MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > When did you quit watching nuWho?

When did you quit watching nuWho?

For me, it was when they replaced Clara with "Bill", an ugly butch lesbian with an afro and a man's name, obviously the worst companion since the show's revival in 2005.

I tried to come back during Jodie's first season, but I couldn't make it thru the season. Too crappy.


When Jenna Coleman left, she was the only reason I was watching by then.


Sometime during the first episode. It was worse than I anticipated and I couldn't bring myself to even finish it... my kids were right to never even try to watch the Nurse Who.


Ummm, the first episode would have been "Rose" from 2005. It doesn't star "Nurse Who"


The first episode was a lot earlier than that.


I havent quit watching it!
I lapped up all the episodes with the lovely Jodie in until they ran out!
yum yum yum
good stuff
well done bbc

I'll have to quit when they put them on again , probly this xmas as i dont have a tv licence anymore.


You need a license to operate a TV? What crazy, mixed up land are you from?


indeed you do , in the UK. Its not cheap and pays for our BBC. (who made Who 4 u!)

They have however painted themselves into a corner with the rules - it only applies if you watch "Live tv" !
Who the hell wants to do that? All our channels have catch up websites where you can watch any of their stuff any time you want ,which you dont need the license for .
So i thought , "screw it , ill stop paying"
Its healthier - i now only watch stuff i want to watch, sort of , instead of vegetating and channel surfing and end up watching "Worlds {blankiest} {blank} "


Sorry, but you need a TV licence even if you're solely on iPlayer. Notice how you need an account to watch stuff there? That's how they know that you use it.


Yeah I'm well aware of that. I just use the other catchup websites , and Amazon.
There is the occasional BBC thing i'd miss , like a dr who season , buit its no big scarifice,
and it'll probably end up on 'Dave' sooner or later


When I found out it wouldn't play on my roku.


A handful of episodes into Capaldi's era. He wasn't so bad but the show soured. It had been 50/50 for me on episode quality for quite awhile so the dip in quality was a last straw.


I couldn't get through the first series of Nurse Who. It was episode having a dig at Amazon (Kerblam?) that did it for me. 1000s of robots about to explode! Where in the universe to teleport them? Why, back to the warehouse where they came from of course! Almost killing everybody in the process. Also the Doctor's constant 'but whyyyy?' whining. Genius writing.


Those poor robots.




It's hard to say exactly when it became Doctor Woke. Bits were seeping in that were noticeable to me with Smith's era, but it became more aggressive, to me at least, when Bill came onto Capaldi's run and while I made it through the end of Capaldi I was just too down on it to keep going. There's no magical positivity to it anymore. It's all just condescending preaching, which is sad because who was always accepting of eccentricity and weird characters can be fun. It's more about this kind "we dare you to not like this in any way whatsoever or you are evil" attitude.


Agreed. It didn't went fully woke with Capaldi, but you could find symptoms here and there of what coming next.

I remember there were a few things during Capaldi's seasons that put me off.

1. The Doctor became extremely belligerent regarding weapons. Classic Doctor Who never uses weapons, he always finds some smart and tricky method to solve problems. This is one of the golden rules in the classic show. During Capaldi's, though, he becomes a jerk. I remember a scene where Capaldi meets a soldier keeping watch, and then he insults and humiliates him just because he's a soldier. When I saw it, it was like WTF?? That's not the Doctor.

2. At the same time, the Doctor started to be portrayed as the "Ultimate Warrior". Again, WTF?. Classic Doctor Who used to be an eccentric charming alien scientist that always ended up being the guy who solved the problems. Someway the (woke) show evolved to portray the Doctor as a "Super-Warrior" everybody feared.

And that's even weirder when you think how the hatred towards the military combines with the obsession with making the Doctor some ultimate Warrior. That's not Doctor Who. You didn't get anymore that feeling of wonder when they were traveling to new places, the fellowship with the companions and the fun when he solved the problems, all those things that made the classic show so good.


For me I always saw Capaldi as the doctor who truly showed his age. He had been in a sense wearing a mask in a way previously.

I think the whole anti war stuff is maybe related to that, tired and sick of war.

For me the issue was they kept going back and forth with it


Jesus Will you give up with your issues with Bill. You didn't like her, fine, but repeating it multiple times doesn't change anything, we get you didn't like her with your first post. Also what do her looks have to do with anything?


It’s fine Pete, he’s well within his rights to identify the inclusion of a “butch ugly lesbian” as the reason he was turned off the show. It’s perfect, in fact. Why? Because it shows quite honestly that the type of person who is turned off by the more inclusive nature of the show is exactly the type of viewer that Doctor Who, or any show for that matter, doesn’t need in its fan base. So Doctor Who doesn’t appeal to bigots anymore, big frigging deal I reckon!


The poster hates Bill that much that they claim jenna Coleman doesn't watch the show now and stopped because of bill and she told them that ha.


That’s interesting, I wasn’t aware Jenna Coleman suffered a brain injury on the set 🙄

What a load of codswallop. It did make me laugh though, so I’ll give him props for that at the very least.

I for one think Pearl Mackie was a total delight, and her sexuality was no bigger deal than Amy and Rory’s. It’s not as if there were any hot lesbo scenes for the righteous to clutch their pearls over, if you’ll excuse the pun.

So far in 60 years, our spaceman has traveled with exactly two companions of same sex persuasion. Two from 50+ 😱 Not exactly the tsunami of gayness that some people would have you believe, is it?

You can only laugh at their outrage!


Yeah I mean I get some people are against it for religious grounds for example, but I think it was done in a natural way that wasn't really in your face.

I to loved Bill, her realistic portrayal. I do remember however a "feminist" kicking off that she was just there for eye candy for the males but I suppose no matter what you do people will complain.

I also should say the way they generally handled the first female doctor has been in my opinion great. They didn't dwell on it really and although we've had the occasional joke they just went running like it was nothing which I think was the best way to approach it


Because it shows quite honestly that the type of person who is turned off by the more inclusive nature of the show is exactly the type of viewer that Doctor Who, or any show for that matter, doesn’t need in its fan base. So Doctor Who doesn’t appeal to bigots anymore, big frigging deal I reckon!

Man, you defenders of the godawful companion-from-hell "Bill" just don't GET it. If people tuned out during her era because of "bigotry", then they should have tuned out in DROVES when Captain Jack was on the show. He was openly into same-sex relationships and was FAR overt about his sexuality than "Bill".

Of course, they DIDN'T, because Captain Jack was a blast and the fact her flirted with EVERYONE worked beautifully in the context of the show. Captain Jack was an awesome character in his own right, he wasn't just there to mention he's gay every episode. In fact, Captain Jack appearing in Jodie's era was one of the few highlights of the New Years special. He was probably the best thing about the episode. He stole the show as usual.

"Bill", on the other hand, was a one dimensional worthless SJW character who was there PRECISELY for the SOLE purpose of mentioning that she was a lesbian EVERY episode. If I was gay, I'd be insulted by "representation" like that. They probably tuned out even quicker than I did, and they were well within their right to do so. I'd do the same if there was some black TV show and they added some white guy to give me "representation" and his lone job on the show was to mention he's a white male EVERY episode.

The only "bigots" are the SJW idiots cheering on that insanity.
