I liked the LOST series finale. It made me laugh and cry, and ended on a hopeful, uplifting note. I suppose one could see the Medium finale as similar, but the shows had completely different vibes, so what worked for one was completely wrong for the other in my opinion.
Newhart's finale was possibly the best show finale ever. I liked the MTM finale, too. I really don't remember most finales that I've seen, though, and some shows--Alias, Prison Break, Heroes, to name a few--I quit watching during the last season so never saw the finale.
Hated the Quantum Leap finale. I now have a hard time watching the show at all, knowing how depressing the end was. I hated that BTVS killed Anya, and Angel killed Wesley after killing Fred, especially since Illyria was starting to let the remnants of Fred emerge. Hated the Medium finale, too. Killing Joe in a plane crash was a cop-out. I just hope that, although he seemingly never appeared to Allison after that first time, he visited his girls and just told them not to tell their mother in an attempt to get her to move on. Still stinky, though.
JAG's finale is a toss-up. At least Harm and Mac finally got together, but DJB waited until the finale to go there.