MovieChat Forums > Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Discussion > Who could be the new Catherine?

Who could be the new Catherine?

If there is a BI3, Sharon Stone isn't going to play Catherine, so what actress could take over this role. I believe Sharon Stone was brilliant in this role, and can't think of anyone else who could handle it. Any suggestions???


reese witherspoon could play it


How about Freddie Krueger or David Hasselhoff?
God i hope there will be never a BI3.
One crappy sequel is enough.


Megan Fox. Or Tricia Helfer (plays Six in Battlestar Galatica).


Charlize Theron or Margot Robbie.

"No one is gonna take my soul away i'm living like Targaryen"


I vote for Amber Heard. She's got the looks, the intensity, the "dangerous blonde" persona, and obviously a tendency toward histrionics.


Margot Robbie would kill it...

Also Charlize Theron when she was younger..not saying she´s old but you know...
