MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Haha. πŸ˜‚ Even Keaton's Batman could not ...

Haha. πŸ˜‚ Even Keaton's Batman could not save this Stinker...

......can't wait for the day when Superhero movies/tv ahows become niche again. Haven't seen a really good Superhero film since winter soldier.....


well, that's your problem, Infinity War and Endgame were awesome, while Thor 3 and 4 were complete garbage


Infinity war was great....endgame sucked. Thor 3 and 4 yeah garbage so was She hulk. The MCU has 100% jumped the shark and it's not coming back.


Keaton was misused. They should not have made him into a regular Batman, because he was old. His action scenes were unbelievable, and not in a good way.


I love Michael Keaton, but his Batman belongs in Tim Burton's vision of Gotham, he stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of the desert, broad daylight, etc... and some of his dialogue was not great either.

I had no issue with his age - I was hoping that this could lead to some sort of Batman Beyond project where Bruce Wayne is supposed to still wear the suit at the beginning until he has like a health issue... I seriously doubt we will see Keaton as Batman ever again. =(


It was awesome seeing Keaton as Batman. His scenes were good. The rest of movie was lacking


I agree, Keaton was the best part. I did enjoy the movie, not great, but it was entertaining.


Yes, Keaton was the best thing in this.


I thought it was pretty good. Better than Man of Steel and Batman V Superman.


Oh, I enjoyed it more than both of those.

