn't that bad either. People are all judging this based on the fact that it was nothing like the game but in reality it's a descent movie with an interesting story and some fairly good action scenes.


I thought it was good. A little slow in parts. Could have kept more from the game. I don't think Mila was the best choice for Mona. Some nice visuals and music, even if it didn't have the game theme. 7/10

The main problem with this film is that it tries to compromise between being for gamers and non-gamers, ultimately leading to hate from both sides. I'm okay with that, but a lot of people aren't.


Everyone hates this because this has nothing to do with the Max Payne's a spit in the face to all Max Payne fans....


Yes, it was that bad. Right from the opening scene, there appears to be crap acting from Mark Wahlberg when he's in the water. Then they show his wife on the bed who looks nothing like the wife in the video game.

Then there's those weird shadow creatures that attacked that woman. The movie has major things in it that aren't in the game.

Any person who has played Max Payne, knows this movie is practically nothing like the game and is garbage.

The movie could have been better. That's for damn sure. Actually following the storyline of the game and having good actors would be a start.


1. This is not Max Payne.
2. Jim Bravura was black.
3. Who the *beep* is Natasha?

The visual part wasn't so bad, but still not enough.


4. Lupino was also black (kinda), and he wasn't in the Mafia
5. ...and once again: Wahlberg


I went into this film with a rudimentary knowledge of the game. I never played it up until my brother, who IS a fan of the games, forced me to. I think the game is okay, nothing special. This movie on the other hand? I came out of this movie not only confused at the drug fantasies but I came out bored as hell. I had no reason to care about Max until the last quarter of the film and when your entire story is centered around your main character and your ability to care for what he's going through and you don't include a reason until the last know you've *beep* it up. Especially with action scenes so boring that I feel like I'm watching a Marvel movie.

Now, don't get me wrong, I admit there are problems with the game too. I don't buy the fact that a guy who can barely walk can do dives across a room, Matrix style, to kill people, the fact that all you need to look for a clue is a big "!" in the middle of the screen, the fact that Max was able to just shake off the effects of a drug that TURNED PEOPLE INSANE. However, these are minor issues and my own personal nitpicks and they can be fixed. When a movie has issues such as a drug that turns 1 in 100 people into super soldiers and the other 99 go insane yet this drug is on the market. I also don't understand why this movie needed the religious symbolism. It plays a major part in the movie and I have to ask...why?

If they just lifted the game to the screen, I'd consider the movie passable so I can accept changes but they've got to make sense and none, I repeat, none of the changes make any sense.

"I have always valued my lifelessness."


Re: Why does everyone hate this movie so much?

because they played the game?


The movie was absolutely terrible. The direction was so bad a random person off the street with no experience could have done a better job. The color scheme, the sets and the acting are boring. The action, when it happens, is ludicrous and silly. The writing and story were equally bad. Plenty of good actors, but even the best actors can't help a movie when the directing and writing are garbage. I've only "walked out" of maybe 3-4 movies but with 20 minutes left on this clunker I decided the remaining time wasn't worth seeing where this train wreck is going.


Because it does a terrible job of adapting the story of the game and they neutered it with a PG-13 for no reason other than making money.
