MovieChat Forums > 300 (2007) Discussion > Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

I personally found this movie annoying. I am perfectly fine with a movie that is based on an event and bends the truth a little, but 300 bent the truth to the point where I found it annoying. One of the main problems I had was the fact that at times the movie felt a little racist. 300 depicts the persian commanders as idiotic. Not even the dumbest commander would think of using elephants on a point as narrow as Thermapolyae. Also, the persians are depicted as being so uneffective that they could even conquer a village of orphans and nuns wihtout casualties in the thousands. I understand that the persian casualties in the actually Battle of Thermapolyae range between five to seven thousand, but in the movie tens of thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of persians are slaughtered. The second most annoying thing about the movie is that it completely ignores the fact that the three hundred spartans were accompanied by three thousand other Greek warriors. When those other Greek warriors had to retreat, the three hundres spartans hardly lasted an afternoon, let alone the serveral days in the film.
The first time I watched this movie, I thought it was way over-rated. It wasn't quite as good as everyone was saying, but was still a typical guy movie (And who doesn't love a good action). But after the second and third time, all of the lies in this movie really started to build.
I understand that 300 was a well made movie by a decent director, but I just didn't like 300 at all.


I think this movie is totally OVERDONE. The countless slow-paced action scenes are immature. It's clearly a movie for underdeveloped teenaged boys which, these days, drags into the 30s. I have not yet seen "The 300 Spartans", but in terms of watching overdone movies, I'd rather spend my time with "Meet The Spartans".


Yes, it is 2 hours of people killing each other with almost no plot whatsoever. The best scenes are the ones with Leonidas's wife back in Sparta or wherever it is meant to be.


I'm from greece and for me the movie isn't bad or good. it just too exceeding.some historical events are true but the Efors they weren't monsters they were the high authority in anciant sparta and the spartians they didn't go for war in the Marathon not in hot gates because of th Carnia.Also the Efialths want's a Spartian but a citisent in the local territory in hot gates and he wasn't malformed.ok the movie has many historical mistakes but for me it's just a movie to pass your time pleasantly and based on a comicbook not historical events.


One of the dumbest movies ever.
Half naked men in underwear and a cape, running around in fight poses, with Persians who are apparently demons with a gigantic hermaphrodite king.

Dont know what people like about this movie.


The fact - it's comic book based movie?


Isn't this movie more based on comic books than history? Granted its a comic about history but it's still a comic.

Clark Kent + Lois Lane 4ever
DC Can Suck It


Yes, and I don't care for the look of the film.As you say, it's based on a comic book and looks like it. I don't care for CGI. This one is made to appeal to some outre` modern aesthetics with its pierced half-naked Xerxes who in no way resembles the Xerxes of history and its other grotesqueries. The 1960s film "The Three Hundred Spartans" was better, and at least a bit truer to what is known of the historical incident.

"..sure you won't change your mind? Why, is there something wrong with the one I have?"


So many ignorant people in this thread... who would expect that a movie based on a Frank Miller comic be a historical, true-to-life biopic?

If you don't like the movie, great, but don't make up stupid bullcrap about what the "director's intentions" are or that the movie deliberately portrays Persians in a negative light for some weird political reason. No, fck off. This is a merely a visual exercise that invokes fantastic imagery and use of cinematography and lighting. It is an undeniably beautiful film to look at. Leave your politics at the door please.



It is not undeniably beautiful to look at. That statement would be your opinion. Glad you thought it was pretty. I thought it was horrendously ugly to look at. I hated the visual style of this film and hate the influence it has had on other films too.


That is one shallow approach, and it fails in its attempt to justify this garbage and its incompetent director. Basically you said that if we turn off our brains, and try to imagine movies aren't anything more than a mere 'visual exercise', we might enjoy its visual style, which is appalling btw. There isn't anything artistic in this tacky money grabber.


I just watched it for the first time, since after seeing Cap 2 today I am gonna see the 2nd 300 film(my father and I go to the movies once a month), so I wanted to know what the hell happened. I will have to watch it a 2nd time to fully understand what was going on, but my initial reaction was that it was ok, had some decent action, but the narration was annoying, it felt like someone was reading me a bedtime story and even when I was a kid I didn't have that done lol. Not a bad film but highly overrated


Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

That would be me.

although... i used to like it back around the time it was new but i watched it recently (April 11th 2013) and i don't even like it anymore and find it pretty average and re-watch factor is what ultimately makes or breaks a movie in the long term.

i gave it a 6/10 (average. but ultimately a thumbs down)

side note: it's 7.8/10 average rating is way to high as a high 6's would be plenty. i have seen some movies with a high 5's for the average better than this although i have yet to find a movie with a average score lower than the low 6's for an average that i consider memorable.

p.s. and to state the obvious... i ultimately rate movies based on how much i enjoy them and the further they get away from that then the lower the rating.

My Vote History ...


By the time I posted my reply, this movie got more positive rating than the negative.
As for me, I do like this movie and it's entertain me.
I personally find this movie really amuse me.
