MovieChat Forums > Basic Instinct 2 (2006) Discussion > Who could be the new Catherine?

Who could be the new Catherine?

If there is a BI3, Sharon Stone isn't going to play Catherine, so what actress could take over this role. I believe Sharon Stone was brilliant in this role, and can't think of anyone else who could handle it. Any suggestions???


Lucy Lawless could play the role well.


I can't think of another actress with all the qualities necessary to the role and the incredible magnetism and charisma of Stone. It's certainly not just a looks thing.

Lucy Lawless, point Blank.



nope, I think Mizz Stone should be in the final to make it a fantastic trilogy to which the killer in both films is revealed clearly in an extravegant twist. Although if she were to play the role again they would have to make the film now while she is still fantastically hot. we shouldn't have to wait another 14 years. No matter how much the second film bomed, it should still round itself off as a trilogy for the real basic instinct fans such as my self. Although the films are fantastic beyond words and catherin trammel is the greatest character invented, what kind of thriller does not reveal the killer at the end lol. There should definatley be a third. Sharon stone should have to try and mess with a womans head in stead of a mans which would bring back the bisexual aspect of her character that was lacked in the second. In trying to pursue this woman catherine tramell could possibly fail and we could see that she is the killer but she should NOT get caught.the end.


Zoe Lucker!


Clone Stone.



Katherine Heigl

She could play Catherine and Nick's daughter

FYC Oscars 2008 Reservation Road
Best Actress Catherine Keener - An American Crime


I would vote for ROSE McGowen....she can get downright mean...I love the character made by Sharon...the female Hannibal...very smart and she knows it...I liked the movie and gave it 6 stars...I have seen ALOT WORSE over the, and a good mystery...The guy who is the analyst was in that movie he was the guy that KILLED Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones.




Lucy Lawless and Charlize Theron would be my my first choices.

Unfortunately, the second movie cost 70 million dollars and made 6 million back at the U.S. box office. So the odds of a sequel are pretty dim unless there's a really rich producer around who is a huge Sharon Stone fan and doesn't mind losing a lot of money.

Hopefully, some one at HBO or Showtime will pick up on the films' growing fan base and do a T.V. movie. If the rights can be untangled, that has a possibility of flying.


Charlize Theron. Period.


Patricia Arquette.


Charlize Theron.


if they were going to make a new "basic instinct" and sharon wasn't to star as catherine, id rather them create a new main character instead.

"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".


It would be Ali Larter...she could pull it I think she kinda looks like Sharon only younger.


Sarah Michelle Gellar... just look at Cruel Intentions and you 'll see why

works for me


Kelly Carlson!!!!!!!!



defininately Sarah Michelle Gellar...she is great at playing the evil/mean character (Cruel Intentions). I think Reese Witherspoon would be hot if she played Catherine, but I have no idea if she could pull it off or not...I've never seen her in an "evil" role...she's such an amazing actress so I'm sure she could.

