Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy

Does anyone want to review a script I wrote titled "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy"?

Here's the plot...
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy"
Length: 120 Pages
Tagline: Fear has a chain reaction…
Plot: The year is 1971. The Vietnam War is starting to slowly come to a close. But on the homeland, strange things are happening, and people are disappearing around the areas of Travis County, Texas. There, six buddies going on one last camping trip for the sake of old memories are lured into Sheriff Hoyt and Thomas Hewitt’s clutches. A terrifying fight for survival ensues that eventually leads to one of the most shocking, depraved, and chilling endings in cinematic history. Can you handle the legacy of fear?
The Skinny: There is some violence (but its not overdone) and all the Hewitt family members are in it (including Henrietta and Jedadiah, where it explains their origins) and there is also a new family member named Edwin (in respect to Edwin Niel, who played the Hitchhiker brother in the original). Also, don't think you know the ending just because its a prequel...

So far over 300 IMDb users have asked to read the script and have had it sent to them!

**If you Private Messaged me with your e-mail I have sent you a confirmation message that the script has been sent. If you posted your e-mail on the message board your user name is listed shortly after your post under one of my posts, along with the other people who were sent the script at that time. Because there were so many users, the list of users on this post had to be taken away. If you asked for the script and it was never delivered for some reason please feel free to ask again. New readers, of course, are encouraged to read.**


This is a review from someone who has read the script. It is a perfect example of what I was looking for in a review.

Honest opinion - That is easily a better script than any Chainsaw
movie every written.

Picturing that in movie form is just great, it would make an amazing
movie I
think... You done well with this piece, at first I thought the
were going to be just the same as Eric but they turned out really well.
like the character devolopment that was in this script. If I were you
consider sending this out. I really liked Edwin also.

There were some parts that were maybe a little unoriginal - Maybe you
have left out the dinner part albeit it a classical scene; it has been
in other movies which probably wouldn't do you any favours if you want
make this an actual movie script, the leg trap with Justin just seemed
a copy of TCM: The Beginning, personally I think you could have left
Chris who had no real point, he'd be deadweight come a film and most
cut out anyway.

But the characters were enjoyable, the story in itself was very edgy
extremely thrilling. I printed this out and thought I'd look at it over
few nights, but I read the whole thing at once because I seriously
wanted to
know what happened. You done great with this, probably the best fan
I've ever read before. Hopefully you considering something like film
or script writing a future because you easily have the talent.

As a rating I'd give it 8.5/10

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


That was my review.

Again - awesome read man.

Current Mood: Happy =] Brooklyn Katherine Norman; Born 11th june 2006


This is another view I recieved via e-mail from someone. They asked not to have their name put in, so people who submit reviews can send it to me asking not to have their names placed in or they can post it themselves.

What is all the ‘buzz’ about with the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy”? Well, for starters, it is one of the most impressive horror scripts I have ever seen. The story is thrilling, action packed, suspenseful, and frightening. When I first received the script and discovered it was 120 pages, I thought it would take me at least two weeks to get through it – instead it took me less than two hours. After you start reading this script, it moves fast and you can’t put the darn thing down.

The story takes place in June 1971, which means that it is a ‘midquel’ to “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning” and the 2003 version of “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. The story revolves around a group of six friends; two war heroes, two college kids, one fiancé, and one hippy. The main characters of the story are Dan and Justin, both of whom went off to Vietnam but returned very different. Neither character really seems to talk about their experiences, but Dan seems to be holding in his pain more while Justin sort of lets lose on his friends a little and also seems to have a drinking problem. Sean, the groom-to-be who also seems like the golden boy of the group, is a well mannered guy that really stays away from the arguments of the story and just wants to be a civil citizen. Then there is the tactless and foul mouthed Zeke, the youngest of the group who is heading off to college. Chris, who already is in college, and Taylor, a drug addicted hippy, both are war protesters who don’t seem to have much sympathy for Dan and Justin. Of course that creates some problems.

Yes, the friends relationship alone could create an excellent movie in itself, but this story is not geared towards a dramatic reunion of friends. Instead it takes Dan, Justin, Sean, Zeke, Chris, and Taylor on a camping trip, where they fall into the clutches of a sadistic Texas clan. The friends first get involved by picking up a sickly hitchhiker named Henrietta and her bastard son Jedadiah, and the story unfolds from there.

Returning to the mix is Sheriff Hoyt, Luda Mae, Old Monty, the Tea Lady, and of course Leatherface. Fans of the 2003 film will recognize both Henrietta and Jedadiah, who did not appear in “The Beginning”. Also, there is another addition to the Hewitt clan – a brother named Edwin. As a sort of foil character to Dan and Justin, the Vietnam war veteran Edwin is both a brand new creation as well a tribute to the 1974’s original brother played Edwin Niel and even some hints at the 1986 sequel’s brother Chop Top (who was played by Bill Moseley in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2”). The new character of Edwin is truly as equally sadistic as Sheriff Hoyt, psychotic as Leatherface, and brilliant in own fashion. He is a scary character that cannot be trusted.

If you are interested in reading a story with “Chainsaw Massacre” in the title, you are probably looking for violence. “The Legacy” doesn’t skimp on the gore – there are chainsaws going through heads, people getting sliced in half, spines are cut, legs are broken, groins are stabbed, fingers are lost and so much more. There is even one intense scene involving Justin, Edwin, and some broken beer bottles (I won’t spoil anything but the squeamish should steer clear of this particular scene). Of course, there is more cannibalism references in the story, but it’s not overdone and ridiculous.

Leatherface is good in the story, and he gets a nice amount of screen time. He doesn’t appear until about thirty pages into the script, but I like it better that way – it builds the anticipation and once he starts slicing he doesn’t stop dicing. Leatherface gives some awesome chase scenes through the Hewitt house, the forest, the old mill, the meat factory, and a new addition – an old, abandoned town. The character seems more intense in this script and he doesn’t seem like Hoyt’s puppet like in “The Beginning”, however he still feels like a lost child. Also, just for fun, the Tea Lady gets to get some action – not a heck of a lot, but enough to make you smile for her.

Now could I see this being a movie? Yes, I really could see this story being made into a film to create one hell of a magnificent horror trilogy. It has the right formula and knows what the fans want and also knows what will sell. The violence isn’t overdone in a tacky manner but the story relies more on the thrills. Also, the ending is very good and well thought up. Just because it’s a prequel to the 2003 version don’t think you know everything because you most certainly don’t. And there is even a perfect set up for yet another film involving three siblings, but I won’t spoil that for you just yet.

Is this a perfect story? No, it is not. There are some problems. Chris is the one character you just can’t stand and he really serves no purpose. The dinner scene, although good and well written, is a scene we’ve experienced over and over. Many will say a great “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” needs a dinner scene, but how many can we see? Also, there is another bear trap incident which turns out very different than in “The Beginning” but it is another bear trap.

Those are minor problems with the story, however what the story really strives from is not the blood, violence, gore, thrills, chills, or chases, but from its characters. How often are you truly rooting for a character to make it away from Leatherface, and how often do characters truly make you feel for them. What the author does in this script is take characters who have problems and make them all heroic. Even the rough and edgy alcoholic Justin is a hero in the script, as is the rude Zeke, the drug addicted Taylor, the cowardly Sean, and the quiet tempered Dan. The true benefit from having characters like these is that the story isn’t predictable – you don’t have a Jamie Lee Curtis or a Neve Campbell or a Jessica Biel who you know are going to make it the furthest, but you have a group of people who all could either make it or die.

“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy” is not a story about evil and cruelty, but a story about friendship and courage, and the friendship which leads these characters to risking their lives for each other. They are brave, they are courageous, and they are all heroic. This is a thrilling story which is recommended for any “Texas Chainsaw”, any horror, or any movie-script fan in general.

My Score: 9.5/10

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


Another review is in...


honeslty that was wicked good i actually sat and red the whole thing my favorite character was zeke i was hoping he would live he got lucky so many times really great work

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



parfitz, I would rather if you could just wait a few days until your e-mail is up that was there won't be spoilers all over these boards. Besides, you don't really know any of the characters without reading it so you have no connection to them yet. But when your e-mail is back up I will definately send it to you if you are still interested.


That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



Okay parfitz, I understand...

However I still don't want to post the deaths on this board, and I think it would be more effective for you if you read the actual script. You could ask your mom if it is okay for someone to send a copy of a script to you, and explain that you don't know me and are not friends with me. I could also send it to you under a certain title such as "Homework" or something so your mom would not catch it right away. The script is an attachment to an e-mail, so you could quickly save the script and delete the e-mail. If I were to send it to you at a certain time tonight or tomorrow you could quickly save and delete the e-mail.

Believe me, I am not a weirdo on these boards trying to make friends with complete strangers - I am a seventeen year old who really likes movies and wants to aspire to be a filmmaker someday.

As much as I would like to tell you the deaths, I just can't. So get back to me on what you want to do.


That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


i'm hearin' so much good news about this script. I would love to read it too.

[email protected]



I would love to have a copy. I would like to read it during the weekend.

My e-mail address is [email protected]



I have sent a copy to


That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



Hey parfitz, that's a good idea. I'll try it and let you know.

I have sent it to

summer hellya

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



Mw too, me too

[email protected]


I'd love to have a copy sent to me...

[email protected]


I loved it!

But I had two problems with it. *SPOILERS*

1. When Sherrif Hoyt said "I don't take no pleasure in killin'" I know it was a nod to the original, but we all know he is the most evil of the family and the most sadistic he loves to torture people and kill them, so maybe it would be Luda Maye that says that.

2. What happened to Leatherface? He would most likely die if left in the freezer long, and nobody knew where he was. Maybe at the end conversation where Luda Maye says "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my Tommy", Hoyt should have mentioned that he had to let him out of the freezer and he is being punished for letting Dan and Justin escape from him.

You don't have to change anything but I thought I'd point these out, loved reading it, great work!

What Is The Difference Between A Scream And A Shriek?....A Bigger Blade!


i want it
[email protected]


Hey Funny Cheese, I'm glad you loved it and I would like to address your problems.


1. Yes, I suppose that it would make more sense for Luda Mae to say "I don't take no pleasure in killn'" that it would for Hoyt to say it, and that is a goof. Thanks for pointing that out.

2. Hoyt and Luda Mae and the other Hewitt's did not know where Leatherface was at the end of the story because Dan had locked him in the freezer and then immediately left the meat factory. Only about twenty minutes at most had passed between the time when Leatherface is trapped and Dan is hit by the car, so none of the Hewitt's would know of Leatherface's warebouts at that point. I believe that Leatherface would eventually be released when his family goes looking for him. When the three sibling's (Laurena, Colin, Nick) story is told, it would probably show what happened to Leatherface.

I'm glad you liked it though!

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


Another review

I have already read it, it was GREAT, and i mean it! They should do
this to
a full leanght movie, send it to platinum dunes and i guarentee that
like it. I loved the dinner scene, keep on doing scripts.

I am an director and is doing an fan-sequel to The Beginning and would
honoured if you could do a script for me?

I have sent a copy to

Icy Vanilla

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



Another review

I loved this thing – it was pretty intense at times and that’s a good thing in a horror movie of this nature. I also really liked the characters, and I think that they were the strongest point of this whole entire story.

DAN – He was definitely a great lead character because he was so different from the characters in the other films. I really liked his quiet nature, and I really liked how he kept his thoughts to himself. I also found him to be the most attractive member of the group because of his personality. Dan was definitely someone to root for during a situation like this.
JUSTIN – At first I thought that Justin was going to be the first one killed but I really liked how his story played out. I especially like the scene where he and Dan are by the stream and it is very dramatic. He also was someone who you had to root for, and when he got a hold of the chainsaw and interrupted the dinner party it was awesome. The scene with the broken glass was a little painful though, even for a movie like this (it reminded me of a “Saw” or “Hostel” movie).
ZEKE – Even though he had no tact and was foul mouthed, I couldn’t help but love this character – he was my personal favorite. He was great because he wasn’t the stereotypical male character in a horror movie and he had the best chase scenes in the whole entire story (and possibly the whole “Chainsaw” series). I loved him at the dinner scene and he made me laugh at times when he talked back to the Hewitt’s.
TAYLOR – He wasn’t my favorite character at first but I do think that he was the best written character in the entire story. I really liked the depth to Taylor; his drug problem was a great touch and the dysfunction he caused. But I really liked how in the end he still cared more for his friends than himself despite what he led them to believe.
SEAN – I was a sucker for Sean from the beginning of the story; he seemed like the only member of the group who truly had everything together. I was really sad to hear that he was engaged (his poor fiancée). Sean also seemed to be the kindest of the group and the most sensible, however I liked how it was his kindness that got them into trouble when they picked up Henrietta. I also liked how he was the group mediator.
CHRIS – I’ve heard a lot of complaints about Chris, but I don’t know why. Certainly he was obnoxious to his friends and kind of had a smaller role, but I found him to be a much needed character. Chris added balance to the mix and he really established relationships. It was tough to see what Hoyt did to him though, it seemed really painful.
EDWIN – Yikes, this character was the scariest of the Hewitt’s to me. He seemed just like the brother from the original film, which I absolutely love. I really liked how he cut his face in the beginning and taunted the friends. I also liked how he seemed to really enjoy killing more than the other family members, and I liked how he brought back the bucket scene from the original. And his presence was not confusing at all, I like how you explained where he was in “TCM: The Beginning”. Definitely one of the best characters ever!
HOYT – He was written just like Hoyt should be in the story. I also like how he and Edwin were sort of competing for power among the family. He sounded just like Hoyt should sound and had some funny sayings. He was pretty sadistic though.
LEATHERFACE – To tell you the truth I hated Leatherface in this, but that’s a good thing. I shouldn’t be rooting for him to slice and dice Dan and Justin and them, but I should be rooting for them to slice Leatherface. I found Leatherface to resemble the Tobe Hooper version more with less personality and more of a monster thing about him. He did give great chase scenes though, the best any Leatherface has ever given.
LUDA MAE – She was interesting because it showed how she really came to resent the rest of the world. In “The Beginning” I got the feeling that she did fully support Hoyt’s murdering people, but in the remake she seemed to be in full support. This story definitely shows why she became so dedicated to her family’s evil ways. I also found her relationship with Henrietta to be especially creepy.
TEA LADY – I loved that the Tea Lady had a nice sized role in this and I really liked how she got some action (frying pan to the face!). Also, I liked how in the end when the family re-assembles the Tea Lady is present, explaining that she like an extended member of the family. She was really cute, funny, and entertaining in a serial killer kind of way.
HENRIETTA – She was the vehicle of this story, and her role was very important. I don’t think AIDS was discovered in the 1970’s, but that’s beside the point. She was creepy in an innocent type of way, and she led the friends to their doom. I also like how she conformed to her family’s evil. Her back story was explained well too, and it gave the Hewitt’s even more reason to hate society.
OLD MONTY – He was pretty intense at times and I really enjoyed him here. The dinner scene was good with him. I loved when Zeke used Old Monty to stop Edwin from coming down the hall, which was funny. He was written just like Monty. Also props for introducing the dog.
JEDEDIAH – He was a well done character trying to help Dan rescue his friends, while not letting the family know. You have to love the kid, and you are really sympathetic to him. I like how he was the one family member who knew what was wrong yet he was only a child.

The story was excellent and creepy, and overall I really enjoyed this. Definitely recommended.

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


I suppose you're right about Leatherface, the man survived a knife in the back, sliced by a chainsaw and getting his arm chopped off so he's bound to survive an hour or two in the freezer, but what I said above is that he might have frozen to death.

What Is The Difference Between A Scream And A Shriek?....A Bigger Blade!


I really want to read the script!

[email protected]

Save the cheerleader, Save the world
Prepare for the Ultimate Slay Ride


Yeah, and who knows how long Leatherface was in the freezer... possibly 45 minutes, possibly 2 hours. Also, he's got a lot of meat on him and the freezer was old so it probably wasn't generating as much chill as it would have if it were newer.

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That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II




There might have not been any power in the factory.

What Is The Difference Between A Scream And A Shriek?....A Bigger Blade!


I have sent a copy to

Halloween mass murderer

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


And here is another review (and a very well written one)

Okay first off I loved that they weren't such a tight knit group. There was some dysfunctionality in the six guys. I felt it was really fun to listen to them bicker between eachother, and I really liked how you stayed true to each character. IE how Sean was the harmonious one from start until he demise, and I loved how Taylor was able to show his true colors and how he felt truely about his friends. It's great to see a guy fight and earn redemption because at the start of the story Taylor didn't look like much of a character, bit of a antagonist and he seemed to be spoiling the trip, in the end Taylor turned out to be a real hero, and I loved the friendship aspect to this story. There was no passangers, they all fought to save eachother, they were human and they made mistakes which was another thing I loved. The friendship between the guys turned into a bond, unfortunatly that bond ended.

I also loved some introductions - namely the one that saw us meet a new Hewitt memeber in Edwin. I found that Edwin was a very, very interesting character. He is in my opnion [some may disagree] but he is my favourite Hewitt memeber that has been in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, he was a very strong character and in my opinion he did steal alot of thunder from the weak Leatherface in this tale [I'm sorry to say, but I didn't enjoy Leatherface] and Goyt was at his good ol best, but theres not much you can do with Hoyt, you have to stay true to him. I also loved the chapel scene, probably the best scene in the chase part of the story.

But with the goods comes the bad, and as much as Legacy was a great story of survival and friendship - how would this do as a movie? Besides Edwin theres nothing original here, it's six guys who are attacked by a very mediocre and cliche serial killer/monster with a chainsaw. It doesn't have it's warrant, the thing is people are starting to lose interest in this man and the teenagers he killed in his 33 people murder rampage and that is my problem - does anyone care about these six guys? Can these kids actually connect with the audiance and unfortunatly as idividuals, no I don't think they can. I think as a group these boys are strong, but without eachother theres not that much to them and I honestly can't see this script actually making a movie.

Now in saying that I hope you know that that is not a put down. This script was well written, but it's not your own. You need to invent something, and that is the fundamental fact in something like this. You need to be able to make a story your own, and with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy I honestly felt like after the friendship [which I adored, I loved Jstin and Dan's bond. I did shed a tear when Justin passed.] and besides the introduction of a great new character that we have exactly what the other movies are - cliche gore, mediocre villians, unoriginal death scenes, at times stereotypical characters and a honestly not so flash ending.

Now to some more negatives [Unfortunatly] The dinner scene, boring.. The bear trap, boring and they are taken from other films, and that is what I'm saying about making the story your own, you need to devolop your own rituals, own problems. You can't continue to use other peoples ideas.

BUT... I've said it before, the bond between the boys as a group was beautiful. I could fall in love with Dan over and over again, and the way he continually risked his life, he was the one character I could connect with. The ending with Justin was tearful, and I mean this is one part where you did really show some originality - a tearful goodbye between two best friends. It was gorgeous, also Justin and Dan's bond with Zeke was really adorable. This is actually a really, really sad story and if people are to do what I do and look past the killing they should see that. I did love the boys, they each had their part [even Chris who some have said should have been cut, I disagee. He was one of the six, they are a six not a five] and I know I did say I doubted that these character would connect, but I wasn't speaking about myself. I loved them.

*I must tell you that I am in no way a Texas Chainsaw Massacre fan - I do not like Leatherface, I don't like the Hewitt's so I may have been negative, but there is a reason.*

Look, DJBM150 if you sat down and wrote a story based more on a bond than a killing spree [Stephen King's IT] like something like that I think you would hit the nail on the coffin, I think you are really good with your character devolopment, but overall this to me was just another potentially beautiful story turned into a simple gore fest.

My score: 6.5 out of 10 and the 6 points is all for the bond between those guys.

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


Two more Reviews

(You can post this on the message boards if you want)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Legacy
Screenplay by Zeke Jeffries
Review by Brian Slevin
Rating: A (****)
Okay, let me start by saying that this is probably the most entertaining, thrilling, and well written screenplay I have ever read. I enjoyed “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” films however they are not my absolute favorite movies, yet for some reason I really found myself enthralled by this truly compelling script. I really love the dinner scene, which I believe captures the madness of the original film and the attitude of the recent prequel, and I also really enjoyed the chase scenes.
My favorite character was definitely Justin – I thought he had the most depth and character development throughout the story. He and Dan were both very heroic people in the story and you really root for them. I saw on another board you said if you were to cast this story you would cast Tom Welling as Justin and I think that would be awesome. I also really liked Zeke, although he wasn’t as sophisticated as Justin I thought he was just flat out hilarious at times. Taylor was annoying at first but in the end I really enjoyed him, same goes for Sean. Dan was a good hero but I liked Justin more. I just couldn’t seem to warm up to Chris though but that’s no big deal.
Out of the Hewitt family characters I definitely like Edwin the most. He was kind of funny and really reminded me of characters from the old Tobe Hooper moves, most notably Chop Top and that brother from the first one. Hoyt was written exactly like Hoyt should be written and his persona was captured perfectly. Monty and Luda Mae were also captured perfectly, and I liked how you showed more of their insanity growing. I also liked how you introduced Henrietta and Jedadiah, and I like how you turned Henrietta evil with the rest of the family but kept Jedadiah pretty innocent. And of course, I loved Leatherface – once that chainsaw started buzzing it didn’t seem to stop. Leatherface really kept me on the edge of my seat this time around, and I liked how he was more out for the kill than the torture like in the prequel.
I know that you probably won’t write another “Chainsaw” film, but I really liked how you set up for a possible sequel with those three kids and the family. I could definitely see them running from the Hewitt’s one more time, although it then might become somewhat redundant (as if the series isn’t already). And the continuity to the remake series is perfect – I could really see this being the next movie. I think it would be a huge hit – I could see Tom Welling and Jesse Metcalfe starring as Justin and Dan!
Great script dude, and for those who haven’t read it I highly recommend it – this thing is freaking amazing! Its like a real movie script and will have your eyes glued to the pages!

I didn’t really enjoy your story that much. I really liked the first pages, but once the kids started getting kids I thought it felt stupid. I hate Leatherface and I really don’t like the whole new Michael Bay series. You’re a good writer but why do you waste your talents on crap like this?

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



Another review is in


You have done a fantastic job on this script and I would definetly pay
see this in the movies. You captured the feel of how a TCM movie should
and you've created likeable characters. In all honesty, you should try
find an agent to help you get this produced. You are a terrific
write. I'd also like to see you write a sequel to TCM remake if at all
possible. I'll just leave you with some of the things that stuck in my
Zeke and Justin's deaths were really sad. If you want the audience to
teary then you've done the right thing. Hoyt's speech at the end to his
family was terrific, and how you explained Monty's dog was fantastic
The only bit I would change is the church part with the pipe. Instead
having the pipe you could change it to one of those large altar
crosses. That for me would look really cool. Also the dead priest, that

Anyway, all-in-all, the script was excellent, magnificent, terrific and
hope you are able to get this script produced into a movie.

PS- Let me know if you will be writting another.

Lastly, i'd just like to say that these lines were absolutely terrific.
got a good laugh out of them so good job on that.

(Holding the drugs)
If you think this stuff gives a buzz, wait until you see the chainsaw.

Well aint you special. You’re getting married.

At least he doesn’t marry his cousins.

Is that God awful thing sitting next to me the offspring of you and
degenerate mother or did you just find it in a trashcan somewhere?

Speak for yourself bitch, I sure as hell can’t stand looking at your
face… or you family’s disgust.

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


And yet another review

Hey just finished your script so here goes with my two cents worth....


* I'm not 100% sure about this but I don't think AIDS was really diagnosed until '81 or so.
* I liked the whole origin of the head over the bucket. I missed seeing that from the TCM remake and the Origin movies.
* You had two kills that were basically the same. A chainsaw through the back window. I'd change one just to keep things different.
* A horror movie with no chicks? I understand this is a male bonding type movie but still, every horror movie needs at least one woman.
* Hoyt sounded very natural to me, I laughed several times at his little rants.
* Once you introduce a character you don't need to keep capitalizing their names.
* Nice little nod to the original at the end with one getting away but not being able to lead police back to the crime scene.

Overall a fun read that had some great visual scares!

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II



I have sent a copy to

Summer hellya

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


I have sent a copy to


That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


can u please send it to me? heres the email addy

[email protected]

Since man is created in weakness and imperfection, error is part of his nature


I have sent a copy to

u rachyal
matthew strickland-1

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


can you send me one? im a big movie fan, i love making them and writing them! i'd LOVE to read yours!!

[email protected]



Thank you so much Summer Hellya! I do want to go into movie making someday, its sort of like my passion.

That Feeling You're Being Watched... It's Real! The Hills Have Eyes II


Hey there...e-mail me a copy. Maybe I'll be reading the work of a future screen writer. :)

[email protected]
