You are a brave man... I really enjoyed the show until the last season and I wish I could watch it again... but knowing how it ends... I cannot get much enjoyment out of this show anymore... I will still say that the first couple of seasons are some of the best TV ever made... and seasons 3-5 all very solid and fun... but that 6th season (especially the flash sideway part and the last episode) really blows...
Sure, it could have been better, but we got what we got and I accepted it. Maybe Lindelof and company had a very different ending and for some reason they chose the one they did. After watching The Leftovers, I don't think ABC would have liked an ending that was more in line with The Leftovers.
First remove all the flash sideway crap in season 6... then figure out a better way to explain the Smoke Monster... what the end up with doesn't fit how it acted in the early seasons... I know I had loads of other issues back then... but I haven't watched it in 10 years...
All the worse because they were given the luxury of an end date by the network, nearly two years in advance. You wonder what the hell they did with all that time they had to pull it all together.
I'm guessing doing lots of blow off hookers' tits...
Well basically it just felt so flat... I mean I am pretty sure at the begining The Island was supposed to be purgatory... but they went away from that because people kind of figured that out... then the give us this flash sideway purgatory in season 6 that was a complete waste of time...
I really wanna give you more details but I haven't watched it since 2010... and I can't get myself to watch it again after how dissapointed it made me feel back then...
Does purgatory in general bother you or just that they didn't use it when/how you thought it was going to be done? If the Island was purgatory, would that bother you?
The sideways flashes weren't a waste of time, it had a purpose. You might not have liked it, but there was a point to it: they wanted to crossover together.
Purgatory would have been fine if it fit the story... but this flash sideway crap... was just filler while the main story was reaching its conclusion...
The sideways flash IS purgatory, did you not understand that? Which you just said would be fine btw. You're kinda all over the map. You said purgatory would be fine, don't seem to have an issue with the Island being purgatory, but are all, "oh, I didn't like the ending (purgatory)."
I wrote 'if it fit the story' and I already stated that the flash sideways was purgatory... so yeah I get that... But it just felt like unnecessary filler... you could leave all of it out and it wouldn't affect the main story...
They wanted to crossover together??? Who gives a F***... just finish the story you started and not waste half a season with this flash sideway crap...
Again I am glad you liked it... It didn't work for me...
Yeah maybe... as I wrote in some other post on here... I still think those first couple of seasons are some of the best TV ever made... just too bad they didn't have a good plan on how to finish it...
"you could leave all of it out and it wouldn't affect the main story...
They wanted to crossover together??? Who gives a F***... just finish the story you started"
What was the main story that you think they got away from? You said you think the Island was originally meant to be purgatory, which would make it a part of the main story, no? You also said the purgatory stuff took away from the main story, sooooo....
We spend 6 seasons on the Island... I think they intended for the Island to be purgatory... It makes sense with all the flashbacks the explains our characters troubled lives... and of course the strange things that happen on the island and that they can't leave...
Then they choose to move away from this idea... because the internet was all flooded with fan theories about it being purgatory after season 1... I think the writers/producers even publicly said the island is not purgatory... so now their hands were tied...
Then in season 6 we suddenly have this flash sideway stuff... which has nothing to do with the island and they make it purgatory... c'mon I know they were pissed they got figured out... but why bring it back purgatory in this lousy flash sideway stuff... which has nothing to do with the island?
Because it was a major part of the main story, at least according to you (Island is purgatory). Why would they just abandon a major part of the storyline? Then you'd complain they had no plan and were making it up as they went along. You cannot logically complain purgatory both works and doesn't work. That's disingenuous.
Purgatory was part of the Island storyline... went they went away from that... they had to make it up a long the way... which this flash sideway purgatory is a great example of... What does it add to the story? Other than this soapy ending... as you said: they had to cross together...
I am pretty sure that the purgatory they intended the island to be... was a very different beast than what ended up in the flash sideways...
The flash sideway part was clearly added to season 6 to confuse the viewer and maybe make them (the viewer) forget that they had also lost the plot with the main story... about the island....
The Island... The show is about the island and why are these people there... that is how it starts and how they built suspense... what does the flash sideway stuff add to that?
What??? Do you even read what I write... I think they originally intended it to be... but they changed it when that became the popular belief among the viewers...
I know you love the flash sideway stuff... good for you... please explain to me what you think it added to the show?
What is really mind-blowing is that it is all in your head... there is nothing contradictary about anything I have written... I know you would like it to be... but sadly you don't even read what I write... so I guess you make it up as you go a long just as the lost writers did:-)
I agree, I think originally the show was intended to be purgatory. But they recalibrated along to way to make the island experience "real" and purgatory later facilitated by the flash sideways storylines.
But I prefer the Tibetan concept of Bardo Thodol as opposed to purgatory. And in my mind (whether accurate or not), I prefer to think of the Losties as in this bardo state from the very beginning (yes, they were all killed in the plane crash in other words). The Season 6 "flash sideways" -- to me -- was just their final bardo state before enlightenment.
Please note: I am NOT saying that this is what the writers intended or what anyone else should think, so I'm not going to argue for my preferred interpretation. I'm just saying this is how I like to see it.
This quote helps, the link for the entire article found below:
" . . . . a component of Tibetan Buddhism, bardos are the different phases the deceased experience between dying and rebirth. It's a dream-like reality, created by the "awareness" (or a soul) that is freed from the body upon death. Because of the disconnect of the awareness from the physical body, the deceased doesn't immediately realize that he or she is dead. In the different bardo phases, the "awareness" needs guidance—from different deities, or, you know, guides (hello, Desmond)—to attain enlightenment, i.e., realize that they're dead. A karmic mirror (remember all those mirrors?) is held up to the deceased so that s/he can reflect and eventually recognize. Once this happens—and it can happen in any of the bardo phases, depending on how much emotional baggage a person has packed for the afterlife—the deceased achieves Nirvana, and can "move on." Depending on your belief system, this can be heaven, reincarnation, or some kind of simulated reality, like Eloise Hawking for herself and her son."
I just hate that you change you intended story because what people might think/figured out... And if you do... then don't go back to what you moved away from... just so to seem clever...
The writers kept saying it wasn't purgatory and then they of course had to recalibarate a you wrote... but then just leave that storyline alone...
I rewatched just over a year ago for the 3rd time, and now I am watching 'Chronologically LOST' which is awesome, as there are no flashbacks. Everything just occurs in a straight timeline, lol. It would be hilariously confusing for a first time viewer, but a grand experiment I'd love to see the results on for sure.
I'm not up to that point yet so I'm not sure how they fit that in, but it looks like the Season 6 flash sideways are set as 'Epilogue' Parts 1,2,3,4,5 etc.
It could be interesting watching season 6 without the flash sideway part... there would still be a lot I didn't like... but the most annoying part would be removed...
One thing that seemed ridiculous was how they all just accepted they were on an island. For all they knew, a major city was twenty miles down the coast and yet they never consider exploring.
At best, Sayid followed the beach until he found the cable in the sand. Jack went inland chasing ghosts and found the caves and the fresh water.
BUT none of them think: let's actually find out where the hell we are. Nah, let's just stay in the beach.
Even when they discover there are 'others' on the island, they still act like they're shipwrecked alone and should get used to drinking coconut milk.
And constantly went exploring around the island. Accepted they were on an island?! They were almost constantly looking to leave. Christ, Locke existed simply to stop them from leaving. Bizarre comment by that guy.
When?! The entire show. Are you watching the show while drunk? The raft, hatch, the submarine and Others base Locke blew up, the freighter - they were constantly building something or trying to take advantage of some piece of tech to communicate with the outside world.
The raft doesn't count because it happened at the end of the season? LOL, what kind of nonsense is this? It was the 2nd raft btw. Walt burned the first one.
Locke knocked out Sayid when he found out Sayid was trying to set up a means to attempt to communicate with the outside world.
Jack and Kate went into t he jungle on the first fucking day to look for the pilot. There are entire scenes and episodes throughout the show about how the background and supporting characters are unhappy the main guys and gals constantly go exploring.
You are flat out wrong, which is somewhat amazing considering your watching the show.
Are you retarded? I'm talking about when they arrived. The first raft was a month into their stay. THAT'S the point. They simply sat around doing nothing and accepted they were on an island without any intention of finding out more. I'm literally watching the show, you cretinous pudding. 😄
Episode 14 is the raft.
AFTER Sayid finds Rousseau
AFTER they found the hatch.
AFTER Claire is kidnapped.
AFTER they become aware of the 'others.'
Yet they have no desire to explore where they are AT ALL until much much later in the show!
It's literally the first thing any rational person would do.
They go to the plane for the transceiver. They have NO intention of continuing on. That's it. That's the extent of their exploration. Get a signal and yup, all out of ideas -- done.
At this point they don't even know how big the island is. Hell, for all they know, it could be a peninsula.
There could literally be a city the size of New York seven miles down the coast for all they know but they settle in, hunker down, accept their fate, and do nothing to escape their circumstances (until the raft a whole month later).
I am literally watching the show. That is what happens. Have a cry and move on.
And now Hurley is seeing the bald crazy imaginary dude.
It's been a while since I watched the show so I can't remember if these visions were ever explained or it was just passed off as weird stuff that happened on the island.
Dave appearing to Hurley was not explained but I think they were just random hallucinations as Dave was once Hurley´s imaginary friend when Hurley was institutionalised.
lol. There are definitely some plot holes. What Charlie says should be taken with a grain of salt. Like in Season 1, Charlie says he can´t swim when someone is drowning so Jack swims off to rescue the person and finds Boone instead. Later in a Season 3 flashback, Charlie is supposed to be some youth swimming champion which is why he is sent to The Looking Glass station in the finale.