MovieChat Forums > The Aristocrats (2005) Discussion > People who find Aristocrats funny, simpl...

People who find Aristocrats funny, simply aren't.

You can go on about pushing the limits of taboo, exploring our perceived notions of tolerance or looking beyond the content of a joke to find its humour but the bottom line is that this film must be one of the worst ever made. It lowered my opinion of both comics (who seem to be narcissistic creeps) and Americans (who everyone hates anyway). I feel sorry for anyone unfortunate to have been seduced by the attractive cast (and attractive it is), spent money and taken more time out of their lives than was necessary to see this in the cinema. I urge anyone with a sense of humour to avoid it at all costs.

You have been warned.



Hey Justin from the UK....kiss my unloved American ass.


The only part in this movie I liked was Richard Lewis saying that he didn't understand why comedians were so proud to tell such an old, unfunny joke. He was right. The entire premise of the joke is to see how much dirtier you can be than your friends. If I was living in frat house I might think it's funny, but I am not and therefore thought it was waste of time. Just garbage. I didn't laugh once.


Well, I guess your posting name says it all, doesn't it?


I tried to watch this yesterday, but I didn't get far. I like dark films like "Very Bad Things," but I couldn't stomach this.


Look, some people think it's funny, some don't. But thing is, IT WAS JUST A DOCUMENTARY!!!!! A documentary about an old joke. Lighten up haters, you're just a bunch of nerds.


I watched this movie tonight. It was interesting, but yeah not funny. I don't get why the joke is funny. I understand.. blah blah.. it's a bunch of gross stuff.. then the punchline is so simple and unexpected, but still...


This has to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I can handle any form of toilet humor and dirty jokes, but this sounds like it was made up by a 3rd grader.



This film is terrible. It's not gross (I can handle toilet humor), just annoying and predictable. That about sums it up. I understand all the foul acts, and the punchline, and all that jazz and that it's not supposed to be funny...but Christ, what the hell is the point of this? I guess somebody was bored and decided to make a film? Seems like it. As for comedic abilities in making up the stuff before the punchline...weak.


I love how everyone born in the UK likes to parade their bidet'd ass like their sh-t don't smell. You insult every country but your own, which in itself is a f-cking Aristrocrat's joke in itself.

So a guy walks into a talent agent's office, and he says "Hey, I got an act for ya." He brings in the entire United Kingdom and lines the nation's people up infront of the agent's desk. He gives them all guns and brings in a group of violently dispoisitioned Muslims. The man whispers into the head Muslim's ear that the Brits just made a Muhammad joke, and the head Muslim screams that he is declaring Jihad on the entire UK. "Here's where it gets good," says the man. The Brits look at eachother in confusion whilst taking their given firearms and sticking them in their moulths. They blow their brains out and the Muslims proceed to skull *beep* the bullet wounds, hollering *beep* the queen! *beep* the queen!" After all the mess is said and done, the man reaches up the ass of one particular Brit (a *beep* troll on a movie forum by the screen name of "justin uk") and pulls out a 16 inch dildo, which he then places on the talent agent's head. "Tada!"

The agent just stares for several minutes before saying "WOW! What an act! Say, what do you call that?" The man holds his head up high and exclaims: "The United Nations!"


That's way too true to be funny.


To all're just a bunch of nerds. Take the stick out of your a$$. It's just a documentary. It's not supposed to be the greatest film of all time. Lighten up. Plus, at the very least, it's a bit amusing, and a little entertaining.


But it really isn't a very good film. It is poorly made and Penn and Teller, who are NEVER funny, are trying to cash in on their friends' star power.




I felt like the little boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes." Everyone was sitting there howling and I said it simply wasn't funny.


I just peed my pants reading that. Hilarious!!!!


Well if you don't like the film then don't go see it. No body is forcing you to sit through the whole thing. Even before the twenty minute mark the joke has been told 2 or 3 times so realisticaly you should know what you're in for. The joke IS funny but only if it's told right. When Emo Phillips told it the joke sucked, but when Gilbert Gottfried told the joke it was histerical. My only problem was that it wasn't released in enough cinemas so I had to wait for the DVD before I could see it (Once it was released on DVD I rented it twice then bought it). It certainly isn't a film for the weak of heart of the closed minded ones but if you enjoy your humour risque then you should see this film. It is very funny and a nice change from the soft family comedies that do so well at the box office. THIS FILM ISN'T FOR KIDS, DON'T LET THE CHILDREN SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Purple Monkey Dishwasher


"Funny" and "Humor" are relative, and vary from person to person. It's one thing to critique a film and say that the editting sucked, or that the acting was done poorly, or even that it lacks any plot what-so-ever. But it is quite another to say that something isn't funny, or that "anyone with a sense of humour" should avoid it. You would have been wiser to say, "Anyone with MY sense of humor should avoide it."

Also, I didn't know that everybody hates Americans. I'm curious were you gathered your statistics.


the joke may not be funny, because there is no joke, its an identikit joke for comedians to fill in their own filthy material, and 3 times in this film i laughed unbelievably hard, because the particular comedians were telling it fantastically, the others were either not funny or simply amusing, but the film is worth seeing for the laughs that you end up with. i particularly like the *click* of the fingers and movement of the arm when one of them said the punchline, genius,


what i found most interesting about the film was coming on here to read the threads about it and being able to prove my theory that it doesn't matter which film or topic is being discussed, it can always turn into a debate about who, out of the US and the UK, kicks more ass. and being british myself, i can safely say that both of the above sometimes suck and sometimes don't, and you can't make sweeping generalisations about every single person who lives in either. and as for my opinion of the movie, i thought it varied in quality depending on who was telling the joke.


Yes, duckparty, but the OP does bring up a good point. Anyone that thinks this film is funny clearly has no realistic credibility as a judge of what is funny and what is not.


"Anyone that thinks this film is funny clearly has no realistic credibility as a judge of what is funny and what is not."


Y'know somethin', RT? (Of Course You Do. You know EVERYTHING, don't you?)

You are the most Arrogant Snob I have yet encountered on the entire IMDB site. Dead On, Really, the most presumptuous, dismissive, self-validating, I'm-Right-and-anybody-that-doesn't-agree-with-brilliant-ME-is-of-a-lower-class-than-my-fabulously-enlightened-self,
provincial Critical Arriviste obssessing over the same movie for over two years that little ol' me has seen anywhere on these boards, and I've watched the drooling knee-jerk fanboys befoul themselves all over crapola like "Transformers" and "The Matrix: Revolutions".

I have wandered around these boards for a while now, observing the discussions, arguments and raging flame wars on everything from "Koyannisquatsi" to "Freddie Got Fingered", and I've never seen another poster not only as close-minded but more convinced of their own penetrating, Louvre-curator-worthy perspacity than you. It's like you've appointed yourself the Simon Cowell of this entire site.

Seriously. As far as I can see, the only thing that you are more fixated on than "The Aristocrats" is your conviction that you yourself are a Towering Titan of Taste, an Administrator of Advanced Art Appreciation, that you are In All Ways Superior to Any that Dare to Disagree. That there ARE no valid viewpoints but your own.

Christ, I hope you're not in the education field. You sound more like the local Crazy Cat Lady or vindictive Vicar, peeking out their windows, ever on the alert to call the police and report on the neighbor's activities, because, since they're not You, then they must be Wrong.

But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. The point of "The Aristocrats" is "How Far Can You Go?" And the whole point of your body of posts has been "Only As Far As I, RTFirefly, SAY You Can, Damn You. WHY AREN'T YOU ALL AGREEING WITH ME?!"

Like I said, a Snob.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Snag, getting a little worked up here, don't you think? You should get one of those little rubber guys where the eyes pop out when you squeeze it. For the record, you are completely wrong on every presumption you have about me, except, perhaps, that I appear to be snobish to your ilk. But your specious claims do nothing but reinforce my points. Also, I'm not a snob just because I think you are an idiot; I am a snob because I am HAPPY you are an idiot.

You might want to take up your little war with someone who cares. Search the Aristocrats "hated it" comments section, there are hundreds of people to choose from.


Funny - I THOUGHT you'd say something like that. Dismissing Unbelievers with terms like "ilk", patting yourself on the back at the same time for both your elitist contempt AND your humility - I gotta admit, Ya Got It All There, RT.

You may have deigned to notice that there are hundreds of people that think that "The Aristocrats" is a scream -but then, that would reinforce my point that you simply disregard the opinions of all that disagree with you, wouldn't it?

And me, "worked up"? Naw, not hardly. I was in a fair amount of physical pain earlier today when I stumbled across your condescending remarks regarding the lack of critical abilities of anybody that doesn't share your tastes, and it was a bit of a release at the time, but I'm a long way off from worked up yet. Thanks for your concern, it's the first thing I've heard you say that suggests a trace of empathy for anyone below your rarified level of awareness.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Snaggle, you are aware that I did not start this thread?


"Snaggle, you are aware that I did not start this thread?"


...And that makes exactly what difference? I didn't start one defending "The Aristocrats", either.....

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Just curious why out of all the hundreds of people that post here on what a steaming pile of crap this movie is, and what idiots the people are who like such drivel, you single out me as a "snob". I would think, at least, the guy who started this thread with the line "people who find Aristocrats funny, simply aren't" would be more of a concern to you. All I did was agree with him.


Because he simply started it, and left it at that. You picked up the ball and ran with it, so you get tackled.

It's odd, in your posts on other movies, yer fairly sedate and reasonable. Polite, even. But whenever the topic of "What's Funny" comes up, you start barking that anybody that doesn't share Your sense of humor.....doesn't HAVE a sense of humor. Either that, or they have the IQ of a parking space.

Son, I'm definitely a few points above that, and while some of the people that you've bickered with MIGHT have fit into the "Defecient" category, some of 'em simply weren't real good at stringing together a sentence. But their IDEAS were sound and fair, yet you steamrolled right over them as well, calling them "idiots" and "Morons" over a matter of TASTE, not GRAMMAR. I know a few people that I'd never let work on my brakes that nonetheless have EXCELLENT senses of humor (and not just because they agree with me on SOME movies), as well as some folks, probable future Nobel or Pulitzer winners, and have had their entire college tuition paid for with "Genius" grants that still can't even smile at a puppy having a great time with a tennis ball.

Humor is NOT an indicator of a level of Intelligence. Neither is Taste. But you seem to NEED it to be, at least to validate your own considerable self-esteem, and to flay the feeling of others that don't measure up to your standards. Sure, I go off on some other posters from time to time too. But I always focus on their arguments or their attitudes, not their perceived shortcomings in brainpower. (And I'm especially careful to try and read between the lines, so that I don't accidentally flame a child or adolescent, some relatively inexperienced kid that is just looking for some fellow fans and a bit of online brother/sisterhood. It's when they start getting all Righteous and ganging up on what they see as "Dissenters" [which could well include myself] that I decide to wade in and offer my two cents on something other than the film itself. Fair Enough.)

It just seems that something about "The Aristocrats" REALLY gets right up your ass, and it's revealing to watch the way you foam at the mouth and attack people over it.......revealing, in that while yer normally pretty evenly-keeled and tolerant of differing opinions, you go just as boop-shooby as the other occasional zealots. I guess we all have our weak spots.......

..........Mine, among others, being obviously smart people that still need to humiliate others, just for not agreeing with them. (I like to think it's what drove me out of Catholicism....)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


You're an idiot


"You're an idiot"


Heavens to Betsy, the infamous RTFirefly sense of humor rears it's pointed little head.

No wonder you believe that so many genuflect before you...........

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


I'll give you this much, Snag, you have a vivid imagination.


"I'll give you this much, Snag, you have a vivid imagination."


Gosh, Thanks. Claiming that you have a sense of humor, that WAS stretching things a bit......

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


...and a hundred banal orations of incest, torture and poop is comedic genius? I stand by the o.p.'s subject line. If that makes me a snob, so be it.


I never said it was "Genius", did I? No, I definitely did not.

I'm simply at odds with this fanatical insistence of yours, declaring that anybody who even chuckled at "The Aristocrats" is a slack-jawed troglodyte with ugly children. It's that cheap-ass method of elevating yourself by ridiculing those around you that has drawn my interest......

Although it's also worth noting that while the OP contibuted exactly ONE entry to this thread, you have crammed in almost two dozen - but when I start debating you, you try the old "But HE started it, why don't you pick on HIM?" dodge....No, Sparky, you chose to hoist the banner, now you gotta Carry That Weight.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Not that anybody but you and I will ever read this, but it is painfully obvious that you are the one that is doing everything you accuse me of. Also, the only reason I have so many posts here is because idiots like you keep asking me questions or keep making erroneous statements on my posts.


"It is painfully obvious that you are the one that is doing everything you accuse me of. Also, the only reason I have so many posts here is because idiots like you keep asking me questions or keep making erroneous statements on my posts."


Think you might need a recount there. That two dozen I mentioned? Those were BEFORE I started this little tete-a-tete with you. Not including the MORE than two dozen you made on other threads pertaining to this movie alone. The majority of which were you jumping in when some other poster insulted any and all "Aristocrats" fans, instead of you replying to those alleged "questions" posed by others that felt like getting up in your face. So no, I'm thinking that there might be other reasons that you post so much........

Anyway, exactly how, may I ask, am I being an arrogant snob? By declaring you to be one yourself? Have I once called you or anybody else an "Idiot", a "Moron", a "Loser" without any taste or critical faculties whatsoever? No, I haven't. Hell, I was thinking rather charitably of you yesterday, taking into consideration the fact that at you haven't claimed any sort of Holy Dispensation when exercising your opinions (such as condemning "Aristocrats" fans to hell as Filthy Sodomite Coprophilial Perverts), nor have you used any ethnic/sexual orientation/political preference slurs to bolster your statements. So at least yer not a superstitious bigot. Big Ups for you.

But I am starting to suspect that you are, on top of being an arrogant snob, an old-fashioned, back-pedalling Liar. So far, I've only used your own words and posts against you, but when you claim that I alone do the things that I accuse you of.....see, Oh Cerebral One - THERE, you are chock fulla *beep* Yer sounding more and more like a three-year-old caught with his hand in the cookie jar screaming "Nuh-UH! Not ME! It was YOU!"
I've taken the liberty of re-reading these threads a few times (Time on my hands), and your defense of "Erroneous statements" is crapola. Your oh-so-necessary replies to the "idiots" corruptions of your posted Wisdoms are predominantly you getting vewy, vewy huffy and reiterating the painfully-obvious-to-you-alone "Fact" that the other poster MUST be ass-backwards, dullardly and nekulturny......simply because they liked something that you didn't. I Mean, what other proof of Stupidity IS there, eh?

Read 'em yerself sometime, if you don't believe me. And I know that you don't.

Waiting for you to use the word "Ilk" makes you sound so Uppercrust and Edwardian, so Etonian, so Class-Conscious, much like an Smug Creep. But I guess your reply to that Cheap Shot will once again be that it's Me acting that way, not You - am I right? (What a conundrum. By the law of averages, sooner or later I HAVE to be right about SOMETHING. I flatter myself to think that annoys you.)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Quick question, Saggle. Are you a shut-in?

I apologize for using the word ilk. From now on I will use the word "buds".


Nope. Why, are you up to something?

And Thank You So Much. "Buds" is so much less condescending...

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Dear lord. I'm going to have to call the police to report a rape. Rape is the only word to describe what you've done to that arrogant twit RTFirefly.

Thanks for the hilarious posts - gave me quite a kick.


Word to the wise humor is a very subjective thing so people arguing over whether something was funny are just wasting their time.

People who attempt to judge people on what they find funny are idiots. People who use big blanket statements are even bigger idiots.


I find this film funny, heck I laughed at it all the way through, and I am an excellent judge of what is and isn't funny. I can laugh at the cleanest of jokes and when I see a good stand up comic I'm on the floor with laughter. I myslef have been known to get people to laugh at my own jokes and even when I personally don't find a joke funny I understand why someone else would. This is a very tough joke to tell and even harder to see the humor (I'm the first to admit I don't get the punchline) but the film is a very funny film. It is definitely not for everyone but for those that like it it's funny. Plus the comedians who starred in the film all seem to find the joke funny, are you saying that they have no realistic credability to judge comedy?

Join the John Waters Myspace group




Well I just saw this film and I loved it. I can understand why people wouldn't like it. Obviously some will be offended by tghe content of the joke, but those are the type of people I just don't pay any attention to.

The second group who wouldn't like it are those who just don't like absurdist humor. In the conventional sense The Aristocrats is not a joke. But the pure absurdity of the punch line makes it funny. It is totally unexpected. Personally I love absurdism, especially in jokes. Take this joke, one of my favourites: A man walks into a bar with fish-sticks on his head. The bar-tender says, "why do you have fish-sticks on your head", and the man says "I'm the Captain of a submarine." Not funny, right, but in the same way as The Aristocrats the puchline seems to have something to do with the joke and leaves the listener baffeled. Now that is my kind of joke.

Beyond that the joke is an excellent preformers joke, showcasing skills in storytelling and improve. What I love about the middle of the the middle is trying to make the joke as disgusting and offensive as possible. I've always enjoyed offending people, and this joke has great opprtunities. I don't know if anyone else caught this, but at one point one of the comedians say, "and the pope was in the corner" or something like that. I just love that kind of thing.

So is this movie for everone? No, ofcourse not. But if you have the right sense of humor, not the best sense of humor, just the right style for this movie, then you will love it.
