MovieChat Forums > El cantante (2007) Discussion > Why don't people like J.Lo?

Why don't people like J.Lo?

It seems like every thread i open has some negative remark about her.
Jeez, Jealous much?


I like her romantic comedies.


Well, I feel I must answer, because I personally dislike her very much. I will explain you very politely, why. I have nothing against her as a person, but it's not ok to me when a person who is not talented gains much publicity, more than someone who really has the talent. I mean, Jennifer is not tone deaf, but she has a very weak voice. Her singing is very poor and to me her music is all the same all the time. Sometimes she refers to herself as a Latin, then she behaves lika an American diva. It's like an oportunitism. The only thing I consider is ok from her is that she is a great businesswoman: she has successful perfume and clothes lines, but she is in fact NO artist. So, when someone is calling an artist, I do not know if I should start to laugh or cry. To me, an artist is Julieta Venegas, Miguel Bose, or Shakira. But not a woman who is just all the same like those many girls who act like unique beauties after their photos are postPhotoshops...


I personally don't care for her because I can't have respect for someone who acts like a diva, especially seeing where she comes from. I would think that someone who was once very poor would be more down-to-earth than that, but I guess not. I don't think she has any talent besides dancing. The only good acting she did was in "Selena" and considering her crappy acting since that movie I can't help but wonder just how many takes each scene had to have, how much hand-holding by the director was necessary. Oh, and she's a great business woman. So she can dance and make money. I suppose those two things ARE talents, so I stand corrected. I think she has MINIMAL talent.

I'm not going to state my opinion on this part, but I have most definitely HEARD from other Latinos that they don't like her because she picks and chooses when she's going to be Hispanic. Early in her career they said that she was Puerto Rican. When she became famous they said that she became White by dying her hair blond, losing her accent and not speaking Spanish (at least for the public to hear). They say she goes back and forth from Hispanic to White depending on the man she's with and her current marketing plans for whatever business venture she's into at that moment. I think that's one of the reasons why Salma Hayek has little respect for her, but I'm not 100% certain. I'm not giving my opinion on all of that though because since I'm not Hispanic (I'm a Black girl) I don't really feel like I have the right to one in this regard, though I have been told that my Spanish is better than hers (FYI, my Spanish is pretty darn good). But of course, language isn't the only determining factor of ethnic pride, so I put little in store by that.

Why aren't we talking about people like Paris Hilton more? Well, because this thread is about J-Lo, not Paris Hilton. I have even less respect for Paris, but I'm not really commenting on her because that's not what this thread is about, or even this board for that matter.

And let me point out that not liking a particular celebrity doesn't make you jealous. Sometimes people simply don't like others, celebrity or not, for reasons outside of jealousy. I can actually see why people don't like J-Lo and for the most part I agree with them.


her acting skills are realy poor


I'm 36 yrs old. Ital/Irish. I love all races and have dated many. Lopez is beautiful, sings good. Dances well. If you had my love video is still the sexiest video I have seen. Some good movies some not so good. So what, half of actors have good and bad flicks. I think she is hated because she dated the rap artist. I guess. She ROCKS! Mikey!


It's pathetic the excuses and lame brain reasons that people will try and piece together as to why Jlo sucks! Calling her talentless is laughable and makes you look like an A S S! Her albums have done pretty well regardless of who she's associated with! Just becuase P Diddy promoted her album is not he sole reason they did well! P Diddy has promoted and produced other artists who have flopped! In my opinion her acting is pretty decent! I was actually surprised at her performance in movies such as Enough, Wedding Planner, MAid in Manhattan, etc. And I'm not the only one because guess what enough people like her movies to buy tickets and dvds increasing her revenue!

For those that compare her to Paris that just does not make any sense! Paris is not respected for her music or acting! Her album flopped and her movies are nonexistant!

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Personally speaking, I don't care for her because she changes men like she changes underwear. I just hope she doesn't break Marc's heart. He's a good man!!

On a positive note, I do think she is a very good actress. She was great as "Selena" and she was great in her portrayal of "Puchi Lavoe." I've never heard her singing or seen her dancing, so I can't comment on that aspect.


Personally speaking, I don't care for her because she changes men like she changes underwear. I just hope she doesn't break Marc's heart. He's a good man!!

This is a good example of giving a man a pass. Believe me I am a big Marc Anthony fan. No one can sing like him. But he is the one breaking hearts. His wife thought they were getting back together, and the next thing she knows he is with Lopez. He was the one married not her, It was his marriage not hers. She didn't break up her marriage or leave her hubby for him. They story goes is that he has been in love with her since they made that duet years ago, so he had no business getting married to anyone if that was the case. Not only that he has a illegitimate child from a women he never even talks about. So what makes him such a good man. And she does not change men like she changes underwear. That was a sexist and uncalled remark. Like I said we need to support each other instead of tearing each other down. Especially if the claim is unfounded.

Jennifer's first husband tried to make money off of her by writing some bogus book, a judge had to put a injunction on it. When she divorced him years ago she left him very well off. Her second husband seems to hold no ill will toward her and he is doing well. So if he is cool with her why aren't you? It makes no sense. They were only married for a little while anyway. Anthony actually broke off his marriage for Lopez. This is the double standard that I have been talking about about. When will us women ever get it right.
Oh I agree she is a very good actress I have seen her in a bunch of flicks. I do not think she gets credit enough for her acting because people consider her more of a singer.


listen up everybody jennifer lopez is one of the best latina actresses out there first of all don't compare her to paris hilton the bitch don't have no body and second of jlo can sing, act, dance better than alot of women out there maybe she doesn't sing that good thats her only flaw well she looks young for 38 she has money and she has a bigger butt than jessica biel, beyonce and mariah carey

to answer your question people dont like her cause:
1 she's latina
2 she has a beautiful body
3 her butt is big
4 she became tremendously more famous after selena
5 she married 3 times
6 she went out with p diddy
7 she betrayed mariah carey
8 she still wins awards for her mediocre singing
9 she gets more attention than beyonce
10 shes the 9th richest women in the entertainment indusstry
11 shes a diva
12 she basically appears in every magazine when she could
13 her perfumes are always number 1
14 her movies are shown one after another on cable
15 she's puerto rican


I love her I think she is a good actress and and all around good entertainer. So what if she demands certain things. One thing is she has not forgotten her roots and where she comes from. If she was a male no one would be complaining about her. When a women wants things and demand perfection or people just do the right thing she is degraded and hated and called a b*tch. Clinton, Streisand, Lopez, Roseanne all are called b*tches because they refused to stand down and they make men uncomfortable. But a man he gets a pass and he is considered being assertive There is a double standard that needs to stop because as long was it exist women will always be treated like second class citizens.

And what is very sad is that women are leading the charge against her. If anything we need to support each other. Men do. All this hating a person who you do not know is self destructive and it just add to rabid sexism. United we stand divided we fall. So even if you do not like her, it does not mean you should not support her. She never committed any crimes or needs to be locked up, she is just another women out there trying to make to happen. So what is wrong with that?


Whew! That was one ridiculously long thread. But of all the explanations, reasons and opinions I've heard, no one has really explained why they hate the woman. One could argue Jennifer's not the greatest singer; so what? She's not the greatest actress; okay? Her dancing is so-so; and? One thing is certain though, she's managed to convince somebody she can tackle all three. Listen, I don't love or hate her, I just haven't read any valid reasons why people loathe her so much.

Some people even called her a golddigger and a whore (typical desciptions for women in power), but I don't see how. Allow me to descibe a golddigging whore: a woman with low self-esteem who doesn't realize her worth so she sleeps with a myriad of men for money and material things. She doesn't use her brain (or realize she has one) so she tricks a well-to-do man into knocking her up. She then files for child support and collects a check until the kid is eighteen. But until then, she buys Gucci, Prada and a Mercedes with the money. Or, she performs bjs on a ton of rappers, then writes a book about it. This isn't Jennifer Lopez.

If you hate Jennifer that's your right. But if you must hate her, at least have a legitimate reason. There are plenty of celebs with very little talent and are undeserving, but I don't hate them, I just don't buy what they're selling.

Truth is the weapon we fear the most.


nestafan2 I agree with you 100%. It is irrational to even hate a person you don't even know. So don't look for any rationalty in the answers. THis is a clear case of envy and sexism. I like you really am not a Jennifer Lopez defender, believe me she doesn't need me. But I am a defender of women. And that is where my interests lie in this.

Gold digger, whore, bitch, manipulator. Those are words used to describe strong women. We need to be ashamed of ourselves. Because the fact of the matter is if Lopez was any of those things, the haters would like her because then she would conform to their ideal women, a weakling. Also if all else fails to debase a women they start to question your sexuality and looks. I have known women married for 50 years called Lesbians because they spoke out about a certain issue. Janet Reno was always portrayed as a man by comedians and haters. Also it meant to be a insult to the husbands of these women because "they can't control them".

I just find it very unsettling how much powerful women are truly hated. And what is more unsettling is that men don't have to raise a finger to keep us in our place or debase us because most of the time women are leading the charge against other women. If we as women ever get our act together we have to understand we we should admire and be proud of women who seem to have fought the obstacles and have made to the point they can write their own ticket.

A lot of men are threatened by strong women and they got mislead and misguided women doing their dirty work. It is a hard thing for women to become a equal in this country, where we make still 77 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same job. Where the Equal Rights Amendment for women never passed and how we are letting people dictate how we choose to use our reproductive system. This will never change until women stop being our own worst enemy.


"Why don't people like J.Lo ?"

it's like saying why don't people like crap

stupid question
