MovieChat Forums > 300 (2007) Discussion > Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

Did Anyone Else Not Like This Movie?

I personally found this movie annoying. I am perfectly fine with a movie that is based on an event and bends the truth a little, but 300 bent the truth to the point where I found it annoying. One of the main problems I had was the fact that at times the movie felt a little racist. 300 depicts the persian commanders as idiotic. Not even the dumbest commander would think of using elephants on a point as narrow as Thermapolyae. Also, the persians are depicted as being so uneffective that they could even conquer a village of orphans and nuns wihtout casualties in the thousands. I understand that the persian casualties in the actually Battle of Thermapolyae range between five to seven thousand, but in the movie tens of thousands, possibly even hundreds of thousands of persians are slaughtered. The second most annoying thing about the movie is that it completely ignores the fact that the three hundred spartans were accompanied by three thousand other Greek warriors. When those other Greek warriors had to retreat, the three hundres spartans hardly lasted an afternoon, let alone the serveral days in the film.
The first time I watched this movie, I thought it was way over-rated. It wasn't quite as good as everyone was saying, but was still a typical guy movie (And who doesn't love a good action). But after the second and third time, all of the lies in this movie really started to build.
I understand that 300 was a well made movie by a decent director, but I just didn't like 300 at all.


I can't stand it at all. Though I do acknowledge the movie is a exactly what it's meant to be and, in that sense, is a success. I just completely disagree with literally every creative decision related to this POS


yeah bro i hate it and i know its a big lie
