6.7 My Ass

This was IMO the second best X_Men film. Thats a load of garbage!


This was pretty damn good I'd give it a 7.5 - 8.5 easily.

You're a troll.


The second best X-men film is not saying much considering the mess they made after the first one.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


This movie is a classic example of everything that is wrong with film today; focus groups. Pretty boy actors are hired for roles they don't have a hope of grasping, whilst hack writers do the producers' bidding for a paycheck rewrite after rewrite as the movie gradually gets whittled down to the lowest common denominator money-making garbage that we end up paying to go and see.

A Wolverine origin story was a good idea, but the execution was all wrong. They included fan favourite characters to sell tickets, and sullied their name (Deadpool and Gambit) - there was no reason for either of them to be involved in that movie. It's what happens when people who do not know (or care) about the source material get together and try to 'put their spin on it' thematically instead of stylistically.

Personally I think that the fact this movie has a 6.7 rating is atrocious. I think people forget that a rating of 10 means that the movie is perfect; you would change nothing about it for there are no flaws, whereas a rating of 1 means that there is nothing right about it whatsoever. The CGI was terrible (what was with his claws?), the characters were wooden, and the timescale was ridiculous - acting was so-so, but the story was tripe. That puts it squarely in the realms of 3 or 4 max. Each to their own though.



I'd give it a 7, but I agree that all this noise from people so anxious to trash it as a Horrible Film is just that... noise. It was enjoyable. If it pops up when I'm scrolling through the channels I usually stop on it for a while.

People just enjoy trashing movies, and trashing people who have the nerve to like things they don't like. It's worse on Marvel/DC movie boards than anywhere else, but it's a chronic problem on IMDb.



Its not a problem. Its voicing ones opinion about the film. This is a discussion board not a fan site. I am not going to say good things about a movie that I personally felt was quite amateurish and insulted my intelligence watching it.

The reason why people bash movies is the same reason why people praise them. To let everyone know what they thought of the movie and thats what IMDB discussion boards are for.

You liked it, thats fine and you can explain why you liked it. But I didn't like it and I feel that the 6.7 score in my opinion is very high considering the flaws in direction, writing and special effects. The story was terrible and felt rushed. In fact, the entire movie felt rushed. Just look at the special effects. I have never been blown away by how bad the special effects were in a movie before and thats a testament to how bad the film is. This is an action movie where the focus is usually mostly on the action scenes and special effects and they failed miserable at both. The action is laughable and non engaging. Wolverines claws made it look like I was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit with half human and half cartoon effects. With the budget they had there is no excuse for this.

I am not going to get into chronological order or how the movie should relate to the comics because I wasn't thinking of that when I was watching the movie. Those aren't really things that would bother me in a comic book movie anyways. I feel that if a writer can take a comic book character and put their own spin on it than thats fine. As long as its interesting and makes sense. Nothing in this movie makes sense. The tone of the movie is very light hearted in scenes where it should be dark. The scene where he fights the blob in the boxing ring was an attempt at fun humour but there was a very serious situation going on and he needed information from him.

I felt the Wolverine character was very out of....well......character. The portrayal of him in this movie shows nothing about his past that makes him interesting. He seems like a very good guy. He doesn't have any self hate or negative attitudes as what Gavin Hood originally was trying to portray and has publicly talked about. Its nowhere in this movie. His past is supposed to be a mystery and when its revealed I felt like we already knew all that stuff about him from previous films. The mystery that I once had was very bland once revealed.

Also whoever wrote the adamantium bullet that will give Wolverine memory loss must have had a late night and needed to come up with something because that is just lazy writing. Also Two Words..........




I don't object to people voicing their *reasoned* opinions about films, which you have mostly done here. But a larger percentage of people on the comic/fantasy boards than on others are not there to discuss or even vent constructively. The come solely to trash the movie *and the people who dared to like it* (and with slurs sometimes bordering on the mentally deranged and/or violent). And I'm sure you are aware that there's a lot of voting intended not just to rate the movie honestly but to try and "erase" the votes of people who disagree. Some people get off on the fact that, unlike 20 years ago, you can now help (or at least try) to smother a movie you don't like in the cradle by trashing it early (even before release) and often here and on the various other movie sites and social media outlets.

On the day I made this comment, I was quite simply sick of reading how incredibly awesome The Wolverine was, how much better than W:O it was, and how W:0 was nearly responsible for the death of the franchise and maybe even the melting of the ice caps. The people who believe that W:O was a large-scale stain on humanity seem to regard that as incontrovertible and objective fact. I saw both and thought The Wolverine was... ok. I had problems with it that stuck under my skin. I didn't like it as much as W:O and didn't even realize until coming here after seeing TW that there was this longstanding grudge going on against W:O. This movie was not perfect but it compensated with some good performances and pure entertainment and made it easy to overlook its shortcomings.

That aside, I normally try to make more allowances for the disconnect people feel between movies/TV and the source material. I recognize that not having read the comic series frees me from expectation and sometimes from disappointment. (Never read any of them--I like a lot of the movies that are coming out now based on comic series but was never a comic reader). I am able to simply enjoy the movies for what they are and, all abstract criticism aside, I enjoyed W:O more than TW. HOWEVER--I do understand your pain, having read all of the Game of Thrones books and having quite a lot of objections to the liberties the HBO show has taken with it, in particular the portrayal (writing) of several characters, which is a crime to me because (as with comic series) the characters are everything. And yet, a lot of people, book readers and non-readers alike, seem to just love it. I had to disconnect from what I know of the books to continue watching for the few things I feel are still worthwhile.

So I will apologize--a little--for the tone I took here, because I intended it for people who come here only to crap on those who like the movies. It may have come across as being one of the very tactics I hate most on these boards, which is categorically dismissing the 'opposition' out of hand. But I stand by the fact that the comic and fantasy boards are disproportionately full of purely nasty hyperbole, and I also stand by my defense of this film as being enjoyable in its own right. I think your rating is unreasonably low because it seems to have more to do with your expectations from the comic series than the movie itself. There's an Ebert quote to effect of "it's not what a movie sets out to do, it's how well it did what it set out to do". I think your objections are about what W:O set out to do in the first place, because you felt it beneath the character you have gotten to know over the years. You have every right to say that you hate what has been done with the source material. I have done that myself for other titles. And I understand that you can't easily set aside the SM in the theater. But I really can't see how this *movie* failed so horribly, certainly to the extent of giving it a 3, at what it set out to do. On this we will just have to agree to disagree.

On another note, no, these aren't necessarily "fan" boards, but it seems more natural and healthy for someone to come to a title's board because they want to talk about why they liked a movie than to come and talk about why other people shouldn't.


True, I agree people on IMDB can be out of line whether defending or attacking a movie. IMDB suffers from YouTube comments syndrome.


Agreed. If someone comes on and says they were disappointed and didn't like that they changed this or that the they might be legit, but if they come out with, "this movie sucked and anyone who liked it is dumb and or 13, then they're just miserable fools who aren't worth listening to. The movie was decent. I'd give it a 7.5 or so. Jackman was great as always and they definitely captured the spirit of the character and the origin. Some of the details were unnecessarily change for sure but it was enjoyable ride.


Have to admit in watching again, though, the ending is very disappointing. Deadpool didn't need optic blasts and teleportation. That's way over the top. Victor swapping sides at the last second was very arbitrary and there's no way Stryker takes out Wolvie with a sidearm. Ridiculous. Add in the not believable logistics of the fight sequence and it just felt too silly and over the top. Too bad because the rest of the movie was relatively controlled and believable.


See, I tend to phase out a little during fight scenes anyway unless they are so well done that even I notice it, which does happen occasionally. I recognize that this is not true of many fans of these kinds of movies, sort of like overlooking the pot roast in favor of the mashed potatoes. I haven't seen this in a while, but I don't really remember the optic blasts and teleportation. Not knowing the source material there may have been things I gave a pass to because I assumed they were taken from the SM. The things I remember and liked about the movie are how the relationship with his brother shapes his life, the betrayal of the girlfriend, the interlude with couple that takes him in after he escapes from the compound, some of the other mutants we get to meet. I appreciated both Jackman and Schreiber's performances, as I always do in these and other movies.


I agree. It should be about 4 or 4.5 at the most. It was a horrible film and only brainless fanboys think it was good.


I certainly wouldn't put it in the 4 range but I do think it is ridiculous that the movie is a 6.7 on IMDb. I mean, come on...this movie gets so much hate and a good portion of the hate is justified. Yet, I come on here and it's a 6.7???

"Live every week like it's Shark Week."


Agreed OP. Gave it a 10/10. I also liked "The Incredible Hulk" with Edward Norton in it that came out of the cinemas a year before this movie did. Both films, imo, are spectacular in terms of the story, acting, effects, dialogue, pacing and music.

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"



Make sure you keep up your intake of fluids, get plenty of rest, and give me a call if you're still not feeling any better in the morning.


I don't need your medical opinion, quack. Go piss on another tree.

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"


If you think this movie deserved a 10/10 you need some serious psychiatric help.


Bunch of condescending pricks in here. Very common how your special egos try to judge other different opinions on a friggin comic book movie as if you've taken 8 years of medschool, 2 years of residency or a doctorate degree.

If you're like this in real life, then I'm not surprised why you spend this much time on a messageboard insulting other people who don't share your views.

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"


No, he's right. 10 out of 10 means that you believe that this movie perfect. I'll repeat that; you believe that there is absolutely no room for improvement in X-Men origins: Wolverine...not in sound, CGI, acting, story, cinematography or editing etc. Do you honestly think that this movie is perfect?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't enjoy the movie - by all means like and enjoy the film, if that's what you're in to. But please don't confuse enjoyment with the idea of perfection. This movie has serious room for improvement...it could have been amazing, and wasn't. There were some entertaining moments, but ultimately they relied on hapless characters rather than story - it was diluted down to lowest common denominator stuff.



I see your point, but that is NOT my point. None of the schmoes here who personally insulted me or anyone who has an opposing opinion to theirs is 'right' either.

Let me explain in my case. I do NOT conform to the usual criteria of ratings based on an internet movie website. When I give a film 10 stars, it's because yes, I enjoyed it fully, but ALSO I look into it as a genre, I compare it to other movies from its own genre, in this case an action/thriller genre, in terms of a good story, acting, direction, fight choreography, editing, music, cinematography and ending, and of course, a good sense of humor (doesn't have to be over the top). Action films with varying stories and settings that I gave 2 thumbs up: "Die Hard with A Vengeance" 10 stars, "Empire of the Sun" 10 stars, Statham's "Redemption"/"Hummingbird" 10 stars, "Snatch." 10 stars, "Kingdom of Heaven" 10, "Count of Monte Cristo" 10, "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World" 10, "Ben-Hur" 10, "Patton" 10, "John Carter of Mars" 10, "Gladiator" 10. I love the "Expendables" movies due to good ol' nostalgia and a truckload of hardcore action legends/real life martial artists from the 80s and 90s, with the (understandable) exception of 46 year old Jason Statham. I don't necessarily look at all films from an artsy-fartsy point of view, nitpicking every friggin detail and such, weighing what the pros and cons are every 5 minutes or so of the movie like a film critic. And I do not pretend to. I don't pretend to. Especially films in the action genre. Of course, if something like "The Artist", "Schindler's List", or "The Godfather" comes along, I'd give it a 10 because of their genre being a drama, et. al. and if I thoroughly enjoyed it. And if it's a comedy genre like "Happy Gilmore" or "There's Something about Mary", hell I'd give that a 9 or 10. I base my ratings according to the genre and what I felt long after the credits roll. Simple as that, nothing more, nothing less.

Because at the end of the day, the questions that really do matter are: Was this movie worth watching? Was I entertained? Will I watch it again? Will I give half a crap about a stranger's opinion while I sit in front of my TV after a tiring 9 to 5 workday routine? You see, I don't act all high and mighty like any of these intellectual wannabes and overpaid blowhards on this website and elsewhere on the sprawling reviewers' industry. I don't go around telling people off who I don't agree with like I have a constant chip on my shoulder.

Going back to this movie, you and the others may say the characters are hapless, diluted to the LCD stuff, etc., and I respect your opinion. I may not agree with you, but I respect you and your opinion. Like I've stated before, to each their own. As a history buff, I loved the opening credits sequence, I felt for the tragic love story that resembled of Hamlet and Ophelia. I was entertained and engaged by the humor and action of the movie. Truth be told, Nobody has to seek 'medical help' or otherwise to prove someone from the other side of the planet right or wrong on a movie, much less a comic book movie. If people (most likely teens and in their 20s or 30s) keep yammering on and on about their annoyance over something as trivial as this, then I frankly wipe my hands from their emotional pet peeves over a comic book movie and wish them a less frustrating life.

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"


I see your point, and I agree that ratings are based upon personal enjoyment, however my disagreement with your assessment was because when you're rating something you have to take into account the scale:
1 = Almost nothing is right with it
10 = There is nothing wrong with it - there is no room for improvement.

That's the only issue I take. Everything else you've said I can understand, and whereas we may have differing opinions, those opinions are based on subjective enjoyment and so it's swings and roundabouts. Basically I just cannot believe that you think that this movie has no room for improvement, that it's perfect. I know you enjoyed the film, loved the opening scenes etc - but there were some glaring faults with this movie that even aside from the comic book stuff were just plain egregious.

Sabretooth's character was excellent; he got in Wolverine's head and really made the movie. Gambit & Deadpool were tacked on to pull fans into the cinema and really were not essential to the story at all. They basically could have done a lot to this and really made it something special, and instead it was mediocre at best (for me, at the very least).


Absolutely understand what you mean, although I hardly look for 'perfection' in a movie, let alone a comic book movie (I don't mean this in a derogatory manner, no offense). 'Perfection' is the last thing I'm looking for, to be honest, and to be fair... I try to approach a movie with an open mind, almost always not reading its reviews beforehand, and avoiding the constant media bombardment of pundits and ads, so as not to influence me in any way whatsoever. Too high expectations destroy a movie, too low will make one miss a movie that could be worth seeing. so I try to maintain a level standard. And if I found the movie that's worth my while, then sometimes I round off a 9 to a 10 mostly due to the ratings on this website, which are oftentimes extremely low for my liking. I choose to compensate for that in my own small contribution. Granted, I also deem that there IS room for improvement in this movie, I agree with you there, but almost ALL movies in general always have room for improvement as well IMO.

But ultimately, I stopped looking for 'masterpieces', 'perfection', 'flawless beauties', etc. on celluloid film a long time ago, partly because, as you said, of subjective enjoyment, but mostly because I welcome the artistic differences of writers on film, I welcome some old fashioned fun and excess, and appreciate them for what they are and what they aren't, warts and all. Perfection, in the strictest sense, hardly exists in this world.

Agreed, Sabretooth was excellent; I welcome and greatly appreciate the variations in Sabertooth's character and appearance, in fact he was my favorite in the movie, and Liev Schreiber playing Sabertooth is like the icing of the cake for me, since he's a brilliant actor's actor, one of the most underrated character actors around town. He's sorta like a young Gary Oldman or Richard Harris in the making.
As for Gambit, Deadpool, and the rest of the supporting characters, I was entertained by them, a bit perplexed by the continuity purposes, but not as half as bothered as the other posters here. (this is Fox after all, it's expected of the inevitable dilemma of hiring a dozen writers for the X-Men trilogy since the early 2000s, to today's First Class series). Can't have everything laid out on a silver platter... it's simply the nature of the movie business.

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"


I didn't mean to be insulting. If you think the worst movie in the franchise history deserves a 10/10 you are indeed in need of psychiatric assistance. I don't consider it your fault, you just have some sort of brain abnormality that makes you think this crap movie was a masterpiece.


I didn't mean to be insulting. If you think the worst movie in the franchise history deserves a 10/10 you are indeed in need of psychiatric assistance. I don't consider it your fault, you just have some sort of brain abnormality that makes you think this crap movie was a masterpiece.


Not meaning to be insulting, but the rest of your paragraph is...

Well, we're arguing in circles.. repeatedly flogging a dead horse. Enough with this petty bullsh*t, since I don't know you personally to resort to cowardly insulting you behind a computer screen. But I guess, that's how our generation is... Soft. it's all about social media bravado based on lazy convenience without the necessary consequences to answer to. Differing opinions are as openly expressed as if we're still with the Soviet Union. Now, would you want to take this to the inbox or should we continue publicly with this little shindig?

"Rommel...you magnificent bastard, I read your book!"


You are on drugs, here is best to worst
Best: X2
X-Men First Class
The Wolverine
X3: The Last Stand
Worst:X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Origins ruined Deadpool, has some of the worst casting of any Superhero movie ever Will.I.Am? Taylor Kerish or however you spell his name, many others, some of the worst C.G ever(Claws in bathroom scene, Fire Escape scene) Just a slap in the face to anyone who loves Comic books

j.j watson


It is a slap in the face of everyone who likes films in general too, whether they like comics or not.

Tesla was robbed!


def should have been like a 5.0

this film was crap
