Aside from the narrative of immortality, the fear and intense realization of death, the devotion between Izzy and Tom, the intelligent script, and mind-blowing soundtrack, it is also visually stunning, unlike any film I have seen before or probably will see in a long time.
As a previous poster noted, it either touches you or it doesn't. The first time I watched it, I thought it was a mess, slow, somewhat boring, and undecipherable. Upon giving it another chance, 3, 4, 5 times - it resonated. You have to work with this film. It is not for the average movie-goer-on-a-Saturday with nothing to do. It is a thinking man's film. There is so much subtext, the plot must be followed attentively, but the payout is enormous.
The transcendence of time in this film is a major point. Tom has loved Izzy since the beginning of his remembered time on earth, and the story she writes alludes to the devotion, determination, and love Tom has for her. The helpless feeling Tom carries throughout much of the film is one many can relate to - which makes it both sad and romantic. He cannot save Izzy, no matter how hard he tries.
"Death is a disease, and there is a cure, and I will find it."
He is grasping at straws, searching for a Nirvana that only exists within the release of death. But the uncertainty kills him.
It is a beautiful, complicated story that one must be completely focused on to really enjoy.