MovieChat Forums > Real Steel (2011) Discussion > A top of the line Robot for 45k?

A top of the line Robot for 45k?

Only thing that bother me about the movie, how can in this universe they expect you to believe you can buy a bot for that cheap, seems like everyone who wanted one could of taken out a 60 month loan to buy one for whatever they wanted...


$45k is the cost of buying this robot.
Whatshername offers $200k to buy the bloke out of a massive championship fight.

$200k today would buy me a nice car. Not top of the range, but nice enough to show off. Seems in this future $200k is enough money to solve all of Charlie's problems and is an offer he don't dare refuse!

Also, Charlie lives in a world where his life is in a run-down, dirty building and he salvages scrap parts, yet even his mobile phone has a futuristic transparent holo-screen. Tech is cheap.

And do you REALLY think any bank would give Charlie a single cent, with the sort of credit history he probably has? He even had to beg for a couple hundred from his Bookie friend!

The Spacehunter Forum:


First off Noisy Boy was a former champion that hadn't been seen in America for a few years, during which time Zeus became the reigning champ and completely dominated the sport of robot boxing. Plus as previously mentioned and said by Bailey in the movie, it was likely a black market deal.

Plus the big money in robot boxing is on the pro track. The majority of the matches that Charlie and Max first fight are on the illegal circuit. Which means that unless you have the money to create an extremely powerful bot, it's not a venture that pays off quickly. Another thing is that between fights you either have to repair your bot (which can mean limbs or engine parts) or replace it entirely, since most of the fights are to the death.

Also fomorian, Atom was built with a shadow function, not voice recognition. Max used parts taken from both Ambush and Noisy Boy to upgrade Atom to use voice recognition.


But Noisy Boy wasn't top of the line, based on a few comments in the film.

Voice command is not a good thing. Charlie says that it is popular in the foreign circuits. None of the other robot boxers he fought used it, and in the final match, Max said that he would respond faster to the shadow function than the audio commands.

Despite Noisy Boy being a former WRB champ, Finn points out that he has not fought on the American circuit in over two years, and these bots are tougher than foreign bots. Noisy Boy is quickly taken out by, a former 'world champ' dropped by a 'street tough'.

And the fact that Charlie jumped at the price suggests that it was probably a 'too good to be true' situation, and the seller was ripping off a shmuck with an obsolete bot.


Twenty years ago. The price of a Sony Walkman was over $100. Today they cost about ten times less than that.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


The only explanation I can think of is that the Dollar as you know it, went completely bankrupt...

- thus in this "near-future" they use a "new" dollar currency which may be 3000:1 (exchange rate with today's $).
Similar things have been done in countries which had uncontrollable inflation rate. When you no longer can fit the zeros on the bill, you make a new currency.


Perhaps the world economy is screwed come 2020 and $45k is actually ALOT of money lol


I would assume that because the technology and industry behind robots is similar to car making that depreciation would be about the same for both(swaying to a little more for a robot because it's a niche market in the movie world).

So, let's say that Noisy Boy's cost when brand new was $100,000. Dropping to half that in the space of about five years seems about right if, as I said, the market for robots is similar to that of cars. Couple that with the purchase by Charlie being a 'black market deal'(seller will ask for less for an item because they want to get rid of it as quick as possible and avoid being arrested for fencing) and $45,000 makes for an acceptable amount.

One man's mundane and desperate existence is another man's...technicolor.


Couple that with it getting the complete *beep* beat out of it for those 5 years lol. Mint cars that are 4 years old get beans for trade-in. Damn corporations.

In the end, Okonkwo threw the Cat.


Yeah, that too. lol Thanks.

One man's mundane and desperate existence is another man's...technicolor.



My theory about everyone saying the bot should have been a collectors item, it's not really said the bot is that big of a champion, seeing as there are probably hundreds of bots out there just in the top leagues maybe he was just famous amongst real experts, it was exciting for them to see one of the former big league players amongst their crappy machines but maybe in reality the bot wasn't that big a deal. Also seeing as Atom is just lying in the trash nostalgia amongst robot boxing fans hasn't really grown Yes he was a sparing robot ok, but even the parts of the very first robots were lying around there. Generally i'm guessing the mentality amongst Robot Boxing fans is not yet a conscience about historic bots but mostly high tech new bots. Consider maybe the start of Car racing, i'm not knowledgable on the subject but my guess is the very early cars weren't of any interest to any one yet just 10-15 years after the sport had been invented.

Cogito ergo Sum


^^^ Kinda like the very first mobile phones. You can probably find one of the first hundred ever made and the price might even be up there. Maybe. But really, who wants one? They just don't have appeal. I know I sure as hell don't want some briefcase phone lying around my place. As a society, we don't care about the starting technology of cell phones.. yet. That's my guess for the mentality of the older robots.

Also, I kinda figured that Noisy Boy had been replaced with cheap parts and whatnot. The only reason he lasted as long as he did was because Charlie was a real boxer and used his skill in the fight. But that's my own assumption.


It's called suspension of disbelief. Tech is cheap in this particular future. Is it that hard to fathom that at some point robot technology will be affordable to the common man? Think about an iPhone or a Droid. Take any one of them and transport them back 50 years. They would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions). But today we can buy them for $100. It's not that far fetched to assume robot technology (or any technology) can follow the same economical trend as the technology itself becomes more readily available and efficient.

From now on I'll always be creeped out when someone asks "Want to see a magic trick?"


You are correct with the car racing analogy. My dad was a drag racer back in the late 60's early 70's and they trashed their cars with no concern for the "history". The cars were cheap and plentiful. Looking back on it my dad would give anything to have the cars they threw away.


Computers, cars, ROBOTS....... whatever. It makes perfect sense.

No it does not.

You keep using an over-simplistic paradigm - "old tech = cheap, end of story". That'a only thinking in terms of your toaster and television.

Limited edition 'supercars' like the Pagani Zonda Clinque Roadster and Lambo Reventon can maintain their value years after manufacture, due to their sheer power and rarity. Noisy Boy can be considered to be in that category.

Quick Google search says:

- Noisy Boy was the Zeus of his time
- He fought Rubricon for the WRB 2016 championship and has a record of 15 and 2.

A popular ex-Champion that's only 4 years old from the height of his power going for $45,000? I can only say that IF the currency was 1:1 of our world's currency, then it is a sizable logic flaw.

I say "if" because we cannot be sure that their $45k isn't like half a million dollars in our world.



If you send me $45k, I will build you one.


You know how technology gets cheaper every year?

Like in 2006, a top of the line Dual core G5 power Mac was round 2500 - 4K.
Now you can get one used for bout $50 - $100

Same idea....... so yeah. Makes perfect sense, and is actually good writing. Noisy Boy was not a top of the line new bot. He was a used bot that was over 10 years old. Does not mean he was not still a great machine, he was. A ten year old robot would be that cheap.


For $46k I will build you one that will easily destroy anything coolmod36 can make for $45k. Or, for $44k I'll build you an equivalent machine.

Are you interested in beach front property? I also have a bridge for sale.
