MovieChat Forums > 300 (2007) Discussion > Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

I personally found this movie annoying. I am perfectly fine with a movie that is based on an event and bends the truth a little, but 300 bent the truth to the point where I found it annoying. One of the main problems I had was the fact that at times the movie felt a little racist. 300 depicts the persian commanders as idiotic. Not even the dumbest commander would think of using elephants on a point as narrow as Thermapolyae. Also, the persians are depicted as being so uneffective that they could even conquer a village of orphans and nuns wihtout casualties in the thousands. I understand that the persian casualties in the actually Battle of Thermapolyae range between five to seven thousand, but in the movie tens of thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of persians are slaughtered. The second most annoying thing about the movie is that it completely ignores the fact that the three hundred spartans were accompanied by three thousand other Greek warriors. When those other Greek warriors had to retreat, the three hundres spartans hardly lasted an afternoon, let alone the serveral days in the film.
The first time I watched this movie, I thought it was way over-rated. It wasn't quite as good as everyone was saying, but was still a typical guy movie (And who doesn't love a good action). But after the second and third time, all of the lies in this movie really started to build.
I understand that 300 was a well made movie by a decent director, but I just didn't like 300 at all.



Thought it would be a real battle-movie. But it only looks like "30" than 300. Animations couldnt really show a BIG Fight. Comparing with Braveheart and you know what i mean...

2). NO MORALIC AND HISTORIC MOVIE --> a racist movie:
Two "Evil Morals" against each other:
1. The Spartans: They kill handicaped childs and living only for fight and glory.
They believe that only the Best earn the right to live.

2. The Persians: ALL ARE EQUAL (COMMUNISTS)...under one king.
They live for perversion...

Persians are black? Persians are stupid in war?...


Is there a movie on this website that does not have someone claiming racism?



.... or sexism or homophobia or "insert random ism here".

Welcome to the internet, oh and by the way, people suck in 2016, sorry you had to learn this.


are you sure you watched 300?



You have to take the movie for what it is, and leave your objections against anachronisms, racism and exaggerations at the door. It's the kind of movie that has literally no deeper meaning and where the one-liners and the gore is what the movie is all about. It's not supposed to be a fair or even remotely realistic portrayal of Greeks and Persians anno 500 BC. Rather, think of it as "the Expendables" of ancient Greece. If such movies doesn't float your boat, then fair enough - it's just not your thing.


Movies like The Expendables are for me. 300, however, is a different beast. The visual presentation, in my opinion, was garbage.


Glad I'm not the only one !!! I like most of Zack Snyder's movies but the Eurocentric subconscious garbage is too much for me to ignore. This even deviates from the comic that the film is based on in that respect. It's been 6 years since I saw this in the theater and I still roll my eyes at this thing.


I thought it had the best CGI abs ever put on film.


The action scenes were quite entertaining, but the story was pretty bad. Overall, it's just an average movie, like many summer blockbuster popcorn flicks that have come and gone.



I despised it.
To take a historical event and fabricate dramatic elements is one thing, to concoct a complete lunatic backdrop is another.

It would have been far better to just make a fantasy film, without the misuse of historical characters and events.

"Arthropodocracy - voting for the lesser of two weevils."


I saw the film because I'm a fan of Frank Miller, but I never read the comic. If I had, I probably wouldn't have seen the movie. Anyway, I didn't like the film. Technically, I think it had some flair and some decent action sequences but I think it took itself wayyyyy too seriously. There were a few times when I found myself laughing out loud -- at all the wrong moments. So, yeah, color me unimpressed. If movie tickets weren't so darn expensive, I would've walked out.
